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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 182
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BRAVING THE DARKNESS: One Night With The Demon King

BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha’s Little Demon Book 2

Chapter 30 – Paradise In Hell PATREA.

Lucius left me in the tower so he could check my home and make sure nothing was burning or

destroyed except for my furniture.

Also, he could park my car elsewhere, so no one would question my absence from the house for a few


He said it would only take him a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity already, and he hadn’t returned


He left me in the dining hall, where they prepared human food for me, but I didn’t have an appetite to


I’d been staring at my food for along time, and as much as I wanted to skip dinner, I knew I had to eat

or I might end up being too weak compared to Nyneve.

I wanted to be prepared once I saw her again.

I had to ask Lucius to bring me some witchcraft paraphernalia.

He told me as well that he kept most of my belongings from my cottage, which I really appreciated, as

most of them were hard to find but Lucien had somehow managed to bring them to me.

At least here, I had no restrictions when it came to practicing my spells and charms.

Yes here. I didn’t even bother to think if I wanted to be here or not. I just jumped in and gave myself

willingly to Lucius. I knew he might see it as cowardice to be left alone in my home, but the truth was,

despite the fact that he looked like he would k*ill Nyneve, I wanted to make sure the she-demon would

not be able to harm him back.

My desire to protect him made me forget that he was now powerful and that Nyneve was just a young


And perhaps I just wanted to ensure that Lucius would not succumb to lust if she used her seduction

and charm on him again.

I was not willing to share him with anyone, so I was marking my territory when I jumped into his arms

and plunged my soul back into hell. I smiled, despite myself. I was claiming him.

Oh well, no one had to know. I would enjoy it as much as I could, but I knew being the current apple of

his eye was putting my life in danger. I just hoped that by the time the King of Kalmerus was tired of

me, I would be strong enough to protect myself. I pushed food into my mouth as I remembered Nyneve

again. I was lucky Lucius didn’t snap at me for distracting him when she got away. But I wondered

where she was and what her next plan would be.


Lucy’s voice rang in the dining hall, and my head tilted to the left, from where her voice came. She was

rushing to me, and I immediately stood up, throwing my arms around her as we hugged each other.

Adan and Lucius were approaching.

“Are you okay?” She asked, her voice laced with concern, as she pulled her body away from me and

checked me.

“I’m okay,” I answered.

“Oh, Goddess. You had bruises!” She ran her knuckles along my cheek, and it made me smile. Lucy

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had indeed become a mother hen the moment she became the Luna of her pack.

“You know, Lucius can fix and heal that,” she said.

“Yup, tell her that. It looks like she doesn’t trust me.”

Lucius chuckled, and I rolled my eyes at him. How dare he say I didn’t trust him when I sold my body

and soul to him in an instant without even thinking?

“I can also make it go away. I just need to rest for a while as Nyneve used up all my energy.” I

explained to Lucy.

“Let Lucius heal you. Don’t use your energy at the moment, you need to rest.” Lucy replied.

“I’m fine. How’s Althea?”

“She’s doing well. She wanted to come, but I told her, you might freak out if she volunteers to come

here. So I told her I would have to ask you first. But Lucius assured her you were okay.”

“Well, they’re not supposed to be here. I went there to let them know you’re here with me, but I think

Lucija thinks I kidnapped you, and she wants to hear it for herself. No one trusts me around here.”

Lucius said, but he was snickering. He was having fun.

“Shut up, Lucius.” Lucija snapped at him, and Adan chuckled as well.

“I just want to see with my own eyes that that she-demon didn’t cause you any damage. Oh, I would so

love to meet her and make her feel my wrath.”

“Relax, I’m okay. But she did try to burn me.”

“What?” Lucy asked in a slightly higher voice while Lucius hissed.

The next thing I knew, Lucius was already beside me, grabbing my wrist and turning my body around to

face him, a scowl evident on his face.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t have time, and besides, I was confused too if she did try to burn me.”

“What happened?”

Lucius’ face was turning deadly. I told them how she was able to pin me down and my hands were

engulfed in flames, but it didn’t hurt me and I didn’t burn at all.

Lucija said demons were also capable of making fire that protects, and it was probably what she

accidentally used on me.

But Adan didn’t believe it, as he thought it would be impossible to create a fire that protects if the one

creating it was in a rage and there was no one around him or her that she wanted to protect. to which

Lucius agreed.

But I told them to disregard it, as it might be that I just got lucky.

But Lucius’ eyes told me he would not let that subject go.

After Lucy and Adan left, Lucius told me that Nyneve was not in Kalmerus and was not in Athwart


Her father seemed to not care about her and told Lucius she would surrender to him once she returned

to his kingdom.

But what should I expect from demons? I was sure King Arturos was more concerned with having

Lucius’ favor than protecting his own offspring, as he had other daughters he could offer Lucius.

“You should sleep,”

Lucius’ voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I saw him staring at me from the other side of the

table, his back leaning against his chair with one hand on the table. He wasn’t eating. He was

observing me as if he had nothing else to do.

I smiled at him and nodded my head as I placed the napkin beside my plate. I barely ate, but I wasn’t

really hungry, and then I spaced out. He stood up from his seat and rounded the table to get to where I

was seated. I pushed my chair back, ready to walk with him when he laid his hand out for me to take.

