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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 577
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Chapter 577 Loving couple?

"Hey, Auntie Natalia," Thomas greeted politely.

As Madeline had a good relationship with Natalia, all three children knew her.

After resting in her room for a while to regain her strength, Natalia decided to come out and look for the

man who had just tried to harm her. She thought that Noah had taken him away, but she couldn't reach

Madeline now and couldn't find Noah.

"How did you guys get here? Did you sneak away?" Natalia's expression turned cold. This wasn't a

place for young children to be.

She immediately planned to take them to find Madeline.

But as soon as the elevator door opened, Thomas grabbed Mackenzie and ran out, with Colton

following closely behind. Natalia had no choice but to chase after them.

As they ran, Colton suddenly stopped in his tracks, leaving Thomas to call out, "What are you waiting

for? Let's go!"

But Colton remained frozen, staring fixedly ahead to his right.

Sensing that something was wrong, Mackenzie moved closer to investigate, only for Colton to suddenly

start running again, pulling them along with him.

Thomas sensed that something was wrong, so he pulled his hand away and ran back. He then saw

Natalia standing where Colton was just standing, looking in the same direction as him.

And the expression on Natalia's face was full of anger.

Following her gaze, Thomas saw a man and a woman hugging each other. He didn't know the woman,

but he could see the man clearly. It was his daddy!

Natalia quickly covered Thomas's eyes when she saw the two people across from them getting closer

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and closer. However, she could only cover one child, as the other two stood there witnessing


"Why is daddy kissing someone else?" Mackenzie asked, looking up at Natalia with confusion and

watery eyes.

Colton stood next to her, his fists clenched tightly, exuding an ominous aura. Natalia even caught a

glimpse of his hostility in his eyes.

Noah was the one who raised him, so he should be closer to Noah than Thomas and the others.

However, seeing the scene before him, he was the one with the strongest reaction among the three


Thomas broke free from Natalia's grasp and rushed out like a bullet, only to see Noah holding a woman

in his arms. Natalia was also furious and prepared to confront Noah, but by the time they got there,

Noah had already taken the woman and gotten on the elevator.

Natalia tried to call Madeline, but no one answered.

Half an hour ago.

Madeline and Noah were admiring the night view and the lively dance floor from the glass terrace.

Then Madeline saw a suspicious female waiter in the crowd sneaking towards someone downstairs

who was pretending to be them.

The waiter was holding two glasses of drinks, and the fake "Madeline" handed a glass to the fake

"Noah". Both of them drank the drinks without any precautions.

The waitress didn't go far, she walked around with her tray near them. After a while, the fake

"Madeline" and "Noah" both passed out, completely defenseless after drinking the spiked drinks.

Then a man approached and helped the fake "Noah" up, leading him away from the booth.

Noah opened his laptop and showed Madeline the bar's surveillance camera, tracking where the man

was taking the fake "Noah". They didn't have to follow them for long before the man was intercepted by

a curvaceous woman.

The woman tugged at the unconscious “Noah“ while making a phone call, and Madeline couldn't tell

who she was calling, but it looked like she was reporting something to the police. Meanwhile, the man

who was helping “Noah“ was panicking and slapped the woman hard, sending her flying to the side.

Madeline could tell from the arc of the man's arm that it was a heavy blow that could have knocked out

most women.

But the seemingly delicate woman was surprisingly tough, even though her face mask fell to the

ground, she kept a tight grip on “Noah's“ sleeve.

It seemed like the woman knew Noah quite well and was familiar with him.

However, Madeline had no idea about this person's existence. Moreover, she could clearly sense that

at the moment the woman's mask fell off, Noah's body tensed up.

It was indeed someone he knew.

"I'm going down." After seeing the man on the surveillance camera trying to take the woman away with

him, Noah hurriedly left.

Madeline was stunned for a moment but soon saw Noah appear on the surveillance camera. He easily

knocked out the man and the woman fearfully rushed into his arms. He glanced at the camera

instinctively but didn't push the woman away.

If Madeline's guess was correct, everything that happened in the bar was part of Noah's plan to lure out

the person behind their possible setup.

But now, he had disrupted the plan for this woman's sake.

Madeline stared at the woman's face in the surveillance camera for a long time, and she had a vague

feeling that she had seen that face somewhere before. However, when she looked closely, she couldn't

remember where she had seen it.

Maybe the camera wasn't clear enough.

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The woman fainted in Noah's arms and he carried her away from the view of the surveillance camera.

Madeline waited for about five minutes, making sure that Noah wouldn't bring the woman to their

location. Feeling a bit frustrated, she decided to look for Elise on the dance floor.

As she lowered her head, she saw someone tampering with the fake "Madeline" at the booth, and she

immediately recognized the person responsible.

She quickly stood up and rushed downstairs. To her surprise, the elevator door opened on the third

floor, and she saw Noah carrying the woman out of the elevator and walking toward the hotel room

opposite hers.

Noah sensed someone was watching him, turned his head, and saw Madeline. His face showed a hint

of anxiety, and he instinctively started walking toward her.

However, Madeline quickly pressed the close button, and as Noah arrived at the elevator door, the door


Madeline inexplicably let out a sigh of relief.

She went to the dance floor, but before she could find anyone, she ran into Natalia. Natalia pulled her

aside and looked at her hesitantly.

"Mommy! Daddy is so annoying, I don't want Daddy anymore!" Thomas ran out from behind her and

threw himself into Madeline's arms.

Madeline was a bit confused, so she looked at Mackenzie. Just as Mackenzie was about to explain,

Colton tugged on her sleeve and said to Madeline, "Mommy, Thomas is afraid of daddy hitting him."

Madeline knew there must be something fishy going on between them, but it wasn't the time to dwell on

that. She needed to go find someone.

"Natalia, can you help me take the kids home? I have something to do, I'll contact you later." Madeline

walked forward while speaking, and soon disappeared into the crowd.

Natalia looked at Thomas, who was angry, Mackenzie, who was distressed, and Colton, who had a

serious expression on his face, and couldn't help but ask, "Do your dad and mom really have a good
