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All Her Secrets By Chestnut

Chapter 153
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Chapter 153 Ignoring the Rules

Ronin did not fear Bryan. They were like implacable enemies and argued with each other all the time.

“What? Do you think you can stop me with your eyes?”

Ronin turned to Catherine and told her what happened to Bryan.

“Boss, don’t blame him. He’s a booby that has never seen the world. He must be shocked by your

incredible voice and forgot what he needed to do.”

Bryan was embarrassed and ashamed because what Ronin said was true. He dared not look at

Catherine. He could only pounce at Ronin, trying to beat him.

“Brat, you don’t know how to mind your words, do you? Let me give you a lesson. You’ll see what I can


Seeing them wrestle with one another, Catherine said nothing. She stood still and observed quietly.

Bryan’s actions were prompt, thanks to his training. Ronin’s moves were tricky, which he learned from

the street gangs.

The two were nip and tuck. Catherine let them blow off steam and did not interfere with them. Later,

their moves slowed out of tiredness. Catherine checked the time and finally spoke to stop them.

“We should go before it’s too late.” The two fighting hard instantly let go of each other upon hearing

Catherine’s order. Their actions were surprisingly the same.

Ronin looked briefly at Bryan and said, “Pack the things, and I’ll park the truck. Bryan wanted to say

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why he should listen to Ronin. When he turned around, he only saw Catherine. Ronin had already left.

He could not leave the work to Catherine, so Bryan began to pack. Bryan got waited on hand and foot

at home, but he was willing to be the one to serve Catherine.

The only thing Bryan was glad about was that Catherine rehearsed with them once. Without the

rehearsal, he would have made a fool of himself in front of the whole school. He did not expect

Catherine to be so excellent. She had a voice like an angel.

Bryan never fancied any stars. He thought the fans were nuts for being crazy about a stranger, wasting

their money and time. Now he seemed to understand why the fans were like that.

If Catherine started in the entertainment business, Bryan would be her top fan and do anything for her.

Catherine sang beautifully. There was no doubt.

Judging from Catherine’s short performance just now, Bryan knew their team would nail it. The game

was on when they arrived at the venue.

The teams would take turns to audition following an order of classes. There were 12 classes, so

Catherine’s team still had to wait for some time. Ronin felt unaccountably mad to see Elena and Liana

at the judges’ table. He snorted disdainfully, “Why are those two bitches at the judges’ table?”

Bryan looked in the direction Ronin pointed and was disgusted as well.

“They are both from the Student Union and ranked in the top three at last year’s celebration gala. It’s a

rule that the top three from last year can enter the final directly.”

Ronin yelled, “What a stupid rule! Which fool in this lame school made such rules?” Bryan narrowed his

eyes and stared at Ronin with displease. He highly disagreed with what Ronin said. Ronin realized

what he had said wrong. After all, they all went to this school..

As a student in this school, Ronin’s curses were offensive to even himself. “Boss, do you think we

should do something to change the rule?” Ronin whispered with a flattering smile.

Bryan was shocked to hear this. One should know that this was a fancy school. In Casier, a lot of

students were born. into noble families. With different powers, none of them could run the show alone.

Even Bryan, as one of the Duncans, thought it hard to do so. Ronin spoke firmly about changing the

rule, and his tone was relaxed. Bryan turned to him in shock. What was even more surprising was that

Catherine answered Ronin calmly.

“No rush now.”

Catherine did not want to bother. But to Ronin, it meant that Catherine made light of the rule. He said to

Catherine smilingly, “Boss, you’re right. It’s fine if the rule is not on our side. We will have the last laugh.

The rule meant nothing to him. Ronin He did not give a shit about it. Bryan could not help but shake his

head at Ronin.

“What an idiot,” Bryan thought.

While the three were squabbling and having fun, Liana, sitting at the judges’ table, fixed her eyes on

them. She saw Catherine’s superior expression and wished she could rush over, tear Catherine apart,

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and feed her to dogs.

Liana’s life had turned into a mess since Catherine’s appearance. The astrologer was right about

Catherine. She was indeed a jinx. People around Catherine would be in trouble and unlucky.

Yet, the jinx was quite capable of seducing men. Many men were willing to help her and protect her.

Liana would not give Catherine her wish. She would not allow Catherine to make it to the final.

During the break, Elena winked at Liana. Liana understood immediately and followed Elena out. Elena

led Liana to walk forward quickly. She noticed someone ahead, but she still rushed to him regardless.

They bumped into each other, and Liana cried, “Ouch!”

The one they ran into looked at her apologetically.

“Liana, are you all right?”

Nash Wale reached out to support her and looked at her with concern. Elena apologized sincerely,

“Nash, I’m so sorry. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have dragged Liana and run so fast. Are you okay?”

Nash knew it was an accident, so he did not mind. “Don’t worry. Take your time, and don’t run into

someone else.”

“Nash, I need to go to the bathroom. Liana seemed to hurt her feet. Can you help her to sit down


Nash agreed readily and held Liana’s elbow gingerly. Liana did not decline. Nash’s face was a little red.

Nash, the president of the Student Union, came from a wealthy family and excelled in school.

Rumors had it that Nash had a big crush on Liana. Such rumors had never ended since Liana’s

performance at last year’s celebration gala. One knew the rumors were true when one saw Nash avoid

looking into Liana’s eyes.