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Becoming Strangers Again by Lily

Chapter 78
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my blues fleur of the bukit dating curarval Stephanie ruse from ant disap. What's going on, yant A murder induct Tuve tways been the rein type How did you lee such a Astuce watta mm hanshake before taking my seat at the it to the assembled team outing my suctives cana Pampune into extremumself to the the cal He returned a few minutes ee Wee or tres to map up the press conference, he announced grimly.

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and they reprezanto leave the station as we speak.

Reporterametering statiodown on me. So what's your take on this. Mr.

prompetorengusarice Carron with the press conference he advised, his tone measured. Sonorence enero instant presenter is the company's savior. the key to solving the crisis Can Dosure that you say and convince people that you had no motive Tattare stated firmly my tone devoid of emotion. Sophia was to play afrom the mess site created and I had no hand in her death. So tellwhich aten aarchy the force miness of my words. Sensing the tension in the room. my Trance betwDQogy. Teasersens hosale benavior. heitertected, his tone conciliatory.

Cerinte twittolerate ever attitude he gives you without complaint is that clear Con, let's get this over and done with, he ferner vertet reeting moment to collect my thoughts. Can you ail 1. ST. Test to gather any thoughts the room, the rest of the team trailing Graten 1 number. She answered almost Her ebrenter our and I couldn't help but Derrics going to Can the tis raged en ed gulf for fer response. When the didn't reply. I wbied before ending the call mom, I made my way be the grid field where the press awaited. My wurity team flanked between repwell and the crowd of reporters. With a deep breath, I prepared to address the the crucial in shaping how things will go with the public.

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wees as to why I've called for this emergency press conference. I began, my voice steady as I reporters and photographers, their fingers flying over their keyboards and cameras clicking in light of the ongoing situation with YAEW Group, we've refrained from making any official statements destto fully understand the complexities of the issue." went to allow the journalists to jot down my wards, I continued, "The design that we were accused of mily strutted us as by Sophia Hampton, who had recently retired from our company. We sought her out galley of the design so that we could determine our next course of action. However, when our attempts to successful, we reached out to her family and learned that she was staying at her grandmother's house Canong belly a Mr. Waper, who nodded in encouragement, I pressed on est a sense of calm wash overas I spoke, knowing that I was not deceiving the public with my words. "I dispatched my location where her mother claimed Sophia was staying, I continued, my voice measured as I recounted the They chose to approach at night, hoping to find her at home, unaware of her schedule. However, upon their arrival, they discrivermi Sophia's lifeless body, still warm, indicating than the perpetrator was likely still in the vicinity." The rapid dicing of cameras intensified as I spoke, the journalists eager to capture every detail of the narrative. "Sof my personnel went into the surrounding area to investigate any suspicious activity, while others contacted the ties to report the incident, I explained.

Za of now, our company's primary focus is on identifying and apprehending Sophia Hampton's kitter," ! declared. "We have decided so prioritize this investigation and are seeking to resolve the matter of the stolen design out of court, given the ang nature of the current circumstances." Angspoke up. "you can now ask your questions." The firs journalist to speak addresseddirectly, her voice filled with skepticism. "Are you suggesting that you have no wierige of the murder of Ms. Sophia Hampton?"

Sotsook my head firmiy, meeting her gaze. "Why would I have arty involvement in the death of someone who could potentially savemillions of dollars and sparefrom a lawsuit?" I replied, my tone laced with conviction. Furthermore, I intend to cooperate fully with the authorities and will be providing a detailed report of everything I know hope that my assertion would help mitigate the fallout from my arrest. As the journalists continued to pose their questions, offered concise and composed responses, careful to maintain my composure under the scrutinizing gaze of the

Sensing my father subtle signal, I concluded the press conference, eager to exit the stage and avoid any further exposure to the camera and live recordings. With a nod of gratitude to the assembled journalists, I made my way off the platform. 27 the fee with my car to the statu