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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56

A faint sense of guilt lingered in Malcolm’s heart. He was unwilling to continue the conversation with Emmanuel,

coupled with an

uncontrollable restlessness.

Alaric was happy to see Malcolm when he returned.

“Malcolm is back?” he asked.

Malcolm nodded and replied, “Most of the matters in Quilton have been sorted out.”

Alaric then turned to look at Emmanuel. His gaze darkened a little.

“Manny is here too?” he asked.

“I have just returned from overseas. I'm here to visit you,” Emmanuel replied.

Emmanuel smiled and took out a finely wrapped gift box as he said, “The weather has turned cold. Mother made

this knee warmer herself. She askedto bring it for you, Granddad.”

Alaric frowned slightly at the thought of Lorelai’s tearful temper, but he didn’t show excessive coldness. He then

reached out his hand and

accepted the gift.

“How's her health lately?” he asked.

“She is doing well. She askedto convey her regards to you, Granddad,” Emmanuel replied.

“Thank you,” Alaric replied. He let out a sigh and said nothing more.

Emmanuel maintained a gentle demeanor even though he received a cold reception. He shifted his gaze to the

nearby chessboard and smiled.


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Chapter 56

“I had nothing to do just now and took a look at your chessboard, Granddad. | find your chess skills

remarkable...” he said.

Emmanuel then pointed out sexquisite moves.

Alaric was surprised and asked, “You know how to play chess?”

“I becfriends with someone abroad who knows a lot about chess. | learned a little from him. | managed to

win a few times while playing with him. | wonder how I'd do against you, Granddad,” Emmanuel said, seemingly


Alaric liked to play chess, so he couldn't help saying, “Come, play a few rounds with me, and we'll see.”

Malcolm knew that Emmanuel was trying to please Alaric and could vaguely guess his intentions. His gaze

landed briefly on the gift box before slightly looking away.

Emmanuel’s chess skills were decent. He won one out of three games against Alaric.

“Granddad’s maneuvers held such subtlety and depth. I truly admire your remarkable strategies,” Emmanuel


Alaric was in a good mood. He could tell Emmanuel was good at chess, yet he gracefully lost three games while

barely securing one.

‘Emmanuel is a capable and shrewd lad, but it’s a pity... Alaric thought to himself.

Alaric seemed to recall something, his gaze darkened for a moment, and then he smiled again and said, “It’s

getting late. You should stay for dinner, Manny.”

Emmanuel was also pleased. “Sure, Granddad,” he replied.

In response to Alaric’s order, the kitchen quickly prepared a sumptuous.


Chapter 56



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dinner, and soon everyone was at the table.

Tabitha was weak, so she lagged behind and arrived at the table last.

The dining table was rectangular. Emmanuel sat to Alaric’s left, and the seat to Alaric’s right was empty.

Malcolm sat in the second seat on the right.

Tabitha considered sitting at Emmanuel’s side, but Alaric said, “Tabby, csit beside me.”

Tabitha had no choice but to bite the bullet. She walked over and sat


She didn’t know if it was intentional or not, but her seat was small. She moved closer to Malcolm's side for fear

of bumping into Alaric.

Tabitha ate like she was on pins and needles throughout the meal.

Suddenly, Malcolm's elbow accidentally touched her arm.

Tabitha immediately moved aside.

Malcolm paused for a moment. He recalled the scene earlier when Pipsqueak had called him a bad guy, leaving a

subtle uneasiness in his


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Tabitha believed that she was pregnant with his child, yet he had repeatedly denied it. His behavior was truly


Malcolm could understand why she would hold a grudge..

So he took his fork and put a piece of fish fillet into Tabitha’s bowl.

Alaric looked over in surprise and showed a satisfied expression. “Eat more meat, Tabby. You're too thin,” he


The strong smell of fish made Tabitha uncomfortable. However, she didn’t



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Chapter 56

want to embarrass Malcolm in front of Alaric and the others.

She thanked him calmly, “Thank you.”

Her gratitude seemed to encourage Malcolm even more. Tabitha rarely ate meat, either. He was concerned about

her health, so he occasionally served her smeat.

While Alaric’s expression becincreasingly gentle, Tabitha’s expression grew darker.

She wondered, ‘Is Malcolm doing this on purpose?”