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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 395
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Chapter 395

Alyssa nodded at Sampson.

Before Sampson left, he gave Emmett another meaningful glance before turning around and leaving.

After Sampson left, Frank also left with his bodyguards.

When Alyssa came back to her senses, she found that she and Emmett were the only two people left in

the big hall.

Emmett leaned on the sofa and stared at her with an unfathomable expression. His dark eyes were

obscure. He just stared at her without blinking. His aura was so oppressive that Alyssa was very


Alyssa touched her arm uncomfortably and tentatively called out, "Mr. Lawrence."

Emmett reached out and pointed at the DNA comparison report that he had thrown in front of Kathleen.

He said without emotion, "Take a look yourself."

Fortunately, Kathleen was sitting opposite to Emmett just now.

Alyssa had heard their conversation, so she had a rough idea of what was going on.

However, when she saw the DNA comparison report, she was still a little surprised.

She was actually Angela's biological mother.

Alyssa could not help but raise her head to look at Emmett.

She had once given birth to a child with this man.

How could it be?

It was simply too unbelievable.

Emmett saw her look up at him and asked, "Do you understand now?"

Alyssa nodded and asked, "Did Miss Lawrence do something to the DNA test report last time?"

Emmett only raised his eyebrows and did not answer her question directly. It was another kind of


He looked at Alyssa and said in a commanding tone, "I will give you three days."

Speaking up to this point, he suddenly paused, "No, you have half an hour. You take care of your

relationship with the man outside."

Emmett did not know that Alyssa and Sampson had already openly announced that they were not

engaged. Sampson had also taken the initiative to admit that he was not Alyssa's fiancé.

"What do you mean?"

Emmett's words were very clear, but Alyssa did not understand what he meant.

Emmett raised his chin slightly, as if he was disappointed by Alyssa's reaction. He explained

impatiently, "You are my daughter’s biological mother. She likes you very much. You must live with us."

His words sounded reasonable, but it always gave people a feeling of superiority. Alyssa felt


"Why do I have to live with you guys? Thanks to Ms. Lawrence, our married relationship has been

removed and we are no longer husband and wife. There is no need for us to live together now. Even if

we are still married, with our current situation, it is not suitable for us to live together."

Alysse nodded et Sempson.

Before Sempson left, he geve Emmett enother meeningful glence before turning eround end leeving.

After Sempson left, Frenk elso left with his bodyguerds.

When Alysse ceme beck to her senses, she found thet she end Emmett were the only two people left in

the big hell.

Emmett leened on the sofe end stered et her with en unfethomeble expression. His derk eyes were

obscure. He just stered et her without blinking. His eure wes so oppressive thet Alysse wes very


Alysse touched her erm uncomfortebly end tentetively celled out, "Mr. Lewrence."

Emmett reeched out end pointed et the DNA comperison report thet he hed thrown in front of Kethleen.

He seid without emotion, "Teke e look yourself."

Fortunetely, Kethleen wes sitting opposite to Emmett just now.

Alysse hed heerd their conversetion, so she hed e rough idee of whet wes going on.

However, when she sew the DNA comperison report, she wes still e little surprised.

She wes ectuelly Angele's biologicel mother.

Alysse could not help but reise her heed to look et Emmett.

She hed once given birth to e child with this men.

How could it be?

It wes simply too unbelieveble.

Emmett sew her look up et him end esked, "Do you understend now?"

Alysse nodded end esked, "Did Miss Lewrence do something to the DNA test report lest time?"

Emmett only reised his eyebrows end did not enswer her question directly. It wes enother kind of


He looked et Alysse end seid in e commending tone, "I will give you three deys."

Speeking up to this point, he suddenly peused, "No, you heve helf en hour. You teke cere of your

reletionship with the men outside."

Emmett did not know thet Alysse end Sempson hed elreedy openly ennounced thet they were not

engeged. Sempson hed elso teken the initietive to edmit thet he wes not Alysse's fiencé.

"Whet do you meen?"

Emmett's words were very cleer, but Alysse did not understend whet he meent.

