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Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 713
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Chapter 713 Proclaiming Love

The female reporter gave Toby a polite smile, but she no longer said anything after that. He’s right. He’s not

breaking up with her because he loves her—that’s such a simple yet convincing explanation. While the reporters

may have their own opinions regarding Toby’s statements, the female audiences watching this incident through the

live stream were already in tears because they were touched.

Making a public statement about loving someone and promising the rest of the world that you wouldn’t break up

with your partner wasn’t an easy thing to do. There were probably only a few people in the world who had the guts

to do such a thing. Furthermore, Toby’s actions were akin to him hanging himself above a pit of fire. It’d be hard for

him to break his promise since the whole world had witnessed Fuller Group’s president proclaiming his love for

Paradigm Co.’s president.

Toby had promised never to break up with her. However, if he lost feelings for her someday, or if he decided to

break up with her someday, then the words he uttered during the day of the press conference would be turned into

a joke. The rest of the world would cast

Toby aside if that happened because he had taught the world to believe in love before shattering the trust that

everyone had given him. It’d be completely understandable for everyone to boycott him at that point. As the

president of Fuller Group, Toby certainly knew the consequences of his actions.

Yet, despite being aware of such possible outcomes, he still chose to make such a huge promise in front of the

public. This showed that he was serious about his relationship with Sonia, and many individuals naturally felt

touched by the sight of his sincerity. All of a sudden, all the female netizens began to express their admiration for

Sonia. The live stream comment box was filled with sentences along the lines of, ‘I wish I were Sonia!’

However, there was one individual who didn’t feel the same. When this individual heard Toby revealing his love for

Sonia, her entire body trembled with jealousy. With a loud smack, this individual slapped her hand against the

table and stood up. She gave Sonia a furious glare before turning toward Toby. A series of complicated emotions

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were flashing in this individual’s gaze—resentment and hatred were the more prominent ones.

When Sonia noticed this individual, she merely rolled her eyes before placing her hand on Toby’s thigh and giving it

a hard squeeze. The man raised an eyebrow when he felt a sting in his leg, and he quickly grabbed Sonia’s hand

before he gently rubbed her palm. “What is it?” he asked.


“There’s someone trying to seduce you. Are you happy to see her?” Sonia spun a pen between her fingers as she

spoke with a rather amused look on her face. Toby scowled for a moment before he threw a glance in Jessica’s

direction. “There’s no such thing. Stop talking nonsense! I only feel annoyed when I see her.”

Sonia was pleased by his answer, and she had been about to say something when Jessica spoke up first. “Mr. Fuller,

I know that you have romantic feelings for my sister, but are you saying that you’re allowing your romantic feelings

to override your principles?” Once Jessica finished her sentence, everyone turned to stare at her. Some individuals

were shocked by how Jessica had questioned Toby, while others were puzzled.

“What are you trying to say?” Toby’s face turned stone cold as he spoke in a flat and unforgiving tone.

Jessica couldn’t help but shudder at the sight of Toby’s expression. Fear was written all over her face as she

thought, This man’s glare is so terrifying, it feels like he can kill me with his looks. However, I have to hide my fear

no matter what. At that thought, Jessica balled her hands into fists and took a deep breath to put on a determined

look as she stared at Toby.

“Mr. Fuller, just now, the reporter asked whether you would break up with Sonia or not if what I posted on the

Internet was real. If I was telling the truth, it would mean that Sonia truly bullied me and used her identity to steal

everything from the Reed Family. Yet, you said that you wouldn’t break up with her because you love her. But have

you ever considered the fact that you’re just spoiling Sonia and concealing her wrongdoings?

You’re providing her support but not upholding your moral standards and principles! Do you think it’s really right to

do that? You’re aware of Sonia’s immoral doings, and you’re aware that she made many mistakes. If you continue

to stand by her side, you’re not doing her any good at all! You’re just causing her more harm and neglecting your

duty toward society!”

