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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1746
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Chapter 1746 Caught Red Handed

In her anxiousness, she accidentally bumped into the wall behind her and let out an

involuntary cry of pain.

The moment the couple in the kitchen heard the noise, they stopped kissing right away.

Realizing that she had made a sound, Lina widened her eyes and covered her mouth as

her face turned pale.

It's over! I'm done for! Is it too late if I run now?

Lina was still thinking about running a moment ago, but the very next second, she realized

it was already too late to escape, for Shane had already seen her.

Shane and Natalie were in the midst of a passionate kiss when suddenly, they heard Lina's


The man immediately let go of Natalie, swiftly turning his head toward the source of the

sound. When he saw the flustered Lina, his face instantly darkened.

Natalie didn't expect that she and Shane would be caught kissing in the kitchen, leaving

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her utterly embarrassed.

It was only natural that she felt awkward, for they were in the kitchen.

Who would kiss in the kitchen? This is embarrassing!

“It's Lina.” When Natalie saw that it was Lina who had walked in on her and Shane kissing

in the kitchen, she breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Lina was no stranger to seeing her being “tormented” by Shane to the extent

that she could only get out of bed at noon. Hence, she wasn't as shameful facing Lina.

Lina had seen her in many awkward situations, so one more wouldn't make a difference.

At worst, she would just let Lina laugh at her again.

All in all, it was better to be seen by Lina than by Stanley.

If Stanley was the one who caught them kissing, she would be too embarrassed to face


“Let's go,” Shane said, casting Lina a glance before walking away with Natalie, holding her


Natalie hummed in agreement and wiped her lips as she walked.

Her lips were probably swollen after being bitten and sucked on by the man.

I swear Lina will laugh her head off when she notices.

Sighing, Natalie smiled wryly.

Lina stopped trying to escape when she realized she had been discovered. Standing where

she was, she braced herself for the upcoming storm.

Her heart almost leaped out of her chest in fright when Shane and Natalie made their way

over to her.

She was especially on edge when she saw Shane's gloomy face and swallowed, her

cheeks turning even paler.

“H-Hi, Mr. Thompson, Nat,” she greeted them, forcing a smile.

In response, Natalie flashed her a smile.

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Shane, on the other hand, was expressionless as he fixed his intense gaze on Lina. His

voice was chilly as he spoke. “Why are you here?”

“N-Nothing.” Lina quickly shook her head and waved her hands. “I'm just here to look for

Nat. I didn't expect to see you guys... Um...”

Her voice gradually became softer as she spoke.

Natalie's face flushed red when she heard that, and she turned away in embarrassment.

Shane narrowed his eyes. “How much did you see?”

Lina shook her head fervently. “Not much, I swear. I caught a glimpse, that's all.”

She pinched her fingers together in a gesture to promise she was telling the truth. “When I

saw you two kissing, I immediately covered my eyes and wanted to leave so as not to

disturb you. But I bumped into the wall...”

Though she didn't finish her sentence, everyone understood what she was trying to say.

She only made a sound and startled them because she bumped into the wall.

Otherwise, she would have left long ago, and they wouldn't have discovered that she had

seen them kissing.

Lina sighed and rebuked herself inwardly, frustrated.

I'm so useless! How did I bump into the wall?