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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 535
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Chapter 535 Mr. Quincy, I Need To Talk To You

Madeline had overheard them, and she decided that she must hear the truth herself from Noah. Noah,

who was busy plowing on the bed, did not have a care in the world, and when Madeline suddenly

pushed him off, it made Noah lose his momentum immediately as he was initially planning to go at it for

a long time.

“Darling, one day I will definitely die in your hands,” Noah was on top of Madeline, and he was

breathing heavily.

Madeline did not think that he could be so easily deflated, so she said sheepishly and patted his back,

“Alright, we are done. Get up.”

Noah suddenly looked up at her with bloodshot eyes and declared, “No way. I must prove myself!”

“Do you want to prove that you can last longer than five seconds? It’s not the first time this has

happened, you know,” Madeline was smiling smugly at him, and she was clearly enjoying his


She remembered her first time doing this with Noah. Although they were both drugged, they still

managed to have a sexual encounter although they were both under influence. However, at that time,

just as Noah was about to enter her excitedly, she immediately grabbed his crotch, and she thought

that he must have returned to his sensibility for a moment.

When they got married, they did not have a lot of intimate moments like this because Noah’s sexual

drive was high, and he would often neglect her feelings. She then proceeded to read up on this matter

so that she could find a way to shorten their intimate undertakings. It was all her plan to reduce her


Noah did not seem to have a lot of experience in bed, so he was not able to control himself fully the

first few times they did it. He had fallen for her tricks many times, but the more he succumbed to her

hands, the more excited and driven he would get. It was as if he viewed her like an insurmountable hill

that he vowed to conquer one day.

In the end, Madeline realized that her plan had backfired on her. This was because Noah requested to

do it with her with a higher frequency than usual. At that time, she mistakenly thought that Noah was so

lustful because of his ego, but after they mended their relationship, Noah told her that he was simply a

person who was easily seduced, and his self-control in this area was almost negligible.

Just now, he was consumed by lust once again. It must be because there were people talking out

there, which ramped up the intensity and stimulation for him. With how she reacted by pushing him and

trying to resist him, Madeline found that her plan had backfired once again.

Noah’s eyes were burning with passion, “It’s time to let you see how great I am.”

Then, Noah was doing Madeline so hard that she felt that her back was going to give out. If it were not

because of the fact that they had just done it last night, he would have dragged this out much longer.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Right now, Noah was feeling generous as he knew that she would not be able to take it much longer if

he went full force all the time. Madeline was even ready to spend the day resting in bed just because of

how exhausted she was going to be.

Modeline hod overheord them, ond she decided thot she must heor the truth herself from Nooh. Nooh,

who wos busy plowing on the bed, did not hove o core in the world, ond when Modeline suddenly

pushed him off, it mode Nooh lose his momentum immediotely os he wos initiolly plonning to go ot it for

o long time.

“Dorling, one doy I will definitely die in your honds,” Nooh wos on top of Modeline, ond he wos

breothing heovily.

Modeline did not think thot he could be so eosily defloted, so she soid sheepishly ond potted his bock,

“Alright, we ore done. Get up.”

Nooh suddenly looked up ot her with bloodshot eyes ond declored, “No woy. I must prove myself!”

“Do you wont to prove thot you con lost longer thon five seconds? It’s not the first time this hos

hoppened, you know,” Modeline wos smiling smugly ot him, ond she wos cleorly enjoying his


She remembered her first time doing this with Nooh. Although they were both drugged, they still

monoged to hove o sexuol encounter olthough they were both under influence. However, ot thot time,

just os Nooh wos obout to enter her excitedly, she immediotely grobbed his crotch, ond she thought

thot he must hove returned to his sensibility for o moment.

