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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 122
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Chapter 122
Derrick observed the little girl from a distance as she rode and pushed a small pink bike. He had discovered their schedule,
knowing that kids at the hospital could play in the small garden on certain days. Curious, he had come to see for himself. Ever
since Bella shared the news with him, he had felt restless; mere pictures weren’t enough.
He watched her with the gaze of a predator fixated on its prey-Ethan’s kid. His hands clenched into a tight grip, so tight that his
scars began to burn.
Daisy rode carefreely under the vigilant eye of a nurse, using the bicycle Ethan had provided. As she turned her innocent gaze
met Derrick’s gaze staring right at her. The man was looking right at her. Naturally curious, she strolled off her bike and walked to
where he stood, standing right in front of him and staring up with innocent curiosity.
The duo, one towering and scarred, the other petite and curious, engaged in a silent study.
Daisy pointed out, “You have a lot of boo-boos.” Derrick, feeling exposed, adjusted his hoodie, attempting to conceal more of his
face. Derrick stared at her-she wasn’t scared? Rather she was curious, her neck was stretched all the way backward as she tried
to see him better.
She motioned for him to crouch down to her eye level. “What’s she doing? Why isn’t she scared and running, calling for her
mother?” he wondered. His face and b*dy were hideous; adults couldn’t stand the look of him, let alone kids. Normally, children
would cry at the sight of him, but this little one was gazing at him with genuine interest and fascination.
He found himself beside himself, feeling all of his rage melt under her gaze. She was undeniably adorable, her face round and
plump, irresistibly pinchable. Unable to resist, he leaned down and pinched her cheeks a little. She giggled out loud, and Derrick
couldn’t help but smile. Even her laughter sounded hearty and beautiful.
Squatting down to her height, he decided to take off the hoodie, fully expecting her to be frightened by the sight. His head was
completely bald, fragments of what used to be skin scat tered around, now burnt remnants. Daisy now saw him up close, and a
small gasp escaped her lips. Her eyes transitioned from surprise to pity and sadness.
“Do your boo-boos hurt?” she asked him gently, patting his face like it was an interesting object. She began tracing her fingers
around the scars. Still not scared? He was genuinely surprised now.
“Does it?” she asked, looking up at him and into his eyes.
“Yes,” he answered in a hoa rse voice. They hurt. Every second of the day. His existence
Chapter 122
alone was painful. The only thing that kept him going was fulfilling the promise he’d made.
Daisy looked very sad, her gaze falling upon hearing he was in pain. He reached out and held her cheeks once more. She
giggled lightly—such innocence and adorableness. The girl in front of him was a lovable child.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized. That your father and grandfather did this? His mind echoed.

“Aren’t you scared?” he asked her instead.
Daisy looked confused. She had seen him and just assumed he was one of the patients being treated at the hospital. Why
should she be scared?
“Are you a monster?” she quizzed back.
A monster? A chuckle escaped his lips. “No.”
“Then why should I be scared? You’ve only got lots of hurts around you. But that doesn’t mean you’re scary,” she said in her
baby voice. Derrick’s eyes widened in surprise.
“I’ve got boo-boos too, you know. Right here.” She pointed at her heart where she had been operated and checked on
continually for years now.
“Mine hurts really bad. Most times I cry. And you’ve got so many, you must hurt really bad, Mr.,” she muttered sadly. It was
almost like she felt the pain he did. Such an emotional child. He was sure she got it from Hazel.
“You’ve got scars too, huh,” he muttered.
She nodded, her curls bobbling around her small face.
She sighed, then moved to his palm, gently holding it. Planting a small k*ss on his palm, her unexpected action surprised him.
She grabbed a small band-aid from her dress pocket and placed it on his arm.
“Feel better?” she asked him, her eyes filled with hope. His gaze fell to the small, colorful band-aid, barely covering anything. But

to her, she had offered help.
“Yes,” he muttered. She smiled brightly, her entire face lighting up,
“Daisy, Daisy, where are you? Time to head back,” a voice called for her.
“Coming,” she yelled back.
“It’s the nurse. I was allowed to come play here for a while. I’ve got to go now,” she explained to him a touch of disappointment in
her voice.

