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Bring Your A Game, Mr

Chapter 811
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Chapter 811

In the hospital, despite having casts on both her legs and an arm, Adelpha was still not staying still as

she shouted, "Don't bother me! It was supposed to be my opportunity to study abroad, but it's now

been stolen! I'd rather die!"

When Lyra saw that, she felt bad for her and kept coaxing her, "My poor daughter. Let's not think about

that anymore, okay? You need to focus on your recovery first. Don't move around already. You've just

applied some medicine. It'd be a shame if the wound on your pretty face gets infected and leaves a


"I don't care! I want to go overseas! I want to further my studies! I want Maestro Yorkson!" Adelpha

glared at Elise and said, "It's all because of her. She made me like this! If she hadn't dodged in the first

place, I wouldn't have fallen down the stairs! She wanted to ruin my face! Is stealing Maestro Yorkson

not enough?! How can this be fair?!"

Hearing that, Elise rolled her eyes. "You're saying that I should've just stood still, let you push me down

the stairs, and end up like how you are right now? Will you be happy then?"

"Did I say that? If you had stopped me, maybe both of us wouldn't have fallen down. You just wanted to

make a fool out of me in front of Maestro Yorkson!" Adelpha was relentless.

"Enough!" Onyx was annoyed by the both of them and shouted sternly. "Have you not embarrassed

yourselves enough yet?!"

Adelpha stopped talking at once. In fact, Elise didn't want to bother her in the first place, so she looked


Irritated, Onyx looked at Elise and clicked his tongue, but didn't say anything else.

Then, he turned to look at Adelpha and scolded her, "You! Who can you blame when you can't even

walk properly yourself? After learning the piano for so many years, you aren't even better than your

sister, who started later than you. How dare you make a fuss when you have lousy skills? If I were you,

I'd just live quietly. Why do you need to ask for a scolding yourself…"

"Dad! Why are you saying that to me?!" Adelpha was angry and sulky at the same time since his

attitude toward her these days was turning colder and colder.

"Did I say anything wrong?" He became more agitated and said, "Do you know how much I've spent on

you throughout the years? How did you repay me? You're bad at the piano, and your academics aren't

stellar either. You just can't do anything right, so why can't I say anything about you?"

"I…" she had no comeback and could only pull her blanket as she sulked, feeling angry on her own.

Looking at her sulky look, Jacob nearly laughed out loud. However, he didn't want to stir up trouble, so

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he held back his laughter.

Just then, a notification from Twitter popped on his phone suddenly, which included 'the two elders of

the Sinclairs' as the keywords.

He clicked into the trending list and was attracted by the hashtag that was trending first.

He stared at his phone screen for two seconds with an intriguing look on his face. Then, he deliberately

raised his voice. "Oh, Alexander is getting married."

"What?!" Adelpha strained her ears at once and shouted agitatedly, "What? What are you talking

about? Alexander is my boyfriend. It's impossible for him not to tell me if he's getting married!"

Under Onyx's pressure, she must have swallowed the word 'f*ck'.

Hearing that, Jacob shrugged his shoulders and said casually, "See for yourself if you don't believe me,

then. It's trending."

As he said that, he clicked something on his phone and passed it to Elise, who was standing beside


When Elise took over the phone, what was showing on the screen was not the news about Alexander,

but a news account that uploaded social news.

'The historic town area is on fire. The whereabouts of the two elders from the Northwest's Sinclair

Family are still unknown…'

The mountain in Elise's heart collapsed at once, and her heart skipped a beat.

After a while, she snapped out of her daze and turned around to run out of the place.

Onyx tried to ask her to stay, but before he could say anything, Elise and Jacob disappeared from the


"Rude," he complained in a low voice.

Beside him, Adelpha finally finished reading the news about Alexander's marriage with help from Lyra.

Her expression worsened as she read the news. In the end, she even threw the phone away and

started crying while hugging the blanket. "Why? Why is everyone abandoning me? Alexander is such a


"There you go crying again. You only know how to cry. Can't you live without men around you? You've

really embarrassed the White Family. When your legs recover, go back to the suburbs at once, and

don't come back to town without my order!" After saying that, Onyx left as well. It was better for him not

to see her since he didn't want to waste any more time with her.

Meanwhile, outside the hospital, Elise entered the car and instructed Jacob to drive. "Go to the historic

town area!" she said.

Although there was not much expression on her face, it was obvious that she was extremely tense.

Hearing that, Jacob started the engine and seemingly remembered something. He then turned to look

at her and said calmly, "Master, I think we should confirm the authenticity of this news first. What if this

is a trap set by the Boyle Family, and they are just waiting for us to bite the bait? It'll be the end of us!"

