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Belong to the Lycan Alpha by Jikanyotomare

Chapter 100
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Chapter 100
Lilac stared at the mark on her neck and she pressed her lips to stop herself from smiling. She liked the look of it, but she
couldn’t show this expression to Hunter because that man would tease her to no end.
For a while, Lilac forgot of how Raya looked a little bit strange with her. Probably because she was still trying to adjust herself
with the fact Lilac was her luna now, since Hunter was not shy to declare that, especially with the proof of this mark.
“Do you like it that much?” Hunter asked, which startled Lilac, because she couldn’t see him coming, neither he appeared in front
of the mirror.
Red color tinged her cheeks, which she tried to hide it, pretending she didn’t know what Hunter meant with that, but the man was
too shrewd to not be able to see it. through her.
He came toward her and hugged her from behind, buried his nose on the crook of her neck and breathed in her scent. This
action was very endearing, though Lilac would some time pretending she didn’t like it, but in actuality, she loved it that much,
since it
made her felt wanted.
“I am not,” Lilac murmured, she felt goosebumps on her skin when Hunter k*ssed her neck and then licked her sensitive skin, as
he squeezed her breast, this made Lilac moaned, in which she immediately cleared her throat and regained her composure.
However, Hunter looked like in a good mood right now, because he actually became very playful with her. He kept licking and
squeezing her breast, as he slipped his hand under her shirt and started to feel her tender skin. Her b*dy was very perfect in his
As if, she was made only for her.
The moon Goddess must have been mistaken when she put the Aiden as Lilac’s mate, because the two of them were not
compatible at all. If the mate bond was really exist, it should be him, who became her mate.

“My mate...” Hunter murmured and then his k*sses became even more bold, as he turned her b*dy around and started to leave
trail of wet k*sses on her neck, collarbones, her breast and this made
Lilac breathless. She really wanted to tell Hunter to stop, but her desire to make him stop was weaker than her urge to make him
continued his action, because he really made her felt so good.
However, Hunter abruptly stop, mischievous glinted in his eyes when he saw how confused Lilac was, she looked like someone
just poured a cold water on her before she realized this was another way for Hunter to tease her.
Chapter 100
“Hunter!” Lilac was screaming in desperation. He turned her on, but left her hanging like this!
“You can just ask me, you know and I will do what you want.” Hunter crossed his arms. in front of his chest, his gaze was enough
to make Lilac felt n*ked. How he could do that?!
He turned her on even more when he didn’t even touch her.
Unfortunately, their teasing game needed to end when they heard a knock on the door, it was the guard, who informed them that
their carriage was ready and they could go
out now.
Lilac gulped down with difficulty, as she tried to act like there was nothing happened, she missed the glint in Hunter’s eyes.
“I think we need to go now,” she said in small voice, she didn’t want to go before she got what she wanted, but at the same time,
she was too embarrassed. “We need to go now.”
Lilac became nervous because Hunter stared at her intently, but when she was about to leave, he suddenly hugged her from
behind and pushed her toward the bed.
“This will be quick,” Hunter said, as he started k*ssing her in earnest and the sound of frustration in his voice made Lilac
laughed. .

Yet, it didn’t take long for Hunter to make that sound of laughter became a delicious moan that filled the entire room.
Today was the day where they would meet with Aiden, as Hunter would hand over the war prisoner.
But, inside the carriage, there was a certain woman, who was currently sulking. Lilac didn’t look happy at all, while Hunter mused
her expression.
“Still hurt?” Hunter asked, while Lilac mewled and buried her face against his chest. She groaned.
“It hurt,” she said curtly.
“I am sorry.” Hunter nuzzled her head with his cheek and rubbed her back. was a little
bit excited.”
Lilac didn’t accept that, she raised her head and glared at him. “That’s not a little, that’s a lot.” She remembered, how he ravaged
her, but she couldn’t help, but blushing when she was reminded of the pleasure she got afterward.
08:41 Thu,
Chapter 100
“I thought you like it, because as I remember it, you told me to go even faster, don’t you?” he teased her relentlessly. “Oh, I also
But, before Hunter could talk even more, Lilac had covered his mouth with her own hand and glared at him, warning him not to
continue to talk about this.
See? She was very cute when she was flustered! Hunter couldn’t help himself, but k*ssed her cheek.
“Don’t k*ss me,” Lilac said sternly, but her face couldn’t lie to Hunter that she liked it. She hated herself for not being able to lie
With that, Hunter only chuckled in delight, but their happiness didn’t last long because soon after they arrived at their meeting
point, where they met with Aiden and his warriors. Not only that, he also brought along his pregnant mate.
Ruby looked even more pregnant than before, it must be only a few more months before she gave birth to their child.
Lilac had been worried with this moment, she was not sure what she would feel when she saw the two of them again, but to her
surprised, she felt nothing.
“Should I impregnant you?” Hunter whispered.