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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 53
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Mu Tongrui who was hugged tightly by Jian Zhe, got a shock. She smiled bitterly. What a bastard he is!

If he had stayed faithful to Shen Wanyue after he betrayed her, she would at least not be that disgusted

with him. Now that he was wavering between both of them, it made her loathe him even more.

She struggled with all her might but Jian Zhe hugged her even tighter. “Tong Rui, I understand now that

my true love is you! Please do not be Fu Lingye's mistress anymore! Ever since we met during the

event last time, I have been thinking about you all day. I am sorry, Tong Rui. I was blinded by greed and

had betrayed you. Do you still love you?”

“Jian Zhe! Are you mad! I stopped loving you long ago! Let go of me!”

Unexpectedly, Jian Zhe simply pushed her against the wall and started to roam his hands along her

body, just like an uncontrollable beast. He said in a rage, “Did Fu Lingye touch you before? When we

were dating, you refused to let me touch you! Fu Lingye actually bought the Mu family's villa for you!

Did you please him so much in bed?!”

Her entire body trembled, and gave him a tight slap on his face. Glaring at him in pure anger, she

retorted, “Jian Zhe! I, Mu Tongrui, would rather be someone else' mistress than to have you lecture me!

You have no right!”

Not only was Jian Zhe unbothered by that slap, he even pinned her against the wall and grabbed her

hands tightly, “So you admit that you are Fu Lingye's mistress! Mu Tongrui! You do not even let me

touch you and yet you are cheap enough to be Fu Lingye's pleasure tool!”

He lowered his head in an attempt to kiss her against her will. Mu Tongrui turned her head over to avert

that unwanted kiss. Though her heart was racing with fright, she bellowed, “Since you know that I am

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Fu Lingye's woman, how dare you still touch me! Are you not scared of Fu Lingye?”

“We used to be a couple and so what if I sleep with you today? If you tell him what has happened

today, no doubt I will be in serious trouble but you will not be much better off either! Do you think Fu

Lingye will want a woman who has bedded other men?”

She did not expect Jian Zhe to be so shameless. She was simply disgusted by the fact that he was on

top of her and his hands were groping her desperately now. She struggled with all her might, hoping

that Fu Lingye would save her...

But how can he save me now when he is tied up in a passionate moment with Xiang Nanqian!

Just when her skirt was being tugged at roughly, she heard the screeching sound of a car coming to a

stop. With her blurry version, she saw a tall figure alighting from the car. Not caring whether it was her

delusion, she screamed, “Fu Lingye!”

Jian Zhe froze and looked up. Indeed, it was Fu Lingye running in his direction, with a murderous cold


His gaze was as cold as ice. If looks could kill, Jian Zhe would be dying a thousand times!

Before Jian Zhe could react in time, a punch had landed squarely on his face.


Fu Lingye usually worked out in a gym and had engaged in a wide array of sports ranging from fencing,

horse-riding to boxing. Though he was slim, he could pack quite a punch. Jian Zhe on the other hand,

was a typical rich man's son who was always seated in the office. He was simply no fight for Fu Lingye.

After a few hefty punches from Fu Lingye, Jian Zhe collapsed to the ground, hugging his stomach in


“How dare you touch my woman?”

His tone was menacing and unforgiving. He locked the arm that touched Mu Tongrui just now, and

broke it like a twig!


Jian Zhe's face was contorted with pain. It hurt so much that he could not move now. Drenched in cold

sweat, he trembled and hugged himself on the ground.

Fu Lingye frowned, and took off his jacket to put on Mu Tongrui in an assertive and domineering


“Scram if you wish to live!”

Jian Zhe was so frightened that he basically scrambled to his feet and ran out of Mu family's villa.

However, when he reached the door, he turned back and yelled vindictively, “Fu Lingye! Do you think

Mu Tongrui is very pure! She has slept with dozens of men other than me! She is just a pretentious


He then ran to his car in fear of Fu Lingye chasing after him, and escaped in it.

After Jian Zhe left, Mu Tongrui stammered, “Why...why are you here?”

Fu Lingye knitted his brow, and turned to press her against the wall and looked at her with his dark

eyes. He replied in his cool, husky voice, “Why, have I disturbed you?”


She was almost raped by Jian Zhe just now. Thank god that Fu Lingye had turned up to save her.

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Fu Lingye lowered his head to look at the frightened woman before him whose eyes were rimmed with

tears. Her pitiful sight made him impatient, “Weren't you very smart when you bit me that time, but why

were you so weak when Jian Zhe bullied you? Or did you actually want to be bullied by him?”

Mu Tongrui was very hurt by his biting words. She had scarcely escaped and was still in a state of

shock. Now with Fu Lingye's cold remarks and thinking about him siding with Xiang Nanqian during the

last few days when Xiang Nanqian falsely accused her, she broke down in tears of aggrievement.

Punching his chest in agitation, she cried, “Only you would want to be bullied! Do not think you can

freely insult me just because you have saved me! And I do not want this villa anymore! Stop using this

villa as a hold over me!”

She pushed him away and glared at him. Gasping for air, she continued, “When did I offend all of you?

Jian Zhe betrayed me, Shen Qiu and Shen Wanyue caused the ruins of my family! Xiang Nanqian

could not bear the sight of me! And even you bullied me! What did I owe you all to deserve such


The emotions that she had been bottling up finally exploded today.

Fu Lingye looked at her intently. Her tear-streaked face had turned an unusual scarlet due to her

agitated outburst. Her eyes were rimmed with tears and loose strands of hair were stuck on her face.

Somehow, she actually looked alluring.

However, Mu Tongrui continued her ranting, oblivious to Fu Lingye's change in expression, “I have

resigned already! I do not want the villa anymore! And I do not want to pretend to be your wife nor have

anything to do with you or Xiang Nanqian! Who are you to bully me! Who are you to me!”

Fu Lingye strode towards her with his gaze still set on her red lips. He put one arm around her waist to

lock her in an embrace, bending down to plant a kiss on her lips.