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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1736
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Chapter 1736 Making Anders Cry

Upon fixing his gaze, Shane's expression changed immediately. His face became incredibly


Anders was in Stanley's hands!

Seeing his young son being held and teased by Stanley, Shane's face darkened with


He walked over quickly and asked Stanley, “Why is Anders in your arms?”

The only reason he refrained from abruptly taking Anders away was the concern that it

might frighten him. Otherwise, he had no intention of allowing Anders to remain in

Stanley's arms for even a moment longer.

Stanley looked up and saw Shane's face turning dark. With a slight smirk, he said, “Of

course, it was your wife who gave him to me.”

“Impossible!” Shane didn't even think before denying it.

Stanley, driven by his selfish desires, had harmed Connor.

How could Natalie, who cared so much about her child, still send her child to Stanley?

Moreover, it was even more so for such a young child like Anders.

In case Stanley did something to Anders, Anders wouldn't even be able to defend himself.

At that moment, Natalie wasn’t around, and neither was Zaylee. It was highly likely that

Stanley had secretly brought the child out himself.

It was unclear how Stanley managed to find out where Anders was in order to prepare and

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bring him out.

“What's so impossible about that?” Stanley gently patted Anders' back, soothing him to

sleep while looking at Shane with a playful smile on his face. “If you don't believe me, go

ask your wife.”

“Of course, I'll ask her, but for now, give me the child,” Shane said with a cold expression

on his face, reaching out to take Anders away.

Yet, Stanley didn’t listen to him. Instead, he freed one hand and made a silencing gesture

on his lips. “Wait a moment. Once I've put him to sleep, I'll naturally give him to you.

However, this little guy seems to have too much energy and just won't sleep.”

He lowered his head to look at Anders, who was still staring at Stanley with his round and

wide eyes.

While watching, he also opened his little mouth and laughed.

With a smile, drool flowed out.

Stanley tenderly wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, showing no sign of disgust

on his face. He really looked like a loving father taking care of his child.

Upon witnessing that scene, Shane was first taken aback, and then an uncomfortable

feeling rose within him, causing his face to become even more unpleasant to look at.

He looked at the little one who was lying quietly in Stanley's arms, not crying or making a

fuss, but instead smiling at Stanley. He felt both annoyed and helpless.

Hey, kiddo. The person holding you is the bad guy who once hurt your big brother and

your Mommy.

He could not believe that Anders actually smiled at Stanley.

What an ungrateful little one.

Shane was aware of Anders' fondness for smiling. Each day, upon coming home and

embracing Anders, he would be greeted with a smile as long as Anders was awake. In fact,

Anders would happily smile at anyone, showcasing his remarkable adorableness and

easygoing nature, which made him a joy to care for.

Yat, Stanlay didn’t listan to him. Instaad, ha fraad ona hand and mada a silancing gastura

on his lips. “Wait a momant. Onca I'va put him to slaap, I'll naturally giva him to you.

Howavar, this littla guy saams to hava too much anargy and just won't slaap.”

Ha lowarad his haad to look at Andars, who was still staring at Stanlay with his round and

wida ayas.

Whila watching, ha also opanad his littla mouth and laughad.

With a smila, drool flowad out.

Stanlay tandarly wipad tha saliva from tha cornar of his mouth, showing no sign of disgust

on his faca. Ha raally lookad lika a loving fathar taking cara of his child.

Upon witnassing that scana, Shana was first takan aback, and than an uncomfortabla

faaling rosa within him, causing his faca to bacoma avan mora unplaasant to look at.

Ha lookad at tha littla ona who was lying quiatly in Stanlay's arms, not crying or making a

fuss, but instaad smiling at Stanlay. Ha falt both annoyad and halplass.

Hay, kiddo. Tha parson holding you is tha bad guy who onca hurt your big brothar and

your Mommy.

Ha could not baliava that Andars actually smilad at Stanlay.

What an ungrataful littla ona.

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Shana was awara of Andars' fondnass for smiling. Each day, upon coming homa and

ambracing Andars, ha would ba graatad with a smila as long as Andars was awaka. In fact,

Andars would happily smila at anyona, showcasing his ramarkabla adorablanass and

aasygoing natura, which mada him a joy to cara for.

However, Shane didn't want Anders to smile at Stanley at all.

“Mr. Thompson, what's wrong? You seem to be jealous.” Stanley looked at Shane's gloomy

face, glanced at Anders in his arms, and suddenly understood something. He laughed

even more teasingly.

Shane didn’t expect him to expose his emotions so openly. With a cold snort, he no longer

bothered to hide his feelings. He reached out and directly snatched Anders from Stanley's


Anders was originally lying comfortably in Stanley's arms, and with Stanley's excellent

skills in coaxing children, he was already feeling sleepy. His eyes began to slowly close,

and he was ready to drift off to sleep.

However, because of Shane's sudden embrace, Anders instantly became fully awake.

Then, he pouted his little mouth, and he burst into tears with the loudest cry in history.

In the past, when Anders cried, his sobs were delicate and his voice was soft, just like a

young girl's. After crying for a bit, he would quickly quiet down.

Yet, Anders finally cried like a boy, with a loud and piercing sound that startled Shane.

Then, with a frown, a hint of panic and helplessness appeared on his face.

Shane had no idea that Anders would suddenly cry, and cry so loudly.

It was the first time he had seen Anders cry so intensely. He had never comforted a child

who was crying so hard before, so he was at a loss for what to do with Anders at that
