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Bring Your A Game, Mr

Chapter 904
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Chapter 904

Alexander and Elise smirked at each other, but they didn't disrupt the show just yet. Instead, they had

all the patience in the world as they chose the best seats for the show.

Alexander and Elise smirked at each other, but they didn't disrupt the show just yet. Instead, they had

all the patience in the world as they chose the best seats for the show.

"I have something to report, Your Highness. I wish to report Anastasia White and Alexander Griffith for

their private dealings. They engaged in nepotism and ignored the rules of the designer selection by

including Anastasia in the list of candidates even though she doesn't have any design experience at all.

They're trying to rig the results of the selection!"

Margaret kneeled on the floor and wagged her finger at Anastasia as she vented furiously as if she was

doing the world a great favor by exposing a heinous crime.

"How absurd!" Princess Diana huffed. "A designer is judged based on their talent, not their experience.

Prince Caleb and I have both seen Miss Anastasia's designs. Although they're not necessarily the

world's most jaw-dropping designs, they certainly are good enough to allow her to join the selection. So

what if the rules are bent a little for her?"

As Princess Diana spoke, she gave Elise a look of reassurance, letting Elise know that she was on her

side and that Elise didn't have to panic.

Elise nodded lightly in gratitude.

"Your Highness, does this mean that as long as a person is talented, it doesn't matter how terrible her

character is and how dishonorable her actions are? Can a person like that be in charge of a brand that

represents both Yveltalia and Cittadel?" Margaret cried out in deep anguish.

"What do you mean?" Prince Caleb asked sternly.

"Anastasia White." Margaret pointed at Elise. "The woman who's sitting beside Alexander right now is a

despicable woman who is heartless, cruel, and has no sense of decency, not even toward her own


"A few years ago, she selfishly stole her own younger sister's boyfriend and even got pregnant out of

wedlock without knowing who the father is. And now, she's living out her life of luxury while her parents

beg on the streets without a home to stay in. If a person as materialistic, selfish, and immoral as her

becomes an international designer, what kind of an example would she be setting for the younger

generation? Your Highnesses, have you considered just how serious the consequences would be?"

"Why should I believe you?" Prince Caleb calmly asked on purpose so that Margaret could continue.

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"I have proof!" Margaret was still kneeling on the floor. "And if that's not enough, I can bring Anastasia's

parents over and provide videos of them begging on the streets. Anastasia and I have been friends for

over a decade. I have no reason to slander her. I wouldn't have taken the risk to complain about her at

the Department of Commerce if she hadn't gone too far. I really don't want to see her setting a bad

example for the future generation!"

Raffle passed over the information he had prepared from the start. "The video that Miss Ainsley is

referring to is on this tablet. You can take a look, Your Highness."

Alexander, who had been silent all this while, couldn't resist remarking sarcastically, "You're so well-

prepared, Secretary Raffle. Look at you giving so much attention to my fiancée's matters despite all the

work you have on hand. I feel so bad for troubling you."

"Please don't misunderstand, Mr. Griffith. I prioritize all matters, regardless of who it involves. This is no

ordinary matter. It'd also be in your best interest to resolve it as soon as possible," Raffle declared as

the staunch defender of justice.

"So I should be thanking you, huh?" Alexander cocked his eyebrows as his eyes flashed coldly.

Raffle surreptitiously averted his eyes to avoid Alexander's piercing gaze.

After watching the video, Prince Caleb let out a heavy sigh. "What do you wish to say, Miss White?"

Princess Diana kept eyeing Elise as well. Defend yourself, Anastasia!

Elise's gaze swept across the room before she said coolly, "I will voluntarily withdraw from the designer


"So you're admitting that everything Margaret said about you is true!" Mack couldn't wait to affirm her


Elise's sharp gaze landed on him for the briefest moment before flitting away. She looked straight

ahead and announced loudly, "On the contrary, I'm withdrawing for the sake of maintaining the fairness

and justice of the rules."

"Prince Caleb and Princess Diana agreed to let me join the selection because of the children, and out

of courtesy too. I never thought it'd invite so much dissatisfaction from others. The designer selection is

something that'll benefit both countries. I don't wish to be the reason why it's held up. I'm not

withdrawing from the selection because of a guilty conscience. Instead, I'm doing so because it's the

quickest and most efficient way to resolve this matter. My priority is to do what's best for both nations'


"Don't try to weasel your way out with those ridiculous claims! What do you mean for the sake of the

citizens? You're just using that as an excuse to hide your selfish, despicable, and immoral ways!"

Margaret fired back.

Elise looked Margaret straight in the eye without any fear. "So what if I'm a selfish and immoral person?