“That’s true!” Jessica’s words made everyone—the people in the room and the audience watching the live stream—

nod in agreement. Jessica wore a smug smile on her face when she noticed everyone agreeing with her. She had

made things clear—she highlighted that he’d be irresponsible to the public if he were to continue being in a

relationship with Sonia. He’s probably going to break up with her now, right?

At that thought, Jessica turned to look at the woman standing beside Toby. Then, Jessica raised her chin up to give

Sonia a provocative look. Sonia immediately read Jessica’s mind, and she let out a sneer. She’s getting ahead of

herself! Jessica really thinks I’m the one who’s going to lose today, huh? Well, what a shame… Sonia had to look

down at the ground to conceal the scornful look in her eyes.

Meanwhile, the reporters started hurling questions at Toby once more. “What Miss Jessica said makes sense,

President Fuller. If Miss Reed did do those things, then wouldn’t it be wrong for you to continue supporting her?” one

reporter asked.

“Yeah, President Fuller. Aren’t you worried that your actions may serve as a bad example to others?” another one


Bang! Toby smacked his palm against the desk as he glared at the crowd with a stern, icy expression on his face.

Pin-drop silence filled the room at once. “Are you done?” His calm and hollow gaze scanned the crowd before he

held the microphone to his lips. “Is there anything wrong with my actions? I already pointed this out last night—

Sonia didn’t do any of those things. Even if she did, would I be wrong to stay in a relationship with her?”

“Wouldn’t it be wrong?” The muscles in Jessica’s neck were tense as she spoke.

Toby curled his lips into a cold smirk. “What’s wrong with me standing up for the woman I love? I’d only be wrong if

I questioned her honesty and refused to support her. I wouldn’t deserve to be her lover in that case.”

“Well…” The crowd was speechless. What Toby said seemed to make sense to them. Regardless of whether your

loved one made a mistake or not, it’s your duty to provide unconditional support to your loved one, right?

How could you call it love otherwise? If your boyfriend or girlfriend strays away from you while you’re involved in a

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scandal, how would you feel? How would you feel if they didn’t trust you and back you up? You’d probably feel like

your partner isn’t worthy of your love, right?

When Jessica saw that the crowd was starting to change their opinions toward the situation, she panicked. “Mr.

Fuller, you’re—”

Toby frowned before he spoke into the microphone to interrupt her. “You claim that I’m excusing Sonia’s

wrongdoings when I stand by her side, and you say that I’m irresponsible toward society due to this matter. That’s

hilarious. How is standing up for my woman related to a societal matter? How did you get to that conclusion?”

The rest of the crowd lowered their heads in shame. He’s right. Speaking up and supporting your loved ones is a

personal matter that isn’t related to society at all. It seems like we’ve been making too big a deal out of this. It’s all

because of Jessica! Upon that thought, most of the crowd turned to stare at Jessica with unfriendly looks on their


Jessica’s face turned pale as she protested. “Why are you guys looking at me? What do you want?”

“What they’re trying to tell you is that you’re adding oil to the fire. You’re putting Sonia on the spot and turning the

crowd against her. You’re trying to create distance between Sonia and me.” Toby didn’t bother to protect Jessica’s

dignity at all and immediately exposed her true intentions.

A look of panic flashed in Jessica’s gaze. “T-That’s nonsense! I wasn’t trying to do that!”

“Weren’t you?” It was Sonia, not Toby, who spoke up this time. She took the microphone from Toby and glared at

Jessica. Both Sonia and Toby stared at Jessica with gazes so cold that it seemed almost like they were looking at an

object rather than a person. “If you weren’t trying to do that, why did you utter those words to President Fuller?

You claimed that his protection of me is his neglect toward society, but it appears like you were trying to brainwash

the crowd. You want others to believe that I’ve actually done those things, but you forgot that you don’t have any

solid evidence for all of those things you accused me of either. We’ll still require proof to determine whether I

wronged you or not, right?” Sonia asked.