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Bride Behind The Mask (Frederick and Marguerite)

Chapter 532
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Chapter 532

Marguerite couldn’t help but remember a conversation with Miley, who had confided that her current position at

the company was actually saved by Penelope for her own daughter.

Now that the Fitzgeralds had officially welcomed their long-lost daughter into the fold, it seemed only right that this

job should go to Yuna, both morally and legally.

Marguerite, lacking in ambition and with no desire to clash with Yuna, turned to find a cardboard box to pack her

things and leave.

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But glancing around the room, she realized that there was nothing of hers left to pack.

Calmly, Marguerite faced Yuna and asked, “Where are my things?”

Yuna’s voice was loud and shrill as she retorted, “Your things? Get a grip, Marguerite. This position was always

meant for me. You were merely keeping the seat warm. What, you got too cozy in it? Looking for your stuff in my

territory is like questioning my authority. Do you get that?”

Marguerite sighed inwardly, guessing that Yuna had likely disposed of her belongings already.

She intended to walk away, but stopping in her tracks, she noticed a crowd of employees at the door, all eager to

witness some office drama. Their faces mirrored Yuna’s smug expression, seemingly waiting for Marguerite to

make an embarrassed exit.

Why should she give these gossips the satisfaction?

Standing tall, she reminded herself that she had done nothing wrong. It was Penelope who had brought her into the

company, and if anyone should be telling her to leave, it should be Penelope herself.

Marguerite fixed her stance and her gaze was composed and determined. The innate poise she carried made her

seem unassailable.

“Is it Penelope who wants me gone, or are you just taking matters into your own hands?”

At this, Yuna was visibly shaken. While she had managed to win over Hackett’s affection entirely, dealing with

Penelope was a different matter. She could feel Penelope trying to make amends with her, and so the previous

night, she’d brazenly suggested that Marguerite should be let go. Penelope, however, had not only refused but also

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insisted that Yuna should work alongside Marguerite!

As if she would ever!

Yuna’s status versus Marguerite’s was like night and day. How could someone of her low standing dare to share a

company with her?

So, taking advantage of Penelope’s business trip, Yuna had jumped the gun.

The Fitzgerald family adored her now, and she would kick Marguerite out first and deal with any fallout later.

Yuna straightened her back and declared, “Soon, Poppy Petal Fragrances will be mine! Do I really need to consult

my mother to fire an employee when ! am the future owner?”

Oh, the newfound confidence that came with the Fitzgerald name!