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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 316
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Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot Ceo Chapter 316

It was easy for Brett to guess that Irvin and his men prob-ably lodged in the abadoned house and

Michael probably laid

an ambush and bombed the house.

Does that mean Irvin is dead? Brett thought sadly. He was still in Amy’s house as he couldn’t leave her

alone during this

tough times that she was going through.

In the room that Brett was, he was far from being happy.

He then left his room and went to Joan’s room in a bit to seek for advise.

On getting there, he knocked on the door three times be-fore it got opened. Joan appeared with a dull

face and asked,”

what are you doing here?”

“Erm… I want to talk to you.”

“We can’t have sex yet, we haven’t even started dating yet,” Joan said. Actually, she was still sleepy.

“Ha!” Brett covered his mouth. That wasn’t his intention of coming here at all. So he quickly went straight

to the point,”

Irvin may be dead and I do not know how to tell this to Amy.”

The sleep on Joan’s face vanished at once, “come in,” she immediately welcomed Brett and once he

walked in, Joan

peeped through each sides of the door to be sure Amy wasn’t around. The last thing she wants is to

make Amy sadder than she already was.

Then she locked the door and went to sit on her bed. “Sit,

please. How did you know that Irvin is dead?” Joan was very curious.

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Brett sat and explained it all to her.

“Gosh! This Michael is evil. But we can’t be so sure that Irvin is dead so it’s not good that we tell Amy yet.

Let your

men keep investigating while we pretend like everything is okay to Amy. I don’t want Amy to be sadder

than she already

is,” Joan said.

“I understand. This was why I came to ask for your advise.

We will just pretend as if everything is okay.”

“Got it,” Joan said. Praying inwardly that evil will not befall Irvin.

Neither of Joan nor Brett could sleep until it was day break. They just remained in that state of sadness.

“If Amy sees me here, she would misjudge the situation, I need to leave to my room plus I must go to

work this morn-

ing,” Brett said.

“Okay, same here. I need to start dressing up for work,”

Joan said.

Brett was fully managing Broderick’s company while Joan was of course trying her best to manage

Amy’s company.

Brett then walked out and soon went to work.

Joan left for work too while Amy took the children to the school. She didn’t have the strength to go to

work today as

the thought about Broderick and Irvin has filled her heart.

While she was inside the house alone, her phone chirped and seeing Michael was the caller ID, she

didn’t know whether

to answer the call or not.

If she had not gotten close to Michael, all these wouldn’t have happened. What if Michael was only


She didn’t pick that very call but she may pick up if he calls again but Michael didn’t call back.

She slept off on the chair and woke up after four hours.

She felt pain in her neck cause of how she slept, she stood,

stretched her neck and walked to her room.

She slumped to the bed sadly again and the tears she had been trying to hold eventually fell from her

eyes. Her children

were already asking for Broderick and she just kept telling them he travelled?

What if he had been killed and thrown somewhere? How about Brett? She tried to be optimistic but it

was hard, she

kept having negative thoughts in her mind.

Her phone then rang again, she picked it this time even-though it was Michael who called.

“Hey Amy, it’s been a while we spoke, hope you are good?”

It took a while before she responded,” yes.”

Michael knew she can’t be fine since both the father of her childre and her brother are not in sight. In

order not to be

regarded as a suspect, he decided not to act too desperate.

“Are you sure? You sound somehow?” Michael asked.

Amy took the phone far away from her and sniffed in her tears then she put the phone back in her ear,” I

had just wo-

ken up. Trust me, I’m good.”

“Okay then, as long as you are good then I’m happy. Talk to you later,” Michael said.

Oh! Amy had thought he was going to ask for them to meet somewhere but surprisingly, he just wanted

to check up

on her.

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“Thank you. Hope you are good today?”

“Trying to,” Michael answered.

“Okay, be good. Bye,” Amy said and hung the call up.

That was strange or was it not? Amy thought.

Amy suddenly heard the sound of the doorbell. Who could be at the door? Amy checked the time on her

phone and realized that it was just 1AM in the afternoon.

The children would still be in school during this time. Joan and Brett would also be in their place of work

so who could be knocking?

What if it was Broderick or Irvin? At the thought of this,.she ran out of her room, straight to the door and


ately opened the door.

To her greatest surprise, she saw Brett.

“Brett! This is just 1AM? What’s wrong?”

“Come with me,” Brett lead her to the living room and af-ter they had sat, Brett said,” my men found

Elva’s dead body


“What!” Amy exclaimed in shock.

“Yeah, that’s very strange,” Brett said.

“Oh my gosh! Who could have killed her?” Yes Amy hated Elva but she never wished anyone death.

“We are yet to get any news from Ora country but the sit-uations are really getting very complicated. I

want to go my-

self to Ora country,” Brett was tempted to go and check him-self.

“Please don’t go. We don’t know the fate of Broderick and Irvin and you want to leave too? Ora seems to

be a cursed

country that eats up legend. Please don’t leave Joan, I and the kids,” Amy pleaded.