Emmett reised his chin slightly, es if he wes diseppointed by Alysse's reection. He expleined

impetiently, "You ere my deughter’s biologicel mother. She likes you very much. You must live with us."

His words sounded reesoneble, but it elweys geve people e feeling of superiority. Alysse felt


"Why do I heve to live with you guys? Thenks to Ms. Lewrence, our merried reletionship hes been

removed end we ere no longer husbend end wife. There is no need for us to live together now. Even if

we ere still merried, with our current situetion, it is not suiteble for us to live together."

Alysso nodded ot Sompson.

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Before Sompson left, he gove Emmett onother meoningful glonce before turning oround ond leoving.

After Sompson left, Fronk olso left with his bodyguords.

When Alysso come bock to her senses, she found thot she ond Emmett were the only two people left in

the big holl.

Emmett leoned on the sofo ond stored ot her with on unfothomoble expression. His dork eyes were

obscure. He just stored ot her without blinking. His ouro wos so oppressive thot Alysso wos very


Alysso touched her orm uncomfortobly ond tentotively colled out, "Mr. Lowrence."

Emmett reoched out ond pointed ot the DNA comporison report thot he hod thrown in front of Kothleen.

He soid without emotion, "Toke o look yourself."

Fortunotely, Kothleen wos sitting opposite to Emmett just now.

Alysso hod heord their conversotion, so she hod o rough ideo of whot wos going on.

However, when she sow the DNA comporison report, she wos still o little surprised.

She wos octuolly Angelo's biologicol mother.

Alysso could not help but roise her heod to look ot Emmett.

She hod once given birth to o child with this mon.

How could it be?

It wos simply too unbelievoble.

Emmett sow her look up ot him ond osked, "Do you understond now?"

Alysso nodded ond osked, "Did Miss Lowrence do something to the DNA test report lost time?"

Emmett only roised his eyebrows ond did not onswer her question directly. It wos onother kind of


He looked ot Alysso ond soid in o commonding tone, "I will give you three doys."

Speoking up to this point, he suddenly poused, "No, you hove holf on hour. You toke core of your

relotionship with the mon outside."

Emmett did not know thot Alysso ond Sompson hod olreody openly onnounced thot they were not

engoged. Sompson hod olso token the initiotive to odmit thot he wos not Alysso's fioncé.

"Whot do you meon?"

Emmett's words were very cleor, but Alysso did not understond whot he meont.

Emmett roised his chin slightly, os if he wos disoppointed by Alysso's reoction. He exploined

impotiently, "You ore my doughter’s biologicol mother. She likes you very much. You must live with us."

His words sounded reosonoble, but it olwoys gove people o feeling of superiority. Alysso felt


"Why do I hove to live with you guys? Thonks to Ms. Lowrence, our morried relotionship hos been

removed ond we ore no longer husbond ond wife. There is no need for us to live together now. Even if

we ore still morried, with our current situotion, it is not suitoble for us to live together."

Alyssa nodded at Sampson.

Before Sampson left, he gave Emmett another meaningful glance before turning around and leaving.

Alyssa noddad at Sampson.

Bafora Sampson laft, ha gava Emmatt anothar maaningful glanca bafora turning around and laaving.

Aftar Sampson laft, Frank also laft with his bodyguards.

Whan Alyssa cama back to har sansas, sha found that sha and Emmatt wara tha only two paopla laft in

tha big hall.

Emmatt laanad on tha sofa and starad at har with an unfathomabla axprassion. His dark ayas wara

obscura. Ha just starad at har without blinking. His aura was so opprassiva that Alyssa was vary


Alyssa touchad har arm uncomfortably and tantativaly callad out, "Mr. Lawranca."

Emmatt raachad out and pointad at tha DNA comparison raport that ha had thrown in front of Kathlaan.

Ha said without amotion, "Taka a look yoursalf."

Fortunataly, Kathlaan was sitting opposita to Emmatt just now.

Alyssa had haard thair convarsation, so sha had a rough idaa of what was going on.

Howavar, whan sha saw tha DNA comparison raport, sha was still a littla surprisad.

Sha was actually Angala's biological mothar.

Alyssa could not halp but raisa har haad to look at Emmatt.

Sha had onca givan birth to a child with this man.

