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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62

The moment Margaret stepped out of the bathroom, the thick cigarette smoke that filled the room caused

her to cough violently.

This time, instead of putting out his cigarette, Christopher decided to be apathetic. Only half a bottle of

whiskey was left on the table beside him.

Margaret tried to breathe as little as she could while making her way to him. Once she was behind him,

she asked, “What do you want to say?”

Christopher clenched his fingers tightly, causing the cigarette to crumple and change shape. “What do

you think I‘ll say?”

The atmosphere was tense as silence descended upon them.

Then, all the glasses on the table were swept to the floor as Christopher finally exploded with anger. He

jumped to his feet and grabbed her shoulders. “Are you truly that impatient? Is just any man fine for you?

I‘m not dead yet!”

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Margaret didn‘t say anything, just held the bath towel tightly and closed her eyes. “Maybe I‘ll be less

afraid of him if I don‘t look at him...” she thought.

Christopher‘s eyes rested on the scar on Margaret‘s shoulder, which she got because of him. But now,

he found it mocking him. “You make me feel sick!”

Upon saying that, he left without doing anything to Margaret, which was different from how he dealt with

things before.

After the door slammed shut with a bang, Margaret slumped on the edge of the bed like a soulless


She lay awake the whole night. No one would call her to pick up an utterly drunk Christopher anymore,

nor would he appear like a completely different person and nuzzle her neck like a kitten again.

At eight o‘clock in the morning, Elizabeth knocked on the door. “Are you awake, Meg? Do you want to

have something to eat? What happened to you and Mr. Lewis?”

Margaret wrapped herself in the quilt. “I‘m not hungry, and nothing happened.”

Elizabeth sighed and didn‘t question the matter further.

Just then, Margaret‘s phone rang. She didn‘t want to answer it at first, but the noisy ringtone annoyed

her. In the end, she answered the call. Jodie‘s voice rang out on the other end of the phone. “Are you all

right, Meg? Jack has explained everything to me, and I‘ve never doubted you two... Christopher didn‘t do

anything to you last night, did he?”

Margaret hesitated, then said, “No, he didn‘t. I‘m fine.”

Jodie could hear something off with Margaret‘s voice. Still worried about her friend, she asked again,

“Why does your voice sound so hoarse? Did you catch a cold?“

Margaret sniffed and realized she had lost her sense of smell. “Yes, I have a bit of a cold. If there‘s

nothing else, I‘m hanging up.”

She had been drenched in cold water last night, and now she felt sluggish and drowsy. After hanging up

the call, she drifted off to sleep. By the time she woke up next, she was in a hospital.

The smell of bleach was pungent as usual, yet it strangely brought a sense of peace to her.

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Elizabeth heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that Margaret was awake. “You‘re finally awake, Meg!

You nearly scared me to death!”

Margaret stared blankly at the ceiling and asked, “What happened to me...?” Her voice was still hoarse,

and it hurt when she spoke.

Frowning, Elizabeth replied, “You had a fever and fainted. Your body temperature was so high when I

found you. You have no idea how frightened I was then!”

At that, she seemed to recall something and added, “Forget it. We can‘t meddle in you and Mr. Lewis‘

affairs. This time, things got a little out of hand, and it‘s a big deal now... I don‘t know how Mr. Lewis will

handle it.”

“Things got a little out of hand? What does she mean?” Margaret wondered. She began to grow nervous

as she worried that Christopher had done something else. “Elizabeth, why is it a big deal? What has

Christopher done!”

“No, it‘s not him...” said Elizabeth hastily. “When you are better, you may see the news for yourself.”

Margaret couldn‘t wait, so she immediately grabbed her phone and checked the news. The rumors of

what happened and some candid photos had gotten out. The media had even set a clickbait title: Mrs. Lewis Was Caught Cheating With Her Best

Friend‘s Boyfriend And Brought Away By An Unhappy Mr. Lewis From the Hotel!