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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori (official version)

Chapter 2227
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Chapter 2227

"What? Alicia will die?"

Kenan's words sent shivers down Aurora's and Brian's spines. They hadn't anticipated the severity of the


"That damned bastard! How dare he harm Alicia? I'll get someone to bring him in right now!" Brian immediately

pulled out his phone to make a call.

Assassinating the Celestial Alliance's guildmaster’s daughter was like inviting death.

"Dr. Quake, what do we do now? Can my sister be saved?" Aurora panicked as she processed the news.

She had turned to Dustin out of sheer desperation and hoped for a miracle since she had no other options.

However, she regretted her decision after hearing Kenan's assessment. Comparing a nobody to a highly skilled

doctor in the martial world, Kenan was the obvious choice.

"If it were anyone else, your sister would be beyond saving. But fortunately, I'm here today. As long as she's still

breathing, | can bring her back from the brink," Kenan said confidently.

"Then, please, Dr. Quake, save her immediately. We'll be forever grateful for your assistance." Aurora's face lit up

with hope.

"Dr. Quake, we're putting our trust in you." Brian clasped his hands respectfully.

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"Don't worry, you can trust my expertise." Kenan stroked his beard and stepped forward. He began removing the

silver needles from Alicia's body.

As soon as the needles were out, Alicia began convulsing violently, and thin streams of black blood started

trickling from her nose.

"Dr. Quake, what's going on? My sister's condition is getting worse." Aurora panicked.

Just moments ago, everything seemed fine. But now, Alicia was exhibiting strange symptoms and even had a

nosebleed as soon as the needles were removed.

"Relax, it's just a minor issue," Kenan said calmly.

He continued, "Her circulatory pathways were blocked and caused toxins to build up. Now that the needles are

out, these reactions are normal. Once she takes my medicine, she'll be fine."

"Don't worry. Dr. Quake's skills are known around the world. With him here, you can relax," Brian reassured her.

"That's great." Aurora breathed a sigh of relief.

Kenan was renowned for his skills, and his confidence was reassuring.

"Sanny, bringthe Enigma Mist," Kenan called out.

"Yes, sir."

One of his disciples opened a medical kit and carefully took out an intricately designed green bottle.

The bottle was small and about the size of a fist. Its surface was engraved with mysterious patterns, which gave

it an extraordinary appearance.

After receiving the bottle, Kenan said, "Bringa bowl."

Another disciple quickly brought over an empty bowl and handed it to him.

Kenan uncorked the bottle and slowly poured a milky-white liquid into the bowl. He stopped when it was about a

third full.

"Do you two know what's in this bowl?" he asked while holding the bowl up to show Aurora and Brian.

"This liquid is pure white and has a unique fragrance. It must be something special," Brian responded


"Yes," Kenan said.

He added proudly, "This is my meticulously concocted Enigma Mist. It aids in healing the wounds and removing

toxins from the body. It will also prolong life.

"Don't be fooled by the size of this bottle. It holds immense value, as it tookthree years and over ten

thousand rare herbs to perfect its formulation.

"By using ancient methods, it had to be brewed for 49 days. During this time, | had to monitor the temperature

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"It was a labor of love and not something | would share lightly. But for the daughter of the Celestial Alliance

guildmaster, it's worth it."

"Thank you so much, Dr. Quake. We will never forget your kindness." Brian placed his hand on his chest, showing

his respect.

"As long as you can heal Alicia, we will do anything you ask,” Aurora added.

As Alloy's daughter, Aurora was no fool.

Kenan's lengthy explanation made it clear that the Enigma Mist was incredibly precious. Also, curing Alicia would

require a significant reward from the Celestial Alliance.

However, Aurora wasn't concerned about the cost since she only cared about her sister's recovery.

"Good, very good. With your assurances, I'm relieved," Kenan said while stroking his beard with a satisfied smile.

Seeing that Brian and Aurora understood his hint, he handed a small bowl of Enigma Mist to her and said, "Ms.

Marshall, feed this to your sister. In less than ten minutes, she'll be out of danger."

Aurora nodded and accepted the bowl of tonic with care. She used a spoon to feed it to Alicia, one small sip at a


The moment Alicia swallowed it, she reacted suddenly. Her body spasmed as if jolted by electricity.

In the next moment, she coughed up a mouthful of blood. Sof it splattered on Aurora's face.