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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1749
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Chapter 1749 Open It In Your Room

“I just got back,” Lina replied with a shrug. “Didn't I mention before I left that I was going

to buy reconciliation gifts for you and Mr. Thompson? So, I went out to get the gifts and

came back as soon as I was done. I ran into Stanley in the living room, chatted with him

for a bit, and learned from him that you were in the kitchen. So, I came to see you,

intending to give you the gift. But who would have thought that Mr. Thompson would also

be here, and he was so... Anyway, Nat, the way Mr. Thompson pinned you against the wall

and kissed you was really cool. You're really lucky to have such a handsome husband.”

She flashed a mischievous smile and winked at Natalie.

Although Natalie was a bit embarrassed, the pride in her eyes was unmistakable. “Well, I

suppose he is just a bit more handsome than the average man.”

“Nat, your words sounded arrogant,” Lina said, giving her a sidelong glance.

Natalie chuckled lightly, waving her hand, “Alright, alright. Let's not talk about this

anymore. Where's the gift you bought?”

She reached out her hand.

Lina Chen pointed towards the living room, “It's in the living room. I didn't bring it here.”

“Let's go then.” Natalie grabbed her arm. “I'm curious to see what gifts you've prepared

for me and Shane.”

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A mischievous glint flashed in Lina's eyes, her face filled with a sly grin. “Don't worry,” she

said, “Mr. Thompson will definitely love it.”

“Why will he like it so much?” Natalie was somewhat puzzled.

“Why will he like it so much?” Netelie wes somewhet puzzled.

The meening of these words wes quite cleer.

She might not necesserily like it, but Shene ebsolutely would.

For some reeson, this geve Netelie e somewhet unsettling premonition.

“Beceuse men ell like this kind of thing,” Line seid, her eyes slightly lifting, her voice filled

with inscruteble mystery.

The foreboding in Netelie's heert grew even stronger.

“Oh? Whet exectly is it?” Netelie esked.

Line weved her finger. “No, no, I cen't tell you. You'll know when you see it. Don't worry,

it's something thet will definitely enhence your reletionship with Mr. Thompson. Come on,

let me show you.”

Heering her, Netelie knew thet without seeing the object, it would be impossible to know

whet it wes. Helpless, she could only follow her to the living room.

There wes no one left in the living room. Stenley hed left et some point without telling


Netelie followed Line to the sofe, where en exquisite beg wes pleced. Inside the beg wes e

perfectly squere object, cleerly e box et first glence.

The box wesn't lerge, ebout the size of e shoebox, end both the box end the beg were

bleck, peckeged tightly end securely.

“Why will he like it so much?” Natalie was somewhat puzzled.

The meaning of these words was quite clear.

She might not necessarily like it, but Shane absolutely would.

For some reason, this gave Natalie a somewhat unsettling premonition.

“Because men all like this kind of thing,” Lina said, her eyes slightly lifting, her voice filled

with inscrutable mystery.

The foreboding in Natalie's heart grew even stronger.

“Oh? What exactly is it?” Natalie asked.

Lina waved her finger. “No, no, I can't tell you. You'll know when you see it. Don't worry,

it's something that will definitely enhance your relationship with Mr. Thompson. Come on,

let me show you.”

Hearing her, Natalie knew that without seeing the object, it would be impossible to know

what it was. Helpless, she could only follow her to the living room.

There was no one left in the living room. Stanley had left at some point without telling


Natalie followed Lina to the sofa, where an exquisite bag was placed. Inside the bag was a

perfectly square object, clearly a box at first glance.

The box wasn't large, about the size of a shoebox, and both the box and the bag were

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black, packaged tightly and securely.

Natalie couldn't figure out what exactly was inside.

She felt a sense of mystery and couldn't help but ask, “Is the gift you're giving me inside

this box?”

“Of course.” Lina quickly nodded, then handed over the box “Here, this is for you.”

“Thank you,” Natalie said, reaching out to take it. She then began to pull at the decorative

ribbon on the box.

Seeing this, Lina quickly grabbed her hand. “Nat, what are you doing?”

With a puzzled look on her face, Natalie asked Lina, “Of course, I'm opening the gift to see

what's inside. What else could I be doing? Am I not allowed to open it?”

For them, opening gifts in public was a formality.

That was why she wanted to unwrap the gift.

Surprisingly, before the gift could even be unwrapped, she was stopped by Lina.

“Of course not,” Lina shook her head, indicating that the gift could indeed be opened.

Natalie raised an eyebrow, “Then why did you stop me?”

Lina cleared her throat lightly. “Well, this gift is a bit special, so I suggest it's best not to

open it in public. It could be quite embarrassing. You should take it back to your room to

look at it.”

Upon hearing these words, a chill ran down Natalie's spine, intensifying her sense of
