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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 111
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Chapter 111

Under Alaric’s stern and aged gaze, Malcolm sensed a subtle tremor in his heart. Instinctively, he clarified, “I

won't pursue any further connection with her. | was merely testing her earlier.”

Naomi miscarried and framed Tabitha, then immediately reported to the police, leaving everyone astonished.

Naomi alone could not have carried out this series of actions.

Macontinued to explain that, unfortunately, the intricate and

complex forces behind her had repeatedly thwarted Donovan's attempts to trace them. The leads were

intercepted swiftly, making further progress. currently impossible.

The person behind Naomi was incredibly familiar with the Sinclair family, almost as if they knew it inside out.

However, when investigating Emmanuel, they only discovered his significant influence abroad, with everything

else appearing clean and clear.

Malcolm had no choice but to temporarily restrain himself, hoping to extract sinformation from Naomi to

gain insight into the situation.

After hearing Malcolm's explanation, Alaric furrowed his brow even tighter.

“Grandpa, please believe me. | will definitely seek justice for Tabitha and make amends for her!” Malcolm


Alaric recalled Tabitha’s frail and pallid appearance, He suddenly found Malcolm's promise inconsequential and

dismissively waved his hand.

“Fine, go ahead and investigate,” Alaric relented.

In the recent series of incidents involving Tabitha, overwhelmed with sorrow and anger, Alaric also fell ill and was

admitted to the hospital.

However, he kept this information from reaching Tabitha to prevent her from worrying and feeling distressed.


Chapter Ill


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To show filial piety, Emmanuel visited the hospital almost every day to see Alaric and took the opportunity to

check on Tabitha as well.

His heart eased when observing her condition improving day by day.

Despite denying any romantic feelings for Tabitha, it didn’t prevent him from trying to gain favor in her presence.

That day, after engaging in two rounds of chess with Alaric at the hospital, he appeared somewhat distracted.

“Grandfather, you must be tired. Take a good rest. I'll take my leave,” Emmanuel said.

“Where are you going?” Alaric’s keen eyes seemed to have seen through Emmanuel. His tone was commanding.

“Tabby has just recovered from a serious illness. She needs rest, so don’t disturb her too often.”

Emmanuel’s face bore a gentle smile, and his hazel eyes stayed calm as he said, “Grandpa, | am friends with

Tabitha. I'll keep my visit brief, and I'll make sure not to disturb her rest.”

Alaric felt disturbed observing his indifferent demeanor and coldly grunted, “I know Tabby is wonderful, and it's

understandable if you like her. But you need to be clear that she is your cousin. You shouldn't entertain any

inappropriate thoughts. Keep yourself in check!”

In the past, Alaric had been subtle in his warnings. This time, however, he directly addressed the issue, instantly

causing Emmanuel to display a face of embarrassment.

“Grandpa, is there smisunderstanding? Tabitha and I are truly just ordinary friends,” Emmanuel clarified.

“You better remember what you just said,” Alaric declared in a cold tone. “Regardless of Tabby’s charm, she’s not

someone for you to harbor thoughts about. That rascal Malcolm has been making progress lately, and their

marital relationship is on the mend. | won't tolerate any attempts from you to disrupt them.”


Chapter Ill

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Emmanuel had to reassure Alaric multiple times that he harbored no romantic intentions toward Tabitha before

Alaric finally put the matter to


. However, Emmanuel’s act dropped instantly after he stepped out of the


As Alaric’s daughter-in-law, even when Tabitha attracted sunwanted attention for no apparent reason.

Rather than placing blon her, Alaric consistently defended her and, in doing so, took the chance to express

his disdain for Malcolm.

Alaric’s words further cemented Emmanuel’s judgment that Tabitha and Malcolm must divorce.

During Emmanuel’s teenage years, his grandfather sent him overseas for academic pursuits and, incidentally, to

attend to longstanding family


Navigating life abroad wasn’t easy, but Emmanuel had long mastered the art of wearing a mask. He effortlessly

conveyed the image of a gentle, harmless, refined young gentleman, charming everyone around him.

Due to his frequent smiles, he appeared exceedingly gentle, yet the more amiably he smiled, the more

calculating his mind became.

Even in his current state of an expressionless face, which emitted a chilling and ominous vibe, it was evident that

his emotions had been stirred.

As Emmanuel reached the end of the secure corridor, a bodyguard promptly stepped forward and respectfully

stated, “Mr. Sinclair, here is what you requested.”

It turned out to be a bouquet of dried flowers, meticulously processed to eliminate pollen and fragrance, yet

retaining a vivid appearance that mimicked freshly picked blooms.

Emmanuel accepted it, waving lazily, and the bodyguard promptly left.

Chapter 111


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Today, Tabitha was in high spirits. As the torrential rain abruptly subsided, the air outside becexceptionally

fresh. She decided to take a stroll on. the downstairs lawn.

Emmanuel knocked on the door and entered, greeted her with a smile, “Good afternoon, Tabitha. Have you had

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your lunch?”

“I've caten,” Tabitha replied. She was well aware that Emmanuel was the driving force behind Naomi, and each

tshe saw him, she couldn't help but bristle with discomfort.

But Trevor had made no progress so far, leaving her no choice but to temporarily suppress the hatred in her

heart and patiently deal with the situation.

“This is for you,” Emmanuel said.

Emmanuel handed her the bouquet of dried sunflowers. “I specially ordered this dried sunflower bouquet, no

pollen, no fragrance. It won't have any impact on your health.”

But flowers that had lost their scent were akin to losing their soul.

Tabitha felt weary, yet she graciously and sincerely accepted the dried flowers, saying, “They are beautiful.”

“Sunflowers are like little suns, representing vitality and energy,” Emmanuel said.

Since receiving a gift from Tabitha, Emmanuel suspected she,might be somewhat superstitious. Therefore, he

racked his brains to cup with sauspicious words. “This type of flower brings good luck. If you place it in

your hospital room, I'm sure it will help speed up your recovery.”


Tabitha’s lips formed a gentle curve as she smiled and said, “Thank you.”

After the

unexpected miscarriage, her entire demeanor underwent a significant change, resembling an elusive frost


A flower that appeared foreign from a distance yet melted when


Chapter 111


approached too closely, a flower that was clusive and impossible to grasp. [x
