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Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 36
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Chapter 36


“I'm not saying we would not return, Donnie. But let's make sure you get better first. | can’t afford taking you on

the long journey in this situation.”

“Tis what matters, Alpha Carlyle. I'm okay,” Donnic insisted, her voice steadier than | expected.

“No, you're not, Donnie. You're weak already, with depreciating energy,” | countered, my concern etched across

my face as | examined the wound inflicted by the once benign White Dasier.

Her gaze held mine, determination flickering in her eyes. “If a war breaks out, will you be able to cater for the

large number of werewolves and supernatural beings with depreciating energy?” Her question hung in the air, a

profound challenge that leftmomentarily silent.

“No, you wouldn't be able to cater for all; you can only try your best. Then why not. make preventions before it's

too late? Think of the bigger picture,” she urged, her words. resonating with a wisdom that surpassed the

immediate circumstances. In that moment, amidst the chaos of battle and the pain of betrayal, Donnie

compelledto consider the broader implications of our actions.

Her perspective cut through the urgency of the present, urgingto confront the responsibilities that cwith

leadership. The looming threat of war and the welfare of our kind demanded foresight and strategic planning.

Donnie, despite her weakened. state, embodied a resilience that inspiredto reassess the priorities and take

measures to safeguard the well-being of our community.

She was right. Twas running and the procedures to alert the supernatural leaders. would take a long while.

“Alright, Donnie. I'll listen to you. The werewolves of my pack should be grateful for having a Luna like you.” |

muttered, placing a kiss on her forehead.

“It’s nothing. Everyone being safe is all | wish for.” She uttered.

“Alright dear, if you insist. | will surely grant your wish.”

Carrying her up on her feet, | made sure she had the ability to work while leaning on me. Our journey back is

going to be tough and slow but | was ready for the task. She has sacrificed so much forjust right after we

settled our differences.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“How did that weapon form?” Donnie inquired, our pace deliberate and measured as we retraced our steps.

“It was the White Dasier, and I'm finding it suspicious. Who did you say sent you here?” | questioned, my

thoughts wrestling with the unfolding mystery.

“It was Athena who requested the White Dasier, but | don’t think she’s the one behind the whole thing, Donnic

responded, her gaze fixed on the path ahead.

“You can never be so sure, Donnie,” | cautioned, a lingering doubt casting a shadow over the situation.

“I don’t want to doubt Athena, Alpha Carlyle. You know, doubt is the root of all bad relationships. The moment |

begin to doubt her, | might find it hard to trust her again. Moreover, | don’t see a reason why | should doubt her.

She knows about the medicine so well. People from other packs sometimes cover to collect drugs from her,

and it works well. In fact, she has been teachingthe art of healing over the years,” Donnie explained, her

loyalty to Athena evident in her words.

“I'm not saying you should doubt her, Donnie. All | was saying is perhaps try to ask her. She could have a clue to

what happened about the weapon forming out of the White Dasier.” | paused. “Think about it. Have she ever

sent you for herb here?”

“No, she hasn't. But | feel it's because she has never needed it”

“Good! Now let's analyze it this way. For the first time, in years that you've been with her, she sent you here for

the first time, and I'm sure she must have insisted.

“Yes, she did.”

“So, she sent you here. we met somehow and we ended up here together with that flower and that flower turned

into a weapon. Think about it, Donnie. I'm not saying you. should doubt her, but we can’t rule out any chances at

the moment.” | said and for a while, Donnie kept silent.

It seemed as though she was thinking about what I said just like I really wanted her to.

“That aside, how did you kill the beast? She asked.

“I won't lie to you at this stage but have it at the back of your mind that this is top secret and must not be

divulged to anyone who is not a royal member of the Moon Shade.

“Is it that serious?”

“Yes, it is, and you will know what | meant when | say it. Would you rather not listen to

Chapter 36


“No, | want to know. | promise not to tell anyone. The safety of my pack members is also my priority and I will

keep to it even though I've left the pack in a while.

“Okay, those people are called the death force”

“The Death Force?”

“Yes, | won't be able to tell you everything about them, but just know that they are invincible under the alpha’s

request; they are strong and they only listen to the command, “kill.”

“That's much to know already. Why didn’t you use them when the Canthrastras appeared?”

“That was because | wanted to know the current strength of the Canthrastras. You know they've been locked up

for decades. If we are to fight with them now, we have to at least have an idea of how much chances we have.

Only then can we have a chance to survive in this fight.

were you -

“That's a good plan, to get anything?” | inquired as our journey. continued, the weight of the recent events

hanging in the air.

“Of course, | was, but | couldn't get much because you were suddenly hurt. | had to kill them before they killed


“I'm sorry,” she muttered, a hint of remorse in her voice.


“You don’t have to say that. It's not fault.” | reassured her, acknowledging the sacrifice she made to protect me.

“Hmmn,” she groaned on the spur of the moment.

“Is everything okay?” | asked, sensing her discomfort.

“Sure, everything is,” she replied, but her strained tone betrayed the facade.

“You don’t have to lie to me, Donnie. | know you're feeling the pain,” | said, understanding that beneath the

brave exterior, she bore the physical and emotional toll of the recent battle. The journey continued, marked by a

shared silence that spoke volumes about the unspoken bonds forged in the crucible of adversity.

| thought of it and decided that the best thing was for us to be fast and rest at the point. before continuing with

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

the journey so that she will rest properly. | shifted into my half

Chapter 36


human, half wolf form, a characteristic which only the Alphas of Moon Shade and sBetas could do, and

raced all the way down while holding Donnie steady on my back.

After a long race | was exhausted when we got to the place where Donnie picked up sflower from earlier, |

found a place suitable for a rest and drop her carefully on her feet. | check the wound and made sure it wasn’t

affected and retreated it. By tit was almost done. Donnie fell asleep fully exhausted while | watched over

her, thinking about the possible ways and measures to avert the impending doom.

Suddenly, Donnie began shivering. She was running a very high fever that gotvery scared. Hurriedly, |

rushed to her side.

“What's wrong, Donnie” | asked, touching her forehead which was wet with beads of perspiration.

“I'm cold,” she mumbled. Pulling off my top without a second thought, | wrapped her in it, hovering over her so

that my broad chest would bring more warmth to her. It was weird that she was cold as a werewolf but | took it

as a result of her weakness and the injury.

“I'm cold”, she shivered the more, snuggling up close to me. Remaining in that posture, | slept off. | woke up a

second twith the feeling of someone toying with my hair. My eyes fluttered open and | couldn't contain my

happiness when | found out that it was Donnie. She was looking all fine and good.


| leaned on one arm, touching her forehead to check if she was fine and her fever was down.

“Oh, heavens! Thank goodness.” | murmured but | didn’t know if she heard me. We stared at each other for a

while without saying anything.

“Your eyes are beautiful.” She whispered.

“So are yours. You look like a damsel.”

Placing a light kiss on her cheek, | paused to see her reaction.