I was sure my cheeks began to be tinted with red the moment our hands clasped, and he guided me

out of the dining hall, walking hand in hand, not minding the stares we were getting from the demons

we met along the way.

“I’m sure this was not the dinner date you were expecting tonight, but I will prepare some other nights

for us. I would rather you don’t leave the tower.”

“Are you going to lock me up here?”

It was just a question, but it sounded as if I was accusing him. He halted walking and turned to face

me, his hand was still on mine.

“It may look like that, but I have to make sure you’re safe. I’m not taking a risk. This tower is the only

place I can control. Anyone can come and go in Kalmerus, as in all the other places in the underworld.

But the towers are specifically owned by kings. And this tower is all mine. I had now taken powers from

my demon that allowed them to accept visitors without my consent. Every visitor would have to go

through me, if I’m not here, then they can wait until I get back or they can f*uc*k off.”

I nodded my head, and we began walking again.

“You took out the power even with your right-hand demon?”

“Dorion? Yes.”

“He’s your right hand. You don’t trust him.”

“I don’t trust anyone. Demons rarely do. That’s what separates us from angels. And I’m not taking

chances when it comes to you. I was a f*uc*king fool to leave you alone in your home when she

already gave a hint that she would come after you.”

“What do you mean? Nyneve told you she will k*ill me?”

“The conversation at the bathhouse that you didn’t hear. She said there was nothing you could do

against her if she decided to come after you.” I swallowed hard, but I didn’t say anything.

“I thought she would back off because I told her I would k*ill her and eat her heart if she ever touched

you. And I meant that. If she didn’t get away, she’ll be dead now.”

“I’m sorry, I distracted you from k*illing her.”

He stopped again from walking, and my head turned to look at him.

My brows hiked up because a smile graced his lips.

He let go of my hand and cupped my cheek, his thumb bruising against my skin.

And for some reason, it made tingles spread between my thighs.

“That was the best distraction I ever had. I should thank her because you came with me here in the

underworld, and I didn’t need to convince you.”

I took a deep breath.

I wanted to s*uck his thumb, but we were still in the middle of the tower, and I didn’t want any demons

to see me acting like that.

“Look, Patrea. I know you don’t want to be here, but the circumstances just f*orc*e you to be here. But I

assure you that none of the nightmares that you had in the last decade would happen here, or

anywhere else. I’ll make sure of that. Because I will ruin everyone and everything that will abuse you.

And I won’t even let it happen. If I see signs, I will eliminate them.”

“Aren’t you supposed to give them the benefit of the doubt?”

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“I’m a demon. I don’t give second chances at the first sign of hostility. I’m not going to hesitate to k*ill

anyone to protect you.”

“You’re giving me too much attention.”

“I do. And it makes you a target. I’ll k*ill them before they can even touch your hair.”

I wanted to tell him that once he left me alone on my own, then the danger would stop. But I didn’t say

anything. I didn’t want him to leave.

Danger had been part of my life for decades, but at least this time, I was sure this danger was worth it.

“I had them prepare a room for you.” He said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“What?” I asked, even though I heard him loud and clear.

“Are you ditching me alone?”

“What do you mean?” He asked as he stopped walking because I did.

“I let you in my bedroom, and now you will throw in a separate l bedroom from you when you know I’m

not comfortable in this : tower yet.” I was not able to stop the pain from coming out in my ‘ voice.

Instead of explaining, a smirk f*orc*ed its way out of his face, and his , arm coiled around my body

before our bodies were s*ucked into limbo and we landed in a big room. Which resembled my room.

Just bigger. Fancier. My eyes widened as I spun my body around to look at the surroundings. The color

of the wall and the position of the window were similar to mine, but I wondered what I would see if I

looked outside. And then the bed was in the exact same place but two times bigger than mine.

“This is my chamber. I had it arranged and positioned almost similar to your room, and I added a

bathroom too.”


That was all I could say before the word sank in.

His chamber? “I have another room ready for you in case you don’t want me around, as I don’t want to

pressure you into anything.”

“I think I like it here.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to check the other room?”

“Are you trying to convince me to use that room instead of yours? Well, you’re wasting your saliva

because I’m staying here and I’m not going to change my mind.”

I turned around and looked at him, a wicked smile playing on my lips.

His eyes blazed red before he disappeared from the corner and appeared in front of me.

By now, I was getting used to this act when he got excited.

And just as I expected, his hands went to cup my cheeks as his face closed in.

I parted my mouth as his lips began to brush against mine before he kissed me deeply and hard.

His kiss washed over me like a wave of warmth, and if I was having second thoughts about whether I

liked this demon, I wasn’t anymore.

My hands gripped his shirt as I kissed him back, my toes curling as an involuntary whimper escaped

my throat.

“Do you know how hard you make my dick when you display your authority over me?”

He said in a hoarse voice the moment he pulled away from my lips.

A soft giggle escaped my throat as I crushed my lips into his, one leg coiling around his legs, and he

took the hint.

Strong hands went to my waist as he lifted my body, and I automatically gripped his hips with my thighs

and snaked my arms around his neck as we continued to devour each other’s lips.

I never knew paradise existed in hell because I was sure that’s what I was feeling at the moment.

He said in a hoarse voice the moment he pulled away from my lips.