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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 977
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Chapter 977

"Back off! I’ll kill him if you don't."

As Paul was held hostage, Jamie and the rest of the group had scruples, so they had no choice but to

make way for the pair.

Gale abducted Paul to a lawn with an open view and high terrain, and the guests could only watch in


The police, who were waiting to arrest Gale, surrounded the hill, along with the guests. All of them were

trying to persuade Gale to plead guilty.

"Mr. Myres, let's talk. We can work it out. Don't burn your bridges."

"Gale Myres, you can't continue like this. Surrender now and you can avoid a death sentence."

"Gale, today is supposed to be a good day. Don't do anything you might regret.!

Their voices became indistinguishable as many people were speaking at once.

Gale kept looking down at his watch. Not only did he ignore their advice, he even yelled at them in

frustration. "Shut up! You think of nothing but your interests. I have seen right through you. You want

me arrested so you can take credit for it and get on Napoleon's good side, right? Do you think I'm your

stepping stone to climbing the social ladder? Dream on!"Flattering the superiors and exploiting the

inferiors was a phenomenon in high society, and

Gale was accustomed to it. Thus, he could tell what the others had in mind.

He wouldn't give them the chance to humiliate him.

His words managed to shut most people up and put the atmosphere in a stalemate.

Watching the cornered man, Narissa recalled their old times together and felt a pang of pain in her

heart. "Gale, you can stop this right now. It’s not too late to plead guilty. As long as you realize your

mistakes, I'll get you the best lawyer. He'll try his best to minimize your sentence."

However, her words fell on deaf ears as Gale shook his head. "I won't stop. You're free to be a canary

and willingly get kept in the cage, but you can't force me to change. I'm an eagle! I deserve to explore

my ambitions in the vast sky. But now, I haven't made it to the top and made my name in the world.

Right now, nobody has the right to judge me."

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At that moment, a roar approached them. All of them looked up at the sky and saw a helicopter closing

in, which eventually hovered over Gale.

Overjoyed to see it, he shouted triumphantly at the crowd, "See that? My helper has arrived. It can only

mean one thing—I'm too young to be trapped behind bars."

Soon, the helicopter descended and hovered two feet off the ground. The cabin door slid open and the

contact poked his head out before waving at Gale. "Mr. Myres, over here!"

Using Paul as his shield, Gale dragged him in the direction of the helicopter.

As expected, when the police noticed his attempt to run away, they drew out their guns and rushed


Gale took the knife from his companion and pulled it down Paul's arm without hesitation. "One more

step and I'll kill him right now."

His words gave the police pause as those who rushed forward a while ago retreated to their original


The moment they put their guns down, Gale shoved Paul to the ground before turning around and

jumping into the cabin.

The change in situation alerted the police and they immediately fired shots to stop him. However, the

bullets only hit the cabin due to the distance between them, and the door slid closed before their eyes.

Then, the helicopter quickly ascended into the air, underlining Gale's escape.

In the end, the operation was a failure. The police had no choice but to send Paul to the hospital and

record the Cubers' statements before they left for the time being.

All the drama finally came to a close.

However, the guests were still scattered around the manor.

They didn't stay to discuss Gale. Instead, they were curious about the relationship between the Cuber

Family and the man in the poster, whose name was Jamie.

Also, the purpose of the engagement party piqued their curiosity. Was it a setup to capture Gale, or

was it an introduction to the new family member?

When the audience was having a heated discussion, Napoleon and his wife walked up to the stage. He

then explained the situation himself.

"Almost everyone here is a business associate of mine. As you all know, one has to abide by the law to

keep the longevity of the business. A person deserves punishment when he breaks the law, and this

will protect others' rights and interests. Gale has to suffer the consequences of his doings and it's

nobody's fault but his. I hope everyone can treat what happened a moment ago as a little incident and

not talk about it in the future ever again. You're all here today because I have an important

announcement, which is that my daughter found the love of her life. They're entering into marriage

today and will promise to live out their years together. Everyone, please welcome my daughter Narissa

Cuber, and her fiance, Jamie Keller to the stage. Now, it's time to hand over the stage to the bride and


Love and marriage would always be timeless topics people enjoyed. At that moment, the guests forgot

about the danger that happened earlier. Instead, they applauded and cheered for the pair.

Jamie and Narissa walked onstage with everyone's eyes on them. Hand in hand, they bowed in every

direction to show their gratitude to the guests.

As expected, some of the guests were cheering for something else. "What are you waiting for? Kiss


Jamie had done it a hundred times. Thus, he unhesitatingly cupped Narissa's face and pressed a kiss

on her lips.

The crowd was looking at a handsome man and a beautiful woman in their elegant outfits. The sight of

the couple kissing each other was greatly appreciated by the guests since it was heartwarming and


Elise was standing among the guests. She was sincerely happy for her best friend to find love.

However, a faint pang of envy was bothering her too.

She and Alexander were each other's first love, but she never experienced a wedding or something

similar as her friend did. It became the only thing she regretted in their relationship.

Meanwhile, Alexander seemingly read her mind. His long arms reached out and pulled her into his

embrace. "I promise you an engagement party and a wedding. We'll settle for nothing less. Both will be

grander and more magnificent than Narissa's."

Elise raised her gaze to gaze at him before wrapping her arms around him without a word.

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On stage, Napoleon watched in gladness and satisfaction as Narissa leaned against Jamie lovingly. As

happiness bloomed inside his heart, he decided to give away his company.

"I hereby announce that Jamie will take the position of acting president of Napoleon International Trade

Co. one week later. He will represent me in fully managing the company's affairs."

This meant that Jamie would have full control over the Cuber

Family's business in the future.

Just like that, Napoleon gave out his entire assets as a wedding gift, indicating he was satisfied with

Jamie as his son-in-law.

It was a huge contrast to his attitude two days ago.

After Jamie took Irvin's medicine, he was asleep for three whole days. Once he woke up, he went to

see Napoleon with Narissa in tow and asked the man for his daughter's hand.

At first, Napoleon disapproved of it. He wasn't satisfied with the Keller Family either. However, when he

learned Jamie was one of Elise's friends, he immediately changed his mind and approved of the


He said, "If Elise was the one who wanted to marry you, I won't even hesitate and will immediately hold

a wedding for you, let alone her friend."

Elise was indeed a charming woman. In Napoleon and Narissa's opinions, she was more dependable

than most men.

After Napoleon gave them his blessing, Jamie was immediately surrounded by the guests when he

walked off the stage. Everyone was trying to make his acquaintance.

Narissa was shouldered out by the crowd. Watching the crowd overwhelming Jamie with their

presence, she walked away to seek Elise out without even bothering to give Jamie a hand.

As soon as she joined Elise, her father caught up with her and dragged Alexander aside for a drink.

"Come here, buddy. We didn't get to drink all we wanted last time. Let's get drunk today!"

Narissa couldn't suppress her surprise. "What did my father just call him?"

Seeing her father acknowledging her best friend's husband as a friend, a question occurred to her and

she questioned, "What should I call you, then? Mrs. Griffith?"

It brought Elise up a rank.

Elise couldn't stop laughing at that. "Just keep it the same."