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Daddy’s Doting Addiction by Spicy Tuna

Chapter 158
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Chapter 158

The man’s thin lips parted slightly, and there was a hint of slyness in his deep eyes. “There is only one

condition.” A few hours later, the new factory under Hough Corp’s name was operational. The transport

fleet transported the Shaw Pharmaceutical factory’s things in an orderly manner.

Jack also personally arranged for Sean to lead the team to help Uncle Zach and the others organize.

The team from Hough Corp was indeed efficient. In a very short period of time, they almost replicated

the original Shaw Pharmaceutical factory in the new factory.

Not only that, the new factory area was larger than the original, and the basic equipment was more


What was even better was that the location of this factory was excellent. It was next to a wide road.

There was a row of shop fronts on both sides of the road, which made it livelier than other factories.

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“Mister Daddy, please eat some ice cream! Thank you for accompanying me in shifting my factory.”

Holding two ice cream cones, Naomi bounced back to the limousine and handed one of them to Jack.

Jack glanced down. Cheap ice cream from a roadside stand was incompatible with a luxury car.

However, Naomi was holding the ice cream, and he suddenly wanted to taste it.

The next second, the man stretched out his hand but did not take the cone in Naomi’s right hand.

Instead, he lightly wrapped her left hand and leaned over suddenly to bully her. The man’s handsome

face suddenly enlarged in front of Naomi’s eyes. She was so frightened that her heart skipped a beat!

Naomi’s whole body’s blood seemed to freeze, and she stared stiffly as the man lowered his head and

took a bite of her ice cream. Afterward, Jack tasted the ice cream elegantly and gave his evaluation

slowly. “It’s pretty sweet.”

Seemingly commenting on the ice cream, the man’s deep eyes stared at Naomi’s lips.

Naomi only felt a burning sensation on her face, and she opened her mouth in confusion.

“I was eating that ice cream…”

“Why can’t I? Do you despise me?”

The man raised his eyebrows at first, and it made Naomi feel bad. “No…”

She hurriedly looked away, and the little mad rabbit in her heart began to jump again.

‘Is the limousine broken? Why doesn’t the air conditioner work at all?’

The man had a panoramic view of the little girl’s reaction, sneered mockingly, and reminded her in an

evil tone, “The ice cream is going to melt.” “Oops!” Naomi shouted in a hurry and hurriedly went to eat

ice cream.

At this moment, Sean and Uncle Zach walked toward them.

“Miss, everything is done, and only the signboard is left. Please write your inscription.” As Uncle Zach

spoke, he handed over the pen respectfully and solemnly.

This was a rule handed down from Jeremiah. The door signs were always handwritten by the family

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members. “Okay, I’ll do it.” At the entrance of the factory, Uncle Zach had already set up a table and

paper. Naomi thought for a while, then curved her lips and smiled. “It’s time to go back to what my

mother used to sign!” Speaking of it, Naomi waved her pen and signed on the paper in a flash.

“Your signature is sophisticated as always, Miss Naomi!” Sean said.

“Miss, maybe Mister Jack can sign as well.” Uncle Zach reminded her, and Naomi smiled and handed

the pen to Jack. “Uncle Daddy, you can sign too!” “Me?” Jack raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“Of course! You are now my husband, and Jeremiah’s family too. Of course we should have this

inscription!” Naomi had a smile on her face, but she felt a little desolate in her heart. Although she and

Uncle Daddy were destined to have no future, it was not too much to leave some memories, right?

Jack was slightly startled, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He liked the word ‘family’ very much.

Under the sun, the two of them smiled and healed. It was just that one was looking forward to the future

and the other was preparing to say goodbye.