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Chasing The Rejected

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98 -CLARA- Σ 59% 1 I sat down next to Damon and drew reassuring circles on the back of his palm with my head on his shoulder as we waited for a verdict on his mother's sudden unconsciousness.

She was being treated by the house doctor who I cto realize stayed in the Alpha King's mansion.

"I'm okay, Clara,” Damon murmured, then smiled before placing a kiss on my lips.

"It's okay if you're worried, Damon. I know you are care" I murmured back and he pursed his lips then said nothing after that.

"Where's mother?!" I turned towards the voice and saw Delilah walking into the house with her luggage being dragged behind her.

I didn't miss the way Luca was about to get up from his seat and go to her but he was able to control himself She walked towards us and I immediately stood up to hug her.

"How's my mother? Is she okay?" She questioned and I sighed.

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"Your father hasn't cout of the room yet and neither has the doctor. We are still waiting for the verdict" I replied and she sighed as we pulled away from the hug "You said she fainted just like that?" She questionedand I nodded. With the way she exchanged glances with Damon, that indicated that this had happened before.

"You don't think..." Before Delilah could complete her sentence, the doctor and the Alpha King walked out of the room and with the solemn look on the Alpha King's face, whatever was about to be said wasn't going to be good, "Your mother has relapsed" The Alpha King uttered and Delilah gasped while Damon stayed quiet although I saw the way he clenched his jaw.

"So what now? Can you help her?" Delilah questioned the doctor who shook his head with a sigh.

"I'm just a doctor, I don't create herbs or medicine that can help her case. I'll do everything in my power to help as much as I can. If you'll excuse me, I'll go get sof my equipment back at the hospital" The doctor uttered then bowed his head at everyone before walking away.

"What do we do? Where can we find an herbalist that can help her? The only person that could was Alicia and..." Delilah suddenly stopped talking then turned to Damon who was staring at the ground.

Everything suddenly started clicking into place. That girl Damon and his brother had fought over was Alicia and the reason why they had to take her death was because the Alpha King, would have never let her go because she was busy treating the Queen Luna.

"I'll find an herbalist" Damon muttered then stood up from the couch and was about to walk away when I spoke up.

"I can treat her" I uttered and they all immediately turned to me. They all had a surprised f k on their face as they stared at me.

"You... you can?" Damon questioned a little unsurely and I nodded.

"I used to treat a lot of sick wolves back in my old pack. I even treated the Alpha but he ultimately died because his sickness was incurable" I told them and Damon marched up toand grabbed my hands.

"Why hadn't you toldthis before? He questioned and I shrugged.

1/3 12:09 Tue, 2 Jul Chapter 98 "Didn't see the need to. I'm willing to help in whatever way I can" I murmured and he smiled at me.

"Are you sure about this? Are you sure you can do it?" He questioned and I frowned.

59% "Are you doubting me? As long as you have all the herbs I need, I can make medicine for her. I need to know what sickness she has though. Is it curable?" I questione then glanced around.

"We don't know what sickness she has. The doctors were never able to find out but I'm sure it's curable. We just haven't found the right herb or medicine but I believe in you, Clara" Damon murmured then leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Where do you keep your herbs and can you tellwhat symptoms she has? Takeback to the first tshe discovered she was sick" | murmured and the Alpha King was the one who toldthe story instead and I realized how serious her sickness actually was.

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Apparently she had it even before she got pregnant with Damon, After hearing all about the sickness, I was taken to a storage room where all their herbs were kept and I couldn't help but gasp in awe at all the unique and rare herbs they had. What did I expect anyway? This was the Alpha king's herbs' storage room, of course he had everything.

"I can make the medicine, I've seen all the herbs I need" I murmured as I turned back to them and the Alpha King nodded.

"How soon can you start the treatment?" He questioned.

"As soon as I'm done making the medicine, the treatment starts" I uttered and he nodded before walking towardsand grabbing my hand.

"If you end up healing my wife, not only I but the entire wolf clan would be indebted to you The Alphacking uttered and I smiled slightly then watched as he walked away, probably going to be by his wife's side, then turned to Damon who had a proud smile on his face. He opened his arms wide and I immediately ran into it.

"You have many talents, Clara. I would have never guessed you knew how to make medicine" Delilah muttered and I shrugged.

"I dabbled in it because I didn't want to feel indebted to anyone although I got hated on because of it though. Many people calleda nerd and made fun ofI murmured and she scoffed.

"They were just jealous. I wish I could concoct medicine. How cool would I have been but then again, I can't be too perfect, cand? I go hand drop my luggage then be right back to watch you, okay?" Delilah uttered then blewa kiss before walking away and I noticed the way Luca slipped away and followed her. "I know you're going to makeproud, Clara and I'll be with you every step of the way. I'll be your little assistant" He volunteered and I snorted "Nothing about you is little" I murmure d and he grinned.

"And that's why you love"Unfortunately"...