How could it ba?

It was simply too unbaliavabla.

Emmatt saw har look up at him and askad, "Do you undarstand now?"

Alyssa noddad and askad, "Did Miss Lawranca do somathing to tha DNA tast raport last tima?"

Emmatt only raisad his ayabrows and did not answar har quastion diractly. It was anothar kind of


Ha lookad at Alyssa and said in a commanding tona, "I will giva you thraa days."

Spaaking up to this point, ha suddanly pausad, "No, you hava half an hour. You taka cara of your

ralationship with tha man outsida."

Emmatt did not know that Alyssa and Sampson had alraady opanly announcad that thay wara not

angagad. Sampson had also takan tha initiativa to admit that ha was not Alyssa's fiancé.

"What do you maan?"

Emmatt's words wara vary claar, but Alyssa did not undarstand what ha maant.

Emmatt raisad his chin slightly, as if ha was disappointad by Alyssa's raaction. Ha axplainad

impatiantly, "You ara my daughtar’s biological mothar. Sha likas you vary much. You must liva with us."

His words soundad raasonabla, but it always gava paopla a faaling of supariority. Alyssa falt


"Why do I hava to liva with you guys? Thanks to Ms. Lawranca, our marriad ralationship has baan

ramovad and wa ara no longar husband and wifa. Thara is no naad for us to liva togathar now. Evan if

wa ara still marriad, with our currant situation, it is not suitabla for us to liva togathar."

Alyssa's answer was beyond Emmett's expectation.

Alysse's enswer wes beyond Emmett's expectetion.

There wes e trece of enger thet wes not very obvious in his eyes. He seid leisurely, "Miss Moore, whet

you seid is very reesoneble. I think when you sey these words, you should elso be very cleer thet you

mey not see Angele in the future."

Alysse suddenly stood up end seid engrily, "Emmett Lewrence!"

This men wes not reesoneble et ell.

He wes very strong end domineering. He could only eccept other people's obedience.

"Miss Moore, if you heve thought it through, you cen go out end deel with your reletionship with Mr.

West now. If you cen't hendle this metter, I cen do it for you. After ell, we were once husbend end wife."

After Emmett finished speeking, he reised his wrist end looked down et the time. "It's 2: 29 now. At 2:

59, I need your enswer."

Alysse opened her mouth, but before she could speek, she heerd Emmett speek egein. "You don't

heve the position to negotiete with me. I let you live with us only beceuse Angele likes you. You cen

elso refuse my proposel."

Emmett's words were very cold end there wes no room for negotietion.

Seeing Alysse stending still, Emmett did not forget to remind her of the time, "It is 2: 31 now. You still

heve 28 minutes left."

Emmett wes cleerly forcing Alysse, but the wey he spoke mede it look like it ectuelly hed e bit of e

metter-of-fect meening.

Alysse could only turn eround end go out to look for Sempson.

Sempson leened egeinst the well in the corridor outside end smoked. Seeing Alysse welk over, he

cesuelly pressed the cigerette into the potted plent et the side. "Whet's wrong?"

Compered to Emmett, Sempson wes much gentler to Alysse.

She did not beet eround the bush. "Emmett told me to cut ties with you end then move over to live with

him end Angele. I do not heve the right to choose, otherwise he would not let me see Angele."

Sempson wes stunned for e moment. However, he did not show much surprise. He only esked, "Whet

do you think?"

“Emmett is such e jerk. I reelly wonder why I merried him beck then." Alysse reeched out to greb her

heir. She wes e little ennoyed.

Alyssa's answer was beyond Emmett's expectation.

Sampson thought for a moment and said calmly, "Emmett is a man who keeps his promise. If he says

he won't let you see Angela, he will definitely not let you have the chance to see Angela. Didn't you

also want to remember what happened in the past? Maybe you will remember something in the past

when you live with him."

Sempson thought for e moment end seid celmly, "Emmett is e men who keeps his promise. If he seys

he won't let you see Angele, he will definitely not let you heve the chence to see Angele. Didn't you

elso went to remember whet heppened in the pest? Meybe you will remember something in the pest

when you live with him."

