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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 230
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Chapter 230

“Will you?” Martha raised her face up to him and asked. “Yes, I will,” Broderick responded. “Is that a

promise?” Martha asked.

Broderick hesitated before he responded,” yes, it’s a promise. Don’t ever think of aborting the child,


Martha nodded and Broderick pulled her closer to himself and kissed her on her forehead.

He helped her up and said,” let’s go inside.”

Martha leaned on him as he lead her inside, he helped her to the bathroom and then walked back to the


Broderick sighed and slump to the bed, his phone chirped and seeing that it was Amy, he hesitated

before answering the call.

“Hey Broderick, isn’t today the day you said we would perform the DNA test or have you forgotten?” Amy

asked. Broderick replied with a heavy heart, “I didn’t forget. It’s just that…” He sighed heavily, “plans


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“Oh!” Amy became very dissapointed. She had thought that today would be the day when she will put

Martha to shame and claim her children back. She had anticipated so much for this day. “Please let me

prove that I am not lying and that the kids are really mine,” Amy requested confidently. “Amy, Martha is

pregnant for me,” Broderick broke the news to her and Amy went quiet for what looked like forever.

Amy checked the screen of her phone to be sure that the person who just spoke was Broderick, also,

she wondered if she heard the right word so she asked,” you said Martha is what?”

“She’s pregnant for me. She had threatened to abort the baby if I didn’t give her the attention I use to

give her before we became close. Amy, I’m sorry but I would not really be available for you anymore. I

think you have feelings for me but try to kill the feelings and forget about me. I want to only focus on my

wife and kids. I do not want to have to doubt the mother of my kids. I just want to live a simple life devoid

of trouble. You can move on with your life, please,” Broderick said with a painful heart and hung the call

up. Tears struggled to fall from his eyes after he said this. Martha appeared with only a towel wrapped

around her body, she looked hot as her fresh laps were revealed and a major part of her cleavage were

so revealing. She had water dripping down her wet hair that fell loosely to her back. She knew Broderick

was a type of man who keeps to promise so if he promise her, he was going to fulfill it so she was not

bothered anymore about Amy anymore.

She walked towards Broderick with a bright smile on her face and said,” come and dress me up in my

house gown.” Broderick smiled eventhough his heart was hurting so badly, it was as though some bees

were stinging it so hard. He loosened the towel around her and went to her wardrobe the picked a white

light gown then helped her to wear it. Martha turned around and then slump to the bed happily.

“Broderick, will you sleep in my room this night? As a pregnant woman, I need all the attention. Our child

that’s in me can only stay healthy if you make me happy.”

Broderick pulled off his suit and hung it then laid beside her,” I’m here for you.” “Thank you, my husband,”

Martha cuddled herself around him and asked,” why don’t you loosen the button on your shirt?”

“You can do that,” Broderick said and Martha gleefully began to loosen the button on his shirt. Amy’s

heart ripped apart mercilessly as she heard Broderick spill those words. Although they were not in a

relationship, his words sounds like that of a break up. Tears rushed down her face like an heavy

downpour of rain. She picked up her pillow and hugged it dearly, crying so hard inside her pillow until it

became very soaked.

Amy’s door opened at that moment and Joan ran inside with her laptop, screaming,” America’s richest

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man had made an offer to become one of the shareholder of our company.”

But when Joan noticed the tears on Amy’s face, the laptop in her hand almost dropped. She went ahead

and dropped the laptop on the stool and went to her,” Amy, what happened?”

Amy cried even more, she wanted to speak but the more she tried to, the more words get stuck in her


Joan hugged her dearly and didn’t say any word, Joan’s eyes became litered with tears too eventhough

she didn’t know what was making Amy cry. She could just feel her pain.

“Broderick said he doesn’t want to have anything to do with me again,” Amy eventually was able to

speak. However, she had stopped crying out loud but was rather sobbing. Her heart was sour and she

doubt if she can ever heal from the pain. This was the man she had fallen hard for.

“How could he?” Joan was angry at Broderick and walked out. She placed a call across to Broderick and

once he answered the call, Joan spoke,” oh! So now, you don’t want to have anything to do with Amy

again, right? Fine, she already has another man comforting her anyways, I can’t wait for me to start

hearing means of ‘love making’ from their room.”