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Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle

Chapter 328
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Cherished By Seven Sisters

Chapter 328 Heavenly Pilferer Sect

Karina’s presence seemed to fill Emrys with a glimmer of hope.

+10 pearls

Her curiosity was piqued as she observed Emrys. “It’s quite puzzling, really. Didn’t your mentor share

anything with you over the years? It’s baffling.”

Emrys, clearly frustrated, replied, “He was always a bit of a maverick, using my creations for his own

financial gain without even giving me a heads up.”

With a sigh, Karina began to unravel the mystery. “Okay, I’ll answer your questions. To be honest, I’m

just as clueless about the precise location of our sect as you are. My mentor never saw fit to enlighten

me. And since you, his direct disciple, have no idea where he is, how am I supposed to know?”

Emrys, feeling somewhat deflated, couldn’t help but wonder, Did you actually provide any answers to

my questions?

Noticing Emrys’ crestfallen look, Karina couldn’t resist a smug smile. “However, there is a silver lining. I

do know the name of our sect!”

Eagerly, Emrys leaned in. “And what might that be?”

“The Heavenly Pilferer Sect,” Karina revealed.

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Puzzled, Emrys repeated, “The Heavenly Preserver Sect?”

“Yes, exactly. We are the masters of pilfering celestial secrets –

the Heavenly Pilferer Sect.”

Emrys, his imagination ignited, exclaimed, “What a noble and distinguished motto! Our sect must surely

be renowned far and wide!”

Karina’s face twisted slightly at his words, her tone tinged with irony. “Noble and distinguished? I can’t

say I feel the same. In fact, it’s somewhat embarrassing. Even my mentor advised caution, warning that

our sect, often mockingly referred to as the ‘Petty Pilfers Sect,’ shouldn’t be disclosed carelessly, lest

we become targets.”

Emrys’ enthusiasm dimmed momentarily. “It’s just sheer envy, nothing more. The world is full of people

begrudging our success, just like those spiteful naysayers who revel in leaving negative feedback.”

Puzzled, Karina inquired, “What do you mean by ‘leaving negative feedback”?”

Emrys waved off the question. “It’s not important. What matters is that the more they envy us, the

brighter our sect’s future becomes. The Heavenly Pilferer Sect… it stirs something within me.”

Emrys reveled in the prestige of the sect’s name, despite the irony that surrounded it.

He found himself perplexed by his mentor’s insistence on keeping such an illustrious association


11:36 Wed, 31 Jan we.

Chapter 328 Heavenly…


+10 pearls


After spending a decade within the monastery’s quiet walls, the lack of disclosure from his mentor left

him questioning the trust between them..

Karina observed Emrys, who appeared quite self-satisfied with the sect’s title. She couldn’t help but

think there was a flaw in his reasoning, considering the name “Heavenly Pilferer Sect” to be of any

significant esteem.

Shouldn’t he be ashamed of it? she wondered.

Snapped back to reality from his musings on the sect, Emrys cast a sly look toward Karina. “Not to

point fingers, Karina, but it seems you haven’t quite kept up with the times, have you?”

“Kept up? You’re talking nonsense!” Karina retorted, standing on her toes and gesturing first above her

head and then just over Emrys’ ear. “Explain to me, where exactly is this lack of progress?”

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“Were we discussing stature?” Emrys prodded further, with an innocent air.


Caught off-guard, Karina glanced down, her gaze landing on her modest frame, her expression

clouding over for a moment.

Karina understood what Emrys was implying. A slight furrow appeared between her eyebrows, but she

retorted, “And what do you know? My mentor sees this as a gift. Unlike Caylie, I wouldn’t find myself in

difficult situations because of… physical limitations!”

“Flat is just flat, no need for explanations.”

“I am exceptionally well-endowed, I want you to know!”

“It’s flat.”

With a playful remark, Emrys reached out to gently poke her, trying to make her face reality and

encouraging her to embrace her natural self without hesitation.

Karina’s demeanor suddenly changed, her face becoming serious. “I have declared myself well-

endowed, and that’s final. Say another word, and I swear, Rys, I’ll have your head!” she threatened,

adopting the posture of a fierce warrior as she moved towards Emrys.

In her hand appeared a strange bell, which she shook vigorously, releasing a wave of demonic energy

towards Emrys.

Cherished By Seven Sisters