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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 287
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“Let’s not open a gambling resort. We should renovate it and do something else. The pub outside is

considered to be one of the best ones in Horington. Besides, its monthly income can go up to millions.”

Casper began to calculate his profit for the day. After removing the 130 million that was given to

Eugene and Michael, he still had about 600 million worth of bonds and stocks in his hands that were

transferred to him by Harold. With the real estate under Harold’s name, as well as about 20 million

worth of deposits in the bank, Casper had more than 40 million.

“This family has achieved so many goals…”

Casper felt as if everything was a dream. This amount of money seems so surreal.

“No, it wasn’t easy to earn them. The time, effort, and power that was invested into Horington Casino

this time were more than anything we’ve ever done. It also required more judgment skills and willpower

than the norm. If a single thing were to go wrong, we wouldn’t have been able to achieve this result…”

At this time, the sky gradually turned bright as the night came to an end.

All of Harold’s assets had been handed over. Horington Casino was crowded during the first half of the

night, but only Casper and the members of Firewolf Chamber of Commerce stayed throughout the

night. Two bankers and lawyers would occasionally drop by for the handover.

“The pub outside has closed too. Let’s go back when we’re finished.” Feeling slightly drained, Casper

rubbed his eyes. The fight of wits that night was too exhausting for him.

“There’s more to Horington Casino than this.” Eugene stood by the door with a cigarette in his mouth.

“It’s one of the largest places outside of Horington for money laundering and gambling. There are also

many external influences who are involved. It’s better to be prepared for what’s to come now that

you’ve severed their connections with Horington.”

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Casper did not immediately respond. Instead, he glanced at Eugene and asked, “Is it really that fun for

you to smoke?”

“Do you want one?” Eugene pulled out a cigarette from the pack and offered it to Casper, but the latter

rejected it and said, “No, thanks. I can’t stand the smell. Besides, it’s harmful to the body.”

Eugene smiled and replied, “That’s because your time isn’t here yet. When you have many more things

in your head, you’ll naturally start smoking. Nicotine might be poisonous, but it can also calm you down


Hearing Eugene’s reply, Casper shook his head in response. He was convinced that he would never

smoke nor gamble. These things are terrifying. It can ruin my life in the blink of an eye.

However, Eugene’s words were realistic and logical. Everything in life was a gamble, and people had

been playing this game throughout their lives. The only difference was that they bet on different things,

and it was not done on the betting table.

However, there was another key problem to be solved, and that was Terrence.

Casper had helped Terrence pay off his gambling debts, but the latter was still addicted to gambling.

Casper had no idea how to help him quit that addiction.

At that moment, Terrence was behaving in an abnormal manner. His eyes turned red as he was

ecstatic when he had won some money earlier. However, he was feeling melancholy as he sat on the

ground. Nobody knew the thoughts that were running through his mind.

If I don’t break his addiction to gambling, he will continue to gamble again in the future. In that case,

whatever I’ve done tonight was only to treat the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem.

Casper was lost in his own thoughts when Eugene suddenly said, “If you really want to help him quit

gambling, I think it’s best to first see if his addiction is curable.”

“How do I know if it’s curable?”

“You’ll be able to tell at a glance.”

Casper walked toward Terrence. It was only when he was close to him did he manage to hear what

Terrence was muttering under his breath. Casper pricked up his ears to listen as Terrence muttered, “I

finally won. I finally won. I can finally face Belinda…”

Casper squatted down and looked Terrence in the eyes. “Mr. Clauder, now that your gambling debts

have been paid off, I can give you tens of millions to see Mrs. Clauder. But first, you’ll have to answer

my question. Will you gamble again in the future?”

Terrence hesitated for a moment before he pursed his lips and let out a long sigh. “That’s not


Casper’s heart sank. Has he gone mad from gambling? How could he say that winning tens of millions

isn’t enough?

Terrence continued to say, “I promised Belinda I’d let her go back. But how is that amount enough? I

need more money…”

Casper furrowed his brows and did not know what to say. He looked toward Eugene, who shook his

head as if to say that Terrence was a lost cause.

“What can I do? He’s Giselle’s father. As long as there’s a glimmer of hope, I’ll never be able to give up

on him. I’ll have someone monitor him every second if I have to! Mr. Clauder, please sober up a little.

Gambling won’t make you rich at all. What I did today was an exception. You’ll either lose or win

whenever you gamble. You’ve lost so many times, but why can’t you understand that?”

Casper grabbed Terrence’s shoulders and added determinedly, “Mr. Clauder, if you promise me that

you’ll never gamble again, then I will give you the 20 million so that you could return to Mrs. Clauder

and give her a proper explanation. But if you can’t do that, then I won’t give you a single cent!”

Eugene nodded in agreement when he heard Casper’s words. The best way to tie a gambler down was

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with money. Money meant everything to them. They would not listen to anything but money.

“You’re not a man of your words. How did my daughter become friends with someone like you?”

Terrence was beginning to be angry.

“Mr. Clauder, I’m only breaking my promises for your own good. Since you’re addicted to gambling and

won’t heed any advice, I have no choice but to fight fire with fire. I don’t care what you say now. You’ll

never get a single cent as long as you continue to gamble,” Casper said courteously.

Terrence’s body began to shake as he shook off Casper’s arm. “You promised! You promised to give

me money!” he shouted loudly.

Casper did not want to argue with Terrence. He shook his head and walked out of Horington Casino,

leaving Terrence shouting from behind.

“So what now? Are you sure you don’t want to give up on him?” Eugene asked.

Casper had arrived outside of the pub, and the look in his eyes was filled with turmoil. “Yes, I’m sure.

He’s not someone I can give up on. He means too much to me. I need him.”

Casper’s eyes lit up at the thought of Terrence’s words when he said that he wanted to provide Belinda

with an explanation. There must be a reason as to why he’s in desperate need of money. Maybe I

could speak to Giselle’s mother to find out what actually happened.

“He said tens of millions is not enough. What do you think he meant by that? What could possibly cost

tens of millions?” Casper was slightly confused.

Eugene, however, smiled and said, “Don’t you understand? Tens of millions mean nothing when he

wants to become rich. He wants to be a rich man who is listed on Forbes, and he wants to prove

himself using money.”

Casper was even more confused. “But he’s not of low status. As the youngest professor in Horington,

he has an unexceptionally bright future. Why does he care so much about money? It just doesn’t make

any sense.”