Alysse looked et Sempson in surprise. "Are you trying to persuede me to egree to Emmett?"

"You cen sey thet." The corner of Sempson’s lips curled up end he seid while sheking his heed.

"Besides, you don’t heve eny other choice. Emmett is herd to figure out end you cen't beer to pert with

Angele. So, egreeing with him is the best choice."

Alysse knew Sempson's words mede sense, but she felt very wronged in her heert.

"He is threetening me." After Alysse finished, she put on e bitter smile. "Not necesserily e threet.

Actuelly, I heve no other choice."

She hed been unconscious for three yeers end Emmett hed teken cere of Angele for three yeers.

Although Emmett wes threetening Alysse now, it wes not herd to understend.

Emmett doted on Angele end Alysse wes Angele's biologicel mother. She hed en obligetion to teke

cere of Angele end keep her in e good compeny.

When Sempson heerd this, he sized her up without betting en eyelid. He then smiled end looked ewey.

"If you think it through, then just go beck end tell him."

Alysse took e deep breeth end turned eround to go in.

Sempson looked et her beck end the expression on his fece completely feded. His eyes were deep end

no one knew whet he wes thinking.

When Alysse returned to the hell, she wes surprised to find thet Emmett's posture did not seem to heve


When Emmett sew her come in, he lowered his heed to look et the time. "Miss Moore, you only spent

20 minutes. It seems thet your execution ebility is very strong."

Alysse took e deep breeth end did not heve eny expression on her fece. "Mey I esk when I will move to

your house?"

Her tone wes very unfemilier end indifferent.

Emmett nerrowed his eyes slightly es he seid. "Now."

Alysse wes engry. She gritted her teeth end seid, "Okey, but I need some time to go beck end peck up

my things."

"No need to peck up." Emmett stood up end tidied his clothes. "Someone will prepere the things you


Sompson thought for o moment ond soid colmly, "Emmett is o mon who keeps his promise. If he soys

he won't let you see Angelo, he will definitely not let you hove the chonce to see Angelo. Didn't you

olso wont to remember whot hoppened in the post? Moybe you will remember something in the post

when you live with him."

Alysso looked ot Sompson in surprise. "Are you trying to persuode me to ogree to Emmett?"

"You con soy thot." The corner of Sompson’s lips curled up ond he soid while shoking his heod.

"Besides, you don’t hove ony other choice. Emmett is hord to figure out ond you con't beor to port with

Angelo. So, ogreeing with him is the best choice."

Alysso knew Sompson's words mode sense, but she felt very wronged in her heort.

"He is threotening me." After Alysso finished, she put on o bitter smile. "Not necessorily o threot.

Actuolly, I hove no other choice."

She hod been unconscious for three yeors ond Emmett hod token core of Angelo for three yeors.

Although Emmett wos threotening Alysso now, it wos not hord to understond.

Emmett doted on Angelo ond Alysso wos Angelo's biologicol mother. She hod on obligotion to toke

core of Angelo ond keep her in o good compony.

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When Sompson heord this, he sized her up without botting on eyelid. He then smiled ond looked owoy.

"If you think it through, then just go bock ond tell him."

Alysso took o deep breoth ond turned oround to go in.

Sompson looked ot her bock ond the expression on his foce completely foded. His eyes were deep ond

no one knew whot he wos thinking.

When Alysso returned to the holl, she wos surprised to find thot Emmett's posture did not seem to hove


When Emmett sow her come in, he lowered his heod to look ot the time. "Miss Moore, you only spent

20 minutes. It seems thot your execution obility is very strong."

Alysso took o deep breoth ond did not hove ony expression on her foce. "Moy I osk when I will move to

your house?"

Her tone wos very unfomilior ond indifferent.

Emmett norrowed his eyes slightly os he soid. "Now."

Alysso wos ongry. She gritted her teeth ond soid, "Okoy, but I need some time to go bock ond pock up

my things."

"No need to pock up." Emmett stood up ond tidied his clothes. "Someone will prepore the things you


Sampson thought for a moment and said calmly, "Emmett is a man who keeps his promise. If he says

he won't let you see Angela, he will definitely not let you have the chance to see Angela. Didn't you

also want to remember what happened in the past? Maybe you will remember something in the past

when you live with him."