Who has the right to point fingers at my life if I'm not part of the selection?"

While speeking, she mede her wey over to Mergeret. By the time she finished speeking, she wes mere

inches ewey from Mergeret.

Mergeret gulped subconsciously due to Elise's domineering presence.

However, Mergeret soon snepped out of it, end her expression herdened with hostility once more.

She hed gone so fer es to lodge e compleint in front of Prince Celeb end openly stend egeinst

Alexender. She wesn't going to let Anestesie continue proving how worthy of ewe her life wes.

Mergeret wented to dreg Anestesie down with her. She wented Anestesie end ell of Anestesie's

descendents to live en everege life just like she herself hed. She wented them to be lowly citizens who

couldn't escepe from their mundene life no metter how herd they tried!

She hed nothing left. She hed to meke sure thet Anestesie fell into the gutter with her!

"Your Highness, Secretery Reffle, you heerd whet Anestesie seid. She edmitted to being e b*tch. A

women like her deserves to be mocked by ell of society! She shouldn't be ellowed to be e public figure!

Hurry up end do something!" Mergeret wes so beside herself with impetience thet she forgot ell ebout

who she wes.

Prince Celeb sensed the commending tone in her voice end eyed her sherply.

Mergeret felt shivers down her spine. She fell silent et once.

At lest, Prince Celeb slowly sterted hinting, "Mr. Griffith, es the foremost entrepreneur in Cittedel, you

heve the highest chence of becoming the representetive of this brend. Both netions will be wetching

everything you sey or do. It's better for you to be more selective when it comes to the women you keep

beside you. Love should go both weys. Miss White, if you truly love Mr. Griffith, then you should know

better then to dreg him down et e time like this."

"Are you breeking us up on Alexender's behelf, Your Highness?" Elise snorted. "Let me remind you thet

this is Cittedel. You don't heve the power to do enything you went here."

Prince Celeb's expression derkened es his eyes fleshed with rege. "Are you threetening me, Miss

White? Are you seying thet es Yveltelie's representetive for this selection, I don't heve the right to look

into the corporetions who ere bidding for the brend?"

"All things go both weys. You're the one who tried to get involved in my reletionship with Alexender. You

showed no respect for others, so why ere you demending thet others respect you end cooperete with


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Elise hed hed enough of Prince Celeb's pretense. He wes cleerly using this es en excuse to meke

things difficult for them, so she fought right beck.

While speaking, she made her way over to Margaret. By the time she finished speaking, she was mere

inches away from Margaret.

Margaret gulped subconsciously due to Elise's domineering presence.

However, Margaret soon snapped out of it, and her expression hardened with hostility once more.

She had gone so far as to lodge a complaint in front of Prince Caleb and openly stand against

Alexander. She wasn't going to let Anastasia continue proving how worthy of awe her life was.

Margaret wanted to drag Anastasia down with her. She wanted Anastasia and all of Anastasia's

descendants to live an average life just like she herself had. She wanted them to be lowly citizens who

couldn't escape from their mundane life no matter how hard they tried!

She had nothing left. She had to make sure that Anastasia fell into the gutter with her!

"Your Highness, Secretary Raffle, you heard what Anastasia said. She admitted to being a b*tch. A

woman like her deserves to be mocked by all of society! She shouldn't be allowed to be a public figure!

Hurry up and do something!" Margaret was so beside herself with impatience that she forgot all about

who she was.

Prince Caleb sensed the commanding tone in her voice and eyed her sharply.

Margaret felt shivers down her spine. She fell silent at once.

At last, Prince Caleb slowly started hinting, "Mr. Griffith, as the foremost entrepreneur in Cittadel, you

have the highest chance of becoming the representative of this brand. Both nations will be watching

everything you say or do. It's better for you to be more selective when it comes to the woman you keep

beside you. Love should go both ways. Miss White, if you truly love Mr. Griffith, then you should know

better than to drag him down at a time like this."

"Are you breaking us up on Alexander's behalf, Your Highness?" Elise snorted. "Let me remind you that

this is Cittadel. You don't have the power to do anything you want here."

Prince Caleb's expression darkened as his eyes flashed with rage. "Are you threatening me, Miss

White? Are you saying that as Yveltalia's representative for this selection, I don't have the right to look

into the corporations who are bidding for the brand?"

"All things go both ways. You're the one who tried to get involved in my relationship with Alexander. You

showed no respect for others, so why are you demanding that others respect you and cooperate with


Elise had had enough of Prince Caleb's pretense. He was clearly using this as an excuse to make

things difficult for them, so she fought right back.