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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 94
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Chapter 94

Malcolm glanced at him and uttered indifferently, “You've worked hard even on your holiday this year. Ill get you

a new car when you start work. You can choose whichever car model you like.”

The car Saul was driving now was actually pretty good, but men like cars. No one would refuse if they could own

a better one.

Saul immediately straightened his back. “I promise to complete the mission!”

Saul was someone who got right on the job. He immediately ran to Tabitha’s room and casually found an excuse

to drive Emmanuel away. Then, he began to care about Tabitha's health.

Tabitha felt that Saul was a bit weird today. She looked at him and asked, “Saul, is there anything you want to

ask me?”

Saul looked at the plants on the bedside table. “Mrs. Sinclair, I've raised succulents before. | know they like

sunlight. I'll help you move them to the balcony and get ssunlight, okay?”

Although Tabitha felt that Saul was a little strange today, she happened to plan to move the succulents out, so

she thanked him smilingly, “Thank you, Saul.”

“You're welcome, Mrs. Sinclair.” Saul stretched out his arm and picked up all the six pots of succulents at the

stime. It looked a little dangerous.

Tabitha got a bit nervous. “Saul, there's no need to hurry. Just carry the pots one by one...”

Before she could finish her words, the pots of plants fell out of Saul’s hands. The small porcelain pots of

succulents were all smashed into pieces, whereas the soil was splashed on the ground.


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Tabitha looked totally speechless.

Saul looked smart, but he was so careless while doing his job.

“I'm sorry, Mrs. Sinclair. | didn’t mean it.” While apologizing, Saul went to get a broom and cleaned up the mess.

Soon, he swept all the trash into the trash can.

Now, there was nothing Tabitha could do, even if she had planned to change the pots and replant them.

Despite cleaning with a serious face while standing upright in his suit and leather shoes, Saul blended in well. He

carefully cleaned up all the debris. “Mrs. Sinclair, I'm really sorry for today,” he stated solemnly. “I'll compensate


Tabitha smiled gently. “It doesn’t matter. They're not particularly valuable.”

Nevertheless, Saul, who was in his businessman nature, brought back new succulents that very day. He was

followed by a dozen people, each holding two or three pots of succulents. There were at least 40 to 50 pots.

Tabitha was dumbfounded. “I said it doesn’t matter...”

“Of course it does!” Saul insisted on explaining. “Mr. Sinclair got a bit angry when he heard that | broke your

things. He askedto find you several identical pots anyway. But | only remember a pot of stonecrop, and |

can’t recall the rest. Thus, | just bought more, thinking that somehow there will be sidentical ones.”

He pointed at the plants piled up in the corner enthusiastically. “Although Mr. Malcolm Sinclair can’t move around

much, these were all carefully selected by him through video calls. Do you like them? They're not worse than

those gifted by Mr. Emmanuel Sinclair, right?”

Tabitha followed the direction Saul pointed and looked over.


Chapter 94

The balcony, the bedside table, and even the corners were filled with. succulents. There was no extra space at


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She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She nodded. “They're quite cute.”

Saul went back to report to Malcolm happily. “Mr. Sinclair, | not only replaced the old ones but also bought

dozens of succulents to occupy Mrs. Sinclair's ward. | guarantee that when Mr. Emmanuel Sinclair visits her

again, there will be no room to place his succulents.”

on an urgents

Malcolm was working and looked up at him.

Saul couldn't make out whether Malcolm was pleased or annoyed with his action. He instantly felt nervous. “Mr.

Sinclair, do you think I've bought too many?”

However, Malcolm seemed to be suddenly discouraged. He waved his hand. “It’s okay. You can go back first.”

Saul walked out of the ward and wiped his non-existent cold sweat.

‘Mr. Sinclair looked so scary just now. What on earth did | say that triggered his pain?’ Saul wondered.

Malcolm put down the document and massaged his eyebrows wearily.

He picked the succulents himself, and Tabitha accepted them.

Furthermore, they hadn't divorced yet. So he couldn't be regarded as her


Tabitha was hospitalized for more than half a month and recovered a bit. Lorelai visited her with sbeetroot


Lorelai said, “Manny said you were in poor health and needed more rest, so he forbadeto visit you. | only

dare to cand see you after he has been discharged.”

Lorelai apologized in fear, “I'm really sorry. If you hadn't cto our


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house for dinner that day, this would not have happened. Manny's father really can’t be forgiven!”

Before Tabitha could say something, Lorelai began to cry first.

Tabitha hurriedly comforted her, “It doesn’t matter. The incident hast passed.”

“It won't pass.” Lorelai cried more and more sadly. “I married a scumbag and should have righted my wrongs

back then. But every the made a mistake, he promised that he would change and even kneeled to me... It

was my fault. | forgave him again and again, only for him to harm Manny instead.”

She added, “That scumbag owed so much money and ran away alone secretly. John and his men ctofor

money. I'm just a woman, so | tried to hide, but Manny was caught by them.”

Tabitha sympathized with Emmanuel a bit.

Emmanuel was 13 at that time, so he was more terrified than the adults.

“I thought that John and his men wouldn't do anything to a child, no matter how frenzied they were. However,

they cut off Manny's finger. He screamed so loudly and painfully that | was too scared to go save him.” Lorelai

cried until she was out of breath. She repeatedly told her regretful feelings.

Lorelai added, “I can never forget that | was watching an opera that day. When Manny's finger was cut off, it

happened to be the scene where Orpheus ventured to the land of the dead to bring Eurydice back to life. But |

could only stay on my spot and see his finger being cut off. | didn’t dare to go forward...”

Tabitha was shocked and thought, ‘It’s opera!”

She suddenly recalled an important detail. When the bug was with Naomi,

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she had heard a part of the opera.

It sounded like the story of “Orpheus and Eurydice!”