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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74

“Angie, I truly wish that were true and you had nothing to do with Grandpa’s death. You

take care,” Noah ended the conversation. He took long strides toward the door and left

Angie alone in the ballroom.

Angie crumbled to the ground as she watched Noah take his leave, feeling utterly crushed

and defeated. At this moment, Suzette Grant, who had been hiding and observing

everything all this time, came over to her daughter and extended her arm. “Angie, get

yourself up first. We have to replan our strategy now that things have come to this.”

“Mom, where were you just now? You didn’t see what happened, they all ganged up

against me!” Angie cried.

“Alright there, darling, don’t cry. Your father called me just now. He says there might still

be a chance to turn things around,” Suzette tried to reassure her daughter.

“A chance to turn things around? For real?” Angie eyes widened with both interest and


“Why would I lie to my own daughter? Come on, let’s look for your father and ask him,”

she persuaded Angie, motioning for her daughter to take her hand.

“Alright, let’s go,” Angie said, feeling hopeful once again. “Oh, by the way, Noah seems to

be investigating what happened years ago. Do you think he’ll trace it back to me? I’m

afraid…” Angie began to ramble, but Suzette cut her off immediately.

“Shh, you stupid girl! Don’t talk about things like this in public, there may be ears

around!” she admonished. “Whatever it is, always vehemently deny that that had

anything to do with you, got it? Everyone who knew the truth about what happened back

then are no longer around. There’s no way Noah will get to the bottom of things, don’t you


“But Mom, are they truly all dead? Are you sure?” Angie still was not convinced. She felt

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that Noah must have known something for him to bring the topic up at all.

“Of course! It was a clean job!” Suzette’s voice was confident, but deep down she had the

same niggling worry as her daughter. Perhaps it was time to pay an old friend a visit…


Madeline was perched on the sofa at home, browsing through social media on her tablet.

She had seen all the articles about the press conference that Angie had organized and the

revelations that came after. She had been pleased with what had happened to Angie, but

something about Wayne’s announcement had ticked her off.

How dare Noah Quincy announce publicly to the media that he was courting her? Where

did he even get the confidence to say something like that? Armed with angry

determination, she was ready to give Wayne a call and ask him to remove all those

articles linking Noah to her. However, speaking of the devil, Wayne gave her a call first.

“Ms. Grant, the Quinton Corporation is ready to pay another $100 million to keep

promoting the article to the top of the search trend...” Wayne began.

“What search topic is Quinton Corporation trying to promote so heavily?” Madeline asked

curiously. Based on the Quincys power and influence, it would have been easier for them

to purchase a media company outright instead of relying on her.

“It’s the topic about Mr. Quincy courting you, Ms. Grant…” Wayne explained.

“……” Madeline could not fathom the ridiculousness of the situation. The douchebag had

already publicly announced that he was going after her, and now he wanted to

shamelessly promote the story on the internet? What was he thinking?

“That’s not all. He’s requested that the search topic remain at the top of the search trend

for at least the next three days,” Wayne continued.

“Well, he does have a lot of requests, doesn’t he?” Madeline said sarcastically. “If that’s

the case, you can go back and tell Mr. Quincy that his requests are not a problem, but the

price will be tenfold of what it used to cost!”

“I understand, Ms. Grant,” Wayne confirmed before he hung up.

There was still a ball of fire in Angie’s stomach, but soon enough, different feelings of

confusion and intrigue took over. What had happened that had caused Noah Quincy to

divert from his usual detached and aloof ways of doing things? Hadn’t he barged into her

home a few nights ago in the middle of the night just to give her a scolding, saying she

had ulterior motives up her sleeve? Madeline was so confused when it came to this man.

Last night, Noah was not around when it was time for Colton to cut his cake, nor was he

with Angie Grant. By the time he appeared at Maple Forest Villa, Madeline had already

returned home from the Quincy residence. The question was, where did Noah Quincy go in

between that time? Madeline had a hunch of her own.

She quickly walked to the kitchen island and switched on her laptop. There were only a

few things that could make Noah miss out on his own son’s birthday party, Madeline

thought as her slender fingers typed frantically on the laptop’s keyboard. Very quickly, she

managed to pull up surveillance footage from various points around the city. Using

advanced facial recognition technology, she was able to filter out the footage that

captured Noah’s face and his car number plate. She charted his movement according to

the footage and found his destination – the Golden Dome district, Dylan Felch’s turf.

Hold on, Felix Turner?! The Lone Wolf’s signature method of assassination did not match

the details of Felix’s assassination attempt. If Felix survived, he was most likely severely

injured. Previously, she had gotten Andy to search all the hospitals and clinics around

Imperia, but she had completely forgotten about Dylan Felch, the man who owned a whole

building that housed a medical treatment center.

With this sudden epiphany, Madeline ran up the stairs in a rush.

“Future Oscar winning star, it’s your time to shine now!” she called out to Thomas. Ten

minutes later, Thomas, who had been watching his favorite cartoon, was ‘kidnapped’ by

his own mother into the car.

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“Mommy, do you think it’s a good idea for the two of us to ambush the naggy doctor by

ourselves?” Thomas wondered out loud. Thomas had previously met Dr. Felch on a few

occasions. Apart from his long-winded nagging, Thomas did not have a particularly bad

impression of him.

Madeline, who sat at the back of the vehicle, inched closer toward her son. “Hmm, it’s not

exactly the most conventional way of investigating someone, so you’ll have to put on a

good show, alright? Don’t let anyone know your real identity!”

“Okay, Mommy,” Thomas could not possibly disobey the woman who gave birth to him.

With his gifted acting skills, his Mommy was sure to get to the bottom of this mystery!

Soon enough, Madeline and Thomas had arrived in front of the medical lab in Building 87,

Golden Dome district.

Dylan Felch was very surprised to see Madeline at the door when he opened it. “Ms. Grant,

what brings you here?” His medical lab was a private one and he never took walk-ins.

Besides Noah Quincy, no one had ever came on their own.

“Dr. Felch, I’m sorry to disturb. This child here has been having a bad migraine and

insisted on me taking him to his favorite Dr. Felch, so I found your address,” Madeline

explained herself. At the same time, she turned around the carry Thomas in her arms.

Thomas put on a pained expression. “Dr. Felch…. My head hurts… Hug me….” Thomas

said weakly, his breathing labored.

Dylan, who was initially quite suspicious of Madeline, let down his guard as soon as he

spotted little Thomas, thinking he was Colton. “Colt? Are you sick? Let Uncle Dylan find out

what’s wrong!” the doctor said as he immediately ushered them into his clinic, carrying

Thomas in his arms.

Thomas nodded gently, resting on Dr. Felch’s shoulder without saying another word. As

the doctor carried Thomas through the doors of the clinic hastily, he completely missed

the cheeky little wink Thomas gave his mother, who was following them from the back.

She chuckled lightly at her son’s antics as they entered Dylan Felch’s lab together.