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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 989
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Chapter 989

"You know what I mean, Mr. Taylor. Get to it. I eagerly await your good news." She hung up and turned

around only to see Clara staring at her. Shocked, she patted her chest exaggeratedly. "I didn't even

hear you come in. What are you, a cat?" Oh, sh*t. I didn't even realize she had come in. She could've

heard the whole call. Rylantha's face fell. "Did you hear anything?"

"Nothing at all," answered Clara. She wasn't that stupid as to say she heard half of it. "Just here for the

rest of my payment, Rylantha."

Rylantha could have just paid her the money online, but she didn't. There was a reason for it. She

wanted Clara to come all the way here so she could show off her wealth. Clara knew how much she

liked to brag about the money she had, but still, she came. Despite her being the older girl here, she

still felt inferior to Rylantha. It had always been this way, and Clara was used to it. Rylantha was born

on a silver platter, after all.

Rylantha rolled her eyes impatiently. "A second." She whipped a check out of her bag and handed it to

Clara haughtily. "Here."

"Thank you, Rylantha." Clara accepted it, a grin forming on her lips. She took a look at the amount

written on it, and she negotiated, "But this isn't enough. I need about seven million more."

"I thought we had a deal. This was not part of it." Rylantha looked at her like she was a filthy beggar.

"It's not, but neither is the risking my life part. Danny almost killed me. I think I'm eligible for some

recompense." Clara was a little particular when it came to money and deals.

Money was nothing but a string of numbers to Rylantha. She could spend any amount as long as she

could shut Clara up. She swiftly whipped out her checkbook and wrote a check for seven million and

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tore it down to toss it at Clara. "Take it. And not a word to anyone else."

Clara took it with a smile. "As long as you pay me. Call me if you have any more deals like this. See ya

around, cuz. Say hi to Uncle for me."

"Oh, I think he'd rather you stop embarrassing the family than say hi to him," Rylantha retorted with


Clara remained smiling, but only until she left the office. Then, all the smiles were wiped off her face

and it was replaced with a scowl. She muttered under her breath, "You ungrateful rich twat. Can't

believe you'd diss me after all I did to help you. F*cking ingrate, that's what you are. Two-faced, bratty

hypocrite. I'm no embarrassment. I make my own money, unlike you. I have a lot of boyfriends, but so

what? At least I'm hot, unlike you. No one's going to like your ugly *ss. All you have is wealth, and

that's thanks to your papa. Karma's gonna bite you in the *ss. Someday you'll be stripped of all your


She muttered under her breath all the way to the car park, then she got in her car and drove away.

Halfway through, she came to a crossroads and stopped in frustration at a red light. Bored, Clara

looked around, and then one particular car stopped beside hers— Danny's car.

Filled with the urge to tease him, Clara made an alluring pose and waved at Danny. "Hi, Dan Dan."

Danny swiftly turned his attention to her, his brows creased together in a frown of fury. If looks could

kill, Clara would have died.

Yet, she was unfazed. In fact, she was excited. "Oh, you're such a tease. Quit giving me that Tm-

gonna-gobble-you-up' look. I'm not the one who wanted to hurt you; Rylantha is. She set this up. I'm

just her pawn. Even if I hadn't taken her offer, someone else would. And aren't you glad I took the

offer? I'm hot and... skilled." Alright, Danny. Get angry at that b*tch. Take her down a peg or two for me.

I don't like her snotty attitude.

"So, you confess to being her accomplice, yet you have the gall to ask for a smile?" Danny felt nothing

but fury at her.

"Never asked for a smile. Besides, you'd look ugly if you smiled. I think you look cute when you stare

daggers at me." Clara was unpredictable. One moment, she'd desire one thing, but the next, she'd

make an opposite request.

It was then someone honked at her. Oh, it's already green. She stuck her head out the window and

shouted, "Oh, stop honking, killjoys. I'm chatting my lover boy up here."

Then she revved the engine and was about to leave. But right before that, she remembered something

and turned around. "Whoops. Almost forgot. I think Rylantha said she was going to set Ariel up with the

guy she sent in and pull another you-and- me. If you want to, you can still stop Ariel, but if you let this

chance slip, she's going to sleep with someone else again. Well, gotta run. A vacation abroad awaits.


She drove away into the distance, and Danny quickly drove to his company. But midway through, he

slammed down on the brakes and stopped at the wayside. He was reminded of the advice the stranger

at the bar gave him. If this works, Ariel and I will have the chance to patch things up. All I have to do

is... nothing, but if I stop them now, all I will achieve is getting in the way of Rylantha's plans. Nothing

will change. I... I'll let this go on. For my sake.

Zephyr entered the antique house. The moment he passed by the staircase, he felt something

whooshing toward him. Quickly, the doctor moved aside and caught the hidden weapon that rained

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down on him. Raising his head, he saw Irvin standing on top of the stairs, staring at him inscrutably.

"That's what you get for attacking my sister," said Irvin coldly.

"Ah, so you're taking revenge for her. You're a good brother, but you're a bit on the weaker side. If this

is your trump card, then I'm sorry to say you have failed," answered Zephyr confidently.

A smirk curled Irvin's lips, and he returned to his room.

Filled with questions, Zephyr opened his hand. To his surprise, this pebble he caught was covered in a

layer of powder, and his hand was turning green because of it. Yet he smiled. No, he was not angry at

all. Instead, he felt a modicum of delight leaping in his heart. "I fell for it." It's been a long time since

someone tripped me up, and now a kid did it.

Elise emerged from the kitchen, and the sight of Zephyr's hand shocked her. "Are you alright, Dr.


"It's nothing. Just a little prank." Zephyr smiled. "You have a smart son."

"You're not the only one to say that." Elise was starting to grow a little tired of that praise, though she

felt proud nonetheless.

Zephyr paused for a moment, and then he smiled once more. Well, someone's proud.

It was then Narissa and Jamie entered the scene, hand in hand. The moment Narissa saw Zephyr, she

rolled her eyes, and her mood was mined.

Zephyr hid his afflicted hand behind his back and wore a mischievous smirk. Of course, it was done to

get on Narissa's nerves. They were nemeses after all. Every meeting would turn into a battle.

"Oh, fancy seeing you two coming here together," said Elise.

"I was going to pick the doctor up and bring him to Alicia. Narissa said she wanted to hang out with

you, so I gave her a lift."