Chapter 122
“Boo-boos get better with time. You’ll see,” she encouraged with a small, comforting smile. Then, she turned, walked, and
hopped on her bike, pedaling away.
Derrick stood there, watching her leave, a mix of emotions swirling within.
Unnoticed by him, a tear escaped from his eyes, catching him by surprise.
He didn’t notice till he felt the liquid on his face.
Tears? He hastily, he wiped it away, refusing to acknowledge the unexpected display of vulnerability.
Why was he even here? Learning about Hazel’s child had prompted pushing him to see for himself. This was the first time in
years that he ventured out into the open during the daytime.
gaze returned to the colorful bandaid on his arm. “My kind of hurts don’t heal; they never heal,” he muttered, a somber
acknowledgment of his life. “Scars don’t heal.” With that realization, he turned and headed towards where his car was parked.
“Where has your mind been, Hazel?” Nathan asked, gently shaking her. She snapped out of her thoughts.
“I’m sorry,” Nathan was expressing his hopes, detailing the things they would do together once out of the hospital, but her mind
had wandered.
“Nowhere and everywhere,” she replied with a sigh. “Daisy’s surgery is this month, I’m a little worried, Nathan,” she admitted her
voice tinged heavily with worry and concern.
“Technically, it’s next month,” he said lightly. “This month is just the first intense pre- surgery checkup,” he corrected her gently.
“You’re doing great, Hazel; she’s really happy,” Nathan assured her. The two looked back at Daisy playing happily with her
brother. Hospital stays weren’t as depressing as before -Daisy was a much happier child, all thanks to a certain someone.
“And I’ve been thinking, about the proposal...” Hazel started.
“I know, no pressure. Let’s talk after Daisy’s surgery,” Nathan interrupted her gently, offering an understanding smile.
“Thank you,” she muttered, expressing her gratitude. The two sat quietly for a few minutes, Hazel lost in thought, a distant look
on her face.
They had come such a long way, and through it all, Ethan had consistently proven his love for them. Daisy’s improved condition
was also thanks to him. Despite Hazel’s
16:58 Thu, 11 Jan

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Chapter 122
reluctance to admit it, Ethan had played a significant role time and time again.
“I think I should tell Ethan the truth, about Liam and Daisy,” she said thoughtfully watching her kids.
Nathan’s eyes widened as he looked at her incredulously. “What? Why? Are you crazy, Hazel?” he asked.
“Sorry,” he said, releasing a sigh, recognizing he had overstepped. “But that’s a really bad idea. Do you want to lose your kids?”
“I don’t, Nathan, but...”
“But nothing. There, it ends there. Nothing more, Hazel. In a month’s time, we’ll be gone from this place, far away.”
“I think Ethan’s sick,” Hazel blurted out.
“Do you care about him?” Nathan asked, glancing at her.

“I don’t know,” Hazel admitted with a sigh. While she should feel anger towards Ethan, she found herself devoid of any
resentment. His love and dedication to her kids seemed genuine.
“You haven’t looked at it really well. After you tell him, he would want a place in their lives. He could sue you, take one of the
twins, or even both, then ban you from seeing them ever again. Is that what you want?”
“Ethan wouldn’t,” Hazel replied.
“You sound so sure,” he muttered with irritation. “It seems you’ve forgotten pack dynamics,” he reminded her.
Hazel sighed defeatedly.
Just as the door opened, someone walked in.
“Ethan sent us gifts!” Liam exclaimed in excitement, performing a backflip as Axel entered the room. Though Nathan and he had
brought gifts earlier, Liam’s reaction was distinctly more enthusiastic about Ethan’s gifts; supplements, fruits, and snacks, a
thoughtful gesture to ensure they were well-stocked.
Bella couldn’t help but smile at the familiar generosity of Ethan.

“Let’s talk,” Axel suggested to Nathan as they placed the items down, instructing the cleaners to set them up.
Nathan complied, and they moved to one of the quiet spaces of the hospital.
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Chapter 122
“How’s Jasmine been?” Axel asked gently, genuinely curious.
“She’s on work leave, I insisted. She needed it,” Nathan muttered.
“Is she okay?” Axel inquired quietly.
Nathan sighed, “She asked questions the other time about her past.”
“The stalker from the other time, were you able to find out anything?” Nathan asked curiously.
“No,” Axel replied, shaking his head. “By the time I visited again, he was dead; apparently, he killed himself.”
“He’s from a pack called Black Axe, but it went underground. A lot of things were unraveled about that place,” Axel added with a
“And apparently, that’s where she’s from. I can only imagine the kind of hardship and abuse she went through while she was
there,” Axel muttered.
“Does she remember anything?” Axel asked.
“Not yet. She’s struggling with her memories. It would be best if she forgets those things; they must have been horrifying.”
Nathan stated.
“That’s probably where she got those scars,” Axel muttered.
“Scars?” He asked a frown forming on his face.
“She has several, on her back and inner thighs,” he replied. Leaving things be would be best. Nathan stated resignedly.
“But your wife,” Axel pointed out.
Nathan shrugged sadly. “She risked her life so a young girl could be happy and safe. She’s gone now. What’s the use of digging
up old wounds? The truth would hurt Jasmine very badly. She should be happy if possible,” he muttered, a small smile forming
on his face. “And besides, I have a future.”
“Are they really your kids?” Axel asked him doubtfully.
“What’s that question supposed to mean?” Nathan retorted.
“Nothing,” came Axel’s reply. It wasn’t his business. But Ethan’s DNA report was clear, and yet the doubt lingered, Ethan still
didn’t want to accept it. In fact, that was the real reason why he was here. He intended to end this matter once and for all.
Readers Appreciation post : I just want to say a really big thank you! For all the

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Chapter 122
feedbacks, comments, giftings and criticism. For a first time author it means so much. I’ll keep working on improving. You guys
are the real MVPs. Thank you!