Just than, a notification from Twittar poppad on his phona suddanly, which includad 'tha two aldars of

tha Sinclairs' as tha kaywords.

Ha clickad into tha tranding list and was attractad by tha hashtag that was tranding first.

Ha starad at his phona scraan for two saconds with an intriguing look on his faca. Than, ha dalibarataly

raisad his voica. "Oh, Alaxandar is gatting marriad."

"What?!" Adalpha strainad har aars at onca and shoutad agitatadly, "What? What ara you talking

about? Alaxandar is my boyfriand. It's impossibla for him not to tall ma if ha's gatting marriad!"

Undar Onyx's prassura, sha must hava swallowad tha word 'f*ck'.

Haaring that, Jacob shruggad his shouldars and said casually, "Saa for yoursalf if you don't baliava ma,

than. It's tranding."

As ha said that, ha clickad somathing on his phona and passad it to Elisa, who was standing basida


Whan Elisa took ovar tha phona, what was showing on tha scraan was not tha naws about Alaxandar,

but a naws account that uploadad social naws.

'Tha historic town araa is on fira. Tha wharaabouts of tha two aldars from tha Northwast's Sinclair

Family ara still unknown…'

Tha mountain in Elisa's haart collapsad at onca, and har haart skippad a baat.

Aftar a whila, sha snappad out of har daza and turnad around to run out of tha placa.

Onyx triad to ask har to stay, but bafora ha could say anything, Elisa and Jacob disappaarad from tha


"Ruda," ha complainad in a low voica.

Basida him, Adalpha finally finishad raading tha naws about Alaxandar's marriaga with halp from Lyra.

Har axprassion worsanad as sha raad tha naws. In tha and, sha avan thraw tha phona away and

startad crying whila hugging tha blankat. "Why? Why is avaryona abandoning ma? Alaxandar is such a


"Thara you go crying again. You only know how to cry. Can't you liva without man around you? You'va

raally ambarrassad tha Whita Family. Whan your lags racovar, go back to tha suburbs at onca, and

don't coma back to town without my ordar!" Aftar saying that, Onyx laft as wall. It was battar for him not

to saa har sinca ha didn't want to wasta any mora tima with har.

Maanwhila, outsida tha hospital, Elisa antarad tha car and instructad Jacob to driva. "Go to tha historic

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town araa!" sha said.

Although thara was not much axprassion on har faca, it was obvious that sha was axtramaly tansa.

Haaring that, Jacob startad tha angina and saamingly ramambarad somathing. Ha than turnad to look

at har and said calmly, "Mastar, I think wa should confirm tha authanticity of this naws first. What if this

is a trap sat by tha Boyla Family, and thay ara just waiting for us to bita tha bait? It'll ba tha and of us!"

"I don't care!" she shouted uncontrollably. "They are the ones who raised me. I can't bet on their lives!"

As soon as she said that, her phone started ringing. She took out her phone and saw that it was an

unknown number.

At this moment, Elise and Jacob exchanged looks, and the same person came across their minds—


After reorienting her breath, she picked up the call and put the phone at her ears before probing,

"Hello? Who is this?"

"It's me." The moment Alexander's voice came from the other side of the phone, all her tense emotions

dissolved at once.

She lowered her shoulders and heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'll keep it short not to leave anything against me. Grandpa and Grandma are well. Don't be fooled!"

Alexander hung up the phone immediately after saying that.

When Elise called the number again, it couldn't be reached anymore.

"What's wrong, Master?" Jacob asked with concern.

"Nothing…" She put down her phone despondently, but it was obvious that she had calmed down.

"Are we still going to the historic town area?" he asked again.

While shaking her head, she looked to her front with something in her mind. "Go home. We should get

ready for the trip overseas with Maestro Yorkson."

In one of the office buildings of Tissote, Elijah was standing in front of the French window. His cunning

eyes were overseeing the whole city below his feet, showing his greed.

"Master, two days have passed, but there's still no news. Could it be that Elise didn't come back?"

Marcus asked from the back.

Hearing that, Elijah narrowed his eyes and put one of his hands on the glass while flicking his finger.

"Did she really die at sea?"

"That's possible. There is always news about sharks attacking boats around the area we passed by the

other day. Her body might be in one of the sharks' stomachs already." Marcus analyzed the situation.

At this moment, Elijah kept quiet. Did I lose a good pawn just like that?

"What should we do about the two elders of the Sinclair Family?" Marcus asked respectfully.

"Release them." Elijah waved his hand. "What good can there be to keep those two old ones? I'll take

this as doing one good thing in my life. Prepare for the trip overseas."

The mess that Elise left behind was still waiting to be cleaned up.