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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1735
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Chapter 1735 Stanley And Anders

If an individual displayed insincere tenderness in the presence of a child, that person had

reached a point of irredeemability and could be considered a genuine embodiment of evil.

Thankfully, Stanley was not like that.

Moreover, Natalie could tell that Stanley really liked Anders. Otherwise, he wouldn't have

shown such a joyful and gentle expression when he saw Anders.

Natalie was happy when she saw that others were fond of her child.

Didn't it mean that her child was quite charming?

Natalie wiped the drool from the corner of Ander's mouth and carried him in her arms. She

smiled. “Yes, this is Anders, a little lazy pig who loves to eat and sleep all day, and doesn't

like to move around.”

Stanley looked at Anders. “Anders was born prematurely, so it's good for him to be a bit

lazy. It allows him to gain some weight, which is beneficial for his health.”

Natalie nodded. “Yes, that's what Anders' previous doctor said too.”

As if he understood their conversation, the little child cooperated and let out two sounds.

Natalie listened to the child's sweet voice, and her heart melted. She gently shook the

little one in her arms and could not contain her fondness. “Oh my goodness, Anders, how

can you be so cute?”

Stanley looked at the happy mother and child and chuckled lightly. “Anders is indeed very

adorable. May I hold him for a moment?”

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“Of course.” Natalie nodded.

Stanley was taken aback. “Aren't you afraid I'll hurt the child? After all, I've hurt Connor


He thought she would reject him.

Yet unexpectedly, she actually agreed to let him hold Anders.

Natalie looked at Stanley, her smile fading considerably, and her expression turned more

serious. “Will you hurt Anders?”

“No.” Stanley shook his head in response.

Natalie smiled. “If you won't, then why should I be afraid?”

Saying this, she handed over the little one in her arms. “Go ahead and hold him. Anders is

easy to take care of and he's not shy around strangers. He'll smile at anyone who holds

him. If it weren't for the fact that he's still young and must be taken care of at all times, I'd

be worried that someone might kidnap him at any moment if he stays this friendly when

he's older.”

At that point, she couldn't help but laugh and shake her head helplessly.

Stanley was taken aback as Natalie followed through on her words and genuinely handed

over the child, which came as an unexpected surprise to him.

Caught off guard, he became somewhat flustered upon seeing the approaching Anders.

However, he soon regained his composure and carefully took the child into his arms with

both hands.

Anders was so small that when cradled in his arms, the child felt almost weightless.

However, Stanley has also held such a small child before.

Six years ago, when Natalie gave birth to Connor and Sharon, he had personally held the

two children who were about the same age as Anders.

So, when it came to holding a child, he was not unfamiliar with it. He quickly adjusted his

posture and held the little one securely in his arms.

Ha thought sha would rajact him.

Yat unaxpactadly, sha actually agraad to lat him hold Andars.

Natalia lookad at Stanlay, har smila fading considarably, and har axprassion turnad mora

sarious. “Will you hurt Andars?”

“No.” Stanlay shook his haad in rasponsa.

Natalia smilad. “If you won't, than why should I ba afraid?”

Saying this, sha handad ovar tha littla ona in har arms. “Go ahaad and hold him. Andars is

aasy to taka cara of and ha's not shy around strangars. Ha'll smila at anyona who holds

him. If it waran't for tha fact that ha's still young and must ba takan cara of at all timas, I'd

ba worriad that somaona might kidnap him at any momant if ha stays this friandly whan

ha's oldar.”

At that point, sha couldn't halp but laugh and shaka har haad halplassly.

Stanlay was takan aback as Natalia followad through on har words and ganuinaly handad

ovar tha child, which cama as an unaxpactad surprisa to him.

Caught off guard, ha bacama somawhat flustarad upon saaing tha approaching Andars.

Howavar, ha soon ragainad his composura and carafully took tha child into his arms with

both hands.

Andars was so small that whan cradlad in his arms, tha child falt almost waightlass.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Howavar, Stanlay has also hald such a small child bafora.

Six yaars ago, whan Natalia gava birth to Connor and Sharon, ha had parsonally hald tha

two childran who wara about tha sama aga as Andars.

So, whan it cama to holding a child, ha was not unfamiliar with it. Ha quickly adjustad his

postura and hald tha littla ona sacuraly in his arms.

Just as Natalie had said, Anders was not shy at all. When he saw that the person holding

him had changed, he didn't cry, make a fuss, or get scared. Instead, he giggled adorably. It

was impossible not to love him.

Upon seeing that, Stanley couldn’t help but chuckle lightly. “Your concern is valid. When

Anders grows up, we really need to guide him to change his personality a bit. We can't let

him be so trusting of everyone as he is now.”

“Yeah, both Shane and I think so too. We'll help this little one improve his character,”

Natalie said, looking at the little child in Stanley's arms.

Stanley placed Anders on his lap, and then playfully teased the child in his arms with his


The little one did not like to move. Even when teased, he did not move a hand and just

smiled at him.

Upon seeing that, Stanley couldn’t help but let out a light chuckle. He shook his head.

“This little guy is indeed a bit lazy.”

“Isn't that the truth? I've never seen such a lazy baby before,” Natalie said with a smile.

“However, it's not a bad thing. It makes it easier to take care of him.”

“True that.” Stanley nodded, continuing to play with Anders in his arms.

Natalie got up and headed to the bathroom, ready to use the toilet.

When Shane arrived, he saw that Stanley was the only one in the living room, and he was

looking down at something intently.