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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1773
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Chapter 1773 Ready For Battle

However, Shane declined her help.

Just then, his phone rang again.

With his hand covered in fresh blood, Shane took out his phone from his pocket and put it

to his ear. “Did you find anything?”

“Yes, Mr. Shane. I've checked the security footage from the clubhouse. Indeed, I saw Sean

carrying Mrs. Thompson away,” the person reported.

“Keep investigating. Get in touch with the police and retrieve all the surveillance footage

of Sean's departure. Track down his escape route!” Shane commanded with a stern


His subordinate responded, “Yes.”

“Also, inform Stanley to get to the clubhouse immediately. I want you to gather everyone

and make sure Sean has nowhere to hide.” Shane tightened his grip on the phone as he

spoke in an icy voice.

Upon hearing this, Lina started trembling uncontrollably.

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Is this how a big shot operates?

A single sentence was enough to make her feel as if she was in living hell.

How terrifying!

After ending the call, Shane put down his phone and looked at Lina across from him.

“You'll have to go on stage to accept the award by yourself today. I'll inform the organizers

that Natalie suddenly fell ill and had to leave early. So, you'll have to accept her honor on

her behalf. Also, I'm leaving the media matters to you.”

“Don't worry, Mr. Shane,” Lina patted her chest confidently and continued, “I will handle it

well. No one will know what happened to Nat.”

Shane gave a grunt. “After the award ceremony, leave with the bodyguard I've left behind.

Don't wander off. If anything happens, I won't be to blame.”

Although Lina was not involved in his grudge against Sean, she had been working closely

with them. It's hard to ensure that Sean won't implicate her.

Hence, he was determined to protect her as well.

Nevertheless, if she chose to be disobedient and cause trouble, it was none of his business

if she suffered.

Lina understood why Shane would say such a thing. She quickly patted her chest and

assured him, “Don't worry, Mr. Shane, I will follow your arrangements. I absolutely won't

cause any trouble for you; you can focus on saving Nat.”

“That's good.” With that, Shane immediately turned around and left.

Half an hour later, over a dozen security vehicles gathered in a quiet street. The doors of

the vehicles opened in unison, and dozens of people stepped out from the vehicle.

Each of these individuals was clad in their battle attire and fully equipped with weapons,

giving the impression that they were about to step onto the battlefield. They exuded an

overwhelming aura of might, ready for any challenge that came their way.

Indeed, their destination was an actual battlefield, where they would engage in a fight to

the death with Sean's men.

“Shane, what's going on?” A man dressed in a white lab coat with a large medical box

emerged from the crowd. He approached Shane with a grim expression. “How did Sean

appear at the clubhouse and take Natalie away? Didn't you arrange for bodyguards to

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station at the clubhouse? How could Sean's men infiltrate so easily?”

Shane lowered his eyes and sighed. “It's my oversight.”

He didn't expect Sean to launch a surprise attack that day.

So, it wasn't anyone's fault that Natalie was taken away by Sean. The only one to blame

was himself.

Seeing Shane's guilty expression, Stanley couldn't help but feel frustrated. “Enough!

What's the use of saying all this now? Natalie has already been taken away. The most

urgent thing now is to rescue her as soon as possible. We must save her before Sean does

any harm. Don't forget, the reason why Sean asked me to come and help you is because

he wants to hurt Natalie. He believes that this will affect you deeply.”

Shane clenched his fist and made a cracking sound. “Don't worry, I won't let Sean


“I hope so,” Stanley responded coldly, then glanced at the people around him. His grim

expression eased slightly.

With so many people and so much equipment, we should be able to defeat Sean, right?