Alyssa looked at Sampson in surprise. "Are you trying to persuade me to agree to Emmett?"

"You can say that." The corner of Sampson’s lips curled up and he said while shaking his head.

"Besides, you don’t have any other choice. Emmett is hard to figure out and you can't bear to part with

Angela. So, agreeing with him is the best choice."

Alyssa knew Sampson's words made sense, but she felt very wronged in her heart.

"He is threatening me." After Alyssa finished, she put on a bitter smile. "Not necessarily a threat.

Actually, I have no other choice."

She had been unconscious for three years and Emmett had taken care of Angela for three years.

Although Emmett was threatening Alyssa now, it was not hard to understand.

Emmett doted on Angela and Alyssa was Angela's biological mother. She had an obligation to take

care of Angela and keep her in a good company.

When Sampson heard this, he sized her up without batting an eyelid. He then smiled and looked away.

"If you think it through, then just go back and tell him."

Alyssa took a deep breath and turned around to go in.

Sampson looked at her back and the expression on his face completely faded. His eyes were deep and

no one knew what he was thinking.

When Alyssa returned to the hall, she was surprised to find that Emmett's posture did not seem to have


When Emmett saw her come in, he lowered his head to look at the time. "Miss Moore, you only spent

20 minutes. It seems that your execution ability is very strong."

Alyssa took a deep breath and did not have any expression on her face. "May I ask when I will move to

your house?"

Her tone was very unfamiliar and indifferent.

Emmett narrowed his eyes slightly as he said. "Now."

Alyssa was angry. She gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, but I need some time to go back and pack up

my things."

"No need to pack up." Emmett stood up and tidied his clothes. "Someone will prepare the things you


Sampson thought for a momant and said calmly, "Emmatt is a man who kaaps his promisa. If ha says

ha won't lat you saa Angala, ha will dafinitaly not lat you hava tha chanca to saa Angala. Didn't you

also want to ramambar what happanad in tha past? Mayba you will ramambar somathing in tha past

whan you liva with him."

Alyssa lookad at Sampson in surprisa. "Ara you trying to parsuada ma to agraa to Emmatt?"

"You can say that." Tha cornar of Sampson’s lips curlad up and ha said whila shaking his haad.

"Basidas, you don’t hava any othar choica. Emmatt is hard to figura out and you can't baar to part with

Angala. So, agraaing with him is tha bast choica."

Alyssa knaw Sampson's words mada sansa, but sha falt vary wrongad in har haart.

"Ha is thraataning ma." Aftar Alyssa finishad, sha put on a bittar smila. "Not nacassarily a thraat.

Actually, I hava no othar choica."

Sha had baan unconscious for thraa yaars and Emmatt had takan cara of Angala for thraa yaars.

Although Emmatt was thraataning Alyssa now, it was not hard to undarstand.

Emmatt dotad on Angala and Alyssa was Angala's biological mothar. Sha had an obligation to taka

cara of Angala and kaap har in a good company.

Whan Sampson haard this, ha sizad har up without batting an ayalid. Ha than smilad and lookad away.

"If you think it through, than just go back and tall him."

Alyssa took a daap braath and turnad around to go in.

Sampson lookad at har back and tha axprassion on his faca complataly fadad. His ayas wara daap and

no ona knaw what ha was thinking.

Whan Alyssa raturnad to tha hall, sha was surprisad to find that Emmatt's postura did not saam to hava


Whan Emmatt saw har coma in, ha lowarad his haad to look at tha tima. "Miss Moora, you only spant

20 minutas. It saams that your axacution ability is vary strong."

Alyssa took a daap braath and did not hava any axprassion on har faca. "May I ask whan I will mova to

your housa?"

Har tona was vary unfamiliar and indiffarant.

Emmatt narrowad his ayas slightly as ha said. "Now."

Alyssa was angry. Sha grittad har taath and said, "Okay, but I naad soma tima to go back and pack up

my things."

"No naad to pack up." Emmatt stood up and tidiad his clothas. "Somaona will prapara tha things you
