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Bring Your A Game, Mr

Chapter 935
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Chapter 935

When Jamie heard that Narissa was the one who was at the door, he immediately jumped off the couch. Narissa

happened to walk in at the same time, and Jamie froze when he saw her. Then, he held the pink duvet over his face

before he charged upstairs. Narissa heard the noise, and she turned around just in time to catch a tall, skinny figure

in a yellow dress and a pink shawl-looking thing running up the stairs.

"Who's that?" Narissa asked.

"Oh, that's a new foreign helper we just hired," Elise uttered instantly. The Cuber Family had a few foreign helpers

themselves, so Narissa didn't think much about it. "Your helper is pretty tall."

"Yeah." Elise let out an awkward laugh. "Shouldn't you be out dating today? What are you doing here at this hour?"

Narissa shook her head before she dragged Elise over to the couch. "I've never been a clingy person, and I'm not

used to seeing Gale every day," she replied. "That's true," Elise replied with a nod. "Even the most loving couples

should have some space of their own. I agree that absence makes the heart grow fonder."

Narissa wore a rather gloomy look on her face when she next looked at Elise. "Do you think it's better to get

married or to stay single?" She changed the topic all of a sudden.

"Have you decided to get married?" Elise was more concerned about this matter. "I guess. Everyone's being kept

busy with the arrangements for my engagement. It's happening soon," Narissa uttered with a bitter smile.

"Someone once told me that I should always plan ahead for the family and the family businesses. Otherwise, I'd be

clueless about the business if anything happened to my father, which would put me in a vulnerable position. I trust

Gale, but I just think that if we're going to get married, I should do all the other things that people my age would do

as well," she uttered.

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For some reason, Narissa was reminded of Julia as she told Elise about this. That's odd. I seem to be taking Julia's

advice after chasing her out. "It takes time to get to know a person. You should trust your gut and find the truth for

yourself. We'll always be a part of your extended family, and we won't allow anyone to bully you," Elise replied in an

attempt to comfort Narissa.

Elise hadn't told Narissa about her true identity as she didn't want to cause any commotion. Elise knew that Narissa

probably wouldn't have so many worries if Narissa knew that she was still alive. Their relationship was one beyond

friendship—Elise had always felt like a belief that Narissa had. As long as Narissa had faith in Elise, she would have

the courage to continue being herself.

The two women seemed to have a special connection with one another—Narissa felt a lot more at ease after

speaking to Elise. "Well, in that case, you'll have to be by my side even after I get married. You're not allowed to

ditch me, okay?" Narissa even had the mood to joke after that. Elise chuckled. "I'm afraid your partner might be the

one who finds me a nuisance at that point."

Considering how Jamie had acted the night before, Elise was certain that he would be deeply attached to Narissa if

they got together. Jamie would probably be annoyed if I started third wheeling them, Elise thought. Narissa wasn't

aware of all that was going on in Elise's head—she simply found it comforting and liberating to sit around and chat

with Elise. Narissa would choose this instead of spending time with Gale any day.

Meanwhile, Jamie bumped into Irvin right after he ran up the stairs. Jamie was worried that Irvin would say the

wrong thing if he went downstairs, so he brought Irvin to the study before locking the door. "I'm giving you a

warning, Irvin. I want you to stay silent." Jamie didn't seem the least bit threatening when he made his

announcement due to the smudged makeup on his face.

"Who's downstairs? Is it Godmother? Let me take a look." Irvin stuck a hand into his pocket as he raised an

eyebrow. He seemed as if he had just gathered a lot of important information and was prepared to expose Jamie

after stepping out of the door. "Come back here!" Jamie dragged the child back and spoke in a firmer tone. "I'm not

kidding with you now. I'm no longer going to take you as my godson if you go down and expose me right now!"

"Calm down. I'm not that insensitive." Irvin raised his hand to his mouth and pretended to zip an invisible zip across

his lips. "Here. My lips are sealed shut. I'm not going to say anything."

"You finally seem reliable, for once." Jamie heaved a sigh of relief before he sat on the ground and patted his chest.

Narissa nearly caught me in this state. I'm glad I ran off just in time.

Right then, Irvin curled his lips into a menacing smirk before he held his hand up and edged closer to show Jamie

the videos that he had taken the night before. After Irvin played the video, Jamie's blood-curdling wails filled the

room. "Where are you, Narissa? I miss you…"

"Oh gosh!" Jamie jumped to his feet and snatched the phone from Irvin before turning it off. Then, he hugged it

close to his chest in fear that it would make any more noises. "When did you record this?"

"You don't need to know." Irvin put on an innocent smile. "I've made more than ten copies of this. It's an interesting

video—don't you think I should send a copy to Godmother?"

"Don't you dare!" Jamie nearly shouted at the boy, but he managed to contain his emotions as he was worried that

Narissa would hear him. "What do you want, you sly fox?" Jamie asked.

Ever since Jamie found out that Irvin was Alexander's son, he had been certain that Irvin would manipulate him

someday. I can't believe this is happening already! Irvin is only seven, yet he's already trying to blackmail me! Will

this be my life from now on? Jamie's heart ached at the thought of this.

Irvin only widened his smile at the sight of the other man's disbelief. "I have been researching some medical

products, and I'm running out of funds…"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"How much do you need?" Jamie asked.

"15 million."

"Money ruins relationships, you know? Why don't you give me a discount?" Jamie uttered.

"30 million," Irvin replied.

"Why did you increase the amount? Let's have a talk," Jamie suggested.

"I'll bring the video over and talk to Godmother about it," Irvin replied.

"Hey, hey! Alright, I'll pay you, okay?" Jamie gave up on his attempt to fight for his rights—he simply pulled his

phone out and transferred the money to the kid. When Irvin saw the increase in his funds, he beamed and patted

Jamie on the shoulder when he saw the increase in his funds. "Thanks, Godfather."

"That's a lot to pay just to be your godfather," Jamie protested.

"My rates depend on your requests. Anyway, I think it's pretty rare for you to be able to find such an impressive

godson on the market," Irvin uttered in a narcissistic tone.

"Are you saying I should thank you for taking all those horrible photos of me?" Jamie asked.

"You're welcome." Irvin took the man's words as a compliment. "You—" Jamie started coughing as he choked on his

words. He had to pound his chest just to stop the coughing. Irvin shot the man a side glance before he reached for

the doorknob. Jamie held his hand out to stop Irvin once more. "What are you doing? Are you going against your

word after I transferred the money to you?"

Irvin pulled his hand away. "I've already taken your money, so you can trust that I'll keep your secret," Irvin replied.

Then, he opened the door and let himself out. Just seconds later, Irvin turned back around and stuck his head

through the door. "Just a friendly reminder, you should wash your face before Alexia sees you. You don't want to

scare her. Also, your cover will be blown and your payment will be pointless if Godmother happens to come


Jamie pouted. "I got it, you brat!"