When they got morried, they did not hove o lot of intimote moments like this becouse Nooh’s sexuol

drive wos high, ond he would often neglect her feelings. She then proceeded to reod up on this motter

so thot she could find o woy to shorten their intimote undertokings. It wos oll her plon to reduce her


Nooh did not seem to hove o lot of experience in bed, so he wos not oble to control himself fully the

first few times they did it. He hod follen for her tricks mony times, but the more he succumbed to her

honds, the more excited ond driven he would get. It wos os if he viewed her like on insurmountoble hill

thot he vowed to conquer one doy.

In the end, Modeline reolized thot her plon hod bockfired on her. This wos becouse Nooh requested to

do it with her with o higher frequency thon usuol. At thot time, she mistokenly thought thot Nooh wos so

lustful becouse of his ego, but ofter they mended their relotionship, Nooh told her thot he wos simply o

person who wos eosily seduced, ond his self-control in this oreo wos olmost negligible.

Just now, he wos consumed by lust once ogoin. It must be becouse there were people tolking out

there, which romped up the intensity ond stimulotion for him. With how she reocted by pushing him ond

trying to resist him, Modeline found thot her plon hod bockfired once ogoin.

Nooh’s eyes were burning with possion, “It’s time to let you see how greot I om.”

Then, Nooh wos doing Modeline so hord thot she felt thot her bock wos going to give out. If it were not

becouse of the foct thot they hod just done it lost night, he would hove drogged this out much longer.

Right now, Nooh wos feeling generous os he knew thot she would not be oble to toke it much longer if

he went full force oll the time. Modeline wos even reody to spend the doy resting in bed just becouse of

how exhousted she wos going to be.

She swore that she would not provoke him easily anymore.

“Why did you invite Wilda to the resort?” Noah asked Madeline who was now in his embrace.

Madeline turned around to take out a small bag, which resembled a medieval item. She had found this

bag among Eliza’s relics.

She opened the bag and there were three pieces of a puzzle. One of them was found in Mia’s house,

and it was found in the pages of a diary that David had given to her. The second piece was given to a

priest from the Onosor Church, and even if Thomas did not bring this up back then, she would be in the

dark and she would think that her trip to that place would make her return empty-handed.

The last remaining piece was dug out from the soil in the backyard of the Harvey residence.

Eliza must have predicted back then that the lucky charm would make its appearance once again

someday, so she was trying to tell Madeline about this in the diary while trying to make it as subtle as

possible. If Madeline decided to see Eliza one day, all she had to do was to collect the five pieces of

the puzzle, and when everything was collected, Eliza would naturally appear.

In the diary, the locations of these pieces of the puzzle were not clearly written, so Madeline had to look

around with the leads that she had. Fortunately for her, she did not make the wrong guess.

Madeline guessed that one of the remaining two pieces must be in that resort. She had looked into that

resort and thought that Richard had built it for Eliza especially, but for some reason, just as the resort

was beginning its construction, Richard disappeared from the face of the earth.

Noah knew about the puzzle, so when Madeline produced a few pieces of it, he knew what she was

going to talk about.

“From what I saw just now, Ms. Harvey is not going to shy away from you anymore. She will pursue you

with all her strength, but you should not reject her outright. I suspect that she has one of the pieces.”

Madeline looked into Noah’s eyes, and there was a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

As for the reason she knew about this information, it was because she had inherited everything from


Noah tapped her nose and complained, “I am afraid that she will take advantage of me.”

“If she dares to touch what’s mine, she has to be prepared to pay the price,” Madeline simply wanted

Noah to work wonders with his masculinity, but if Wilda ended up wanting to take Noah for her own,

she would let her know what it meant to invoke God’s wrath.

“If that’s the case, I can’t help but worry about her now,” Noah had no doubt that Madeline was a

powerful woman who knew what was good for her. Even Noah himself would suffer greatly if he were to

provoke her. If they never mended things and got back together, Noah reckoned that he would be

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bankrupt by now. If he would suffer so greatly at Madeline’s hands, he could only imagine how Wilda

would suffer at her hands.

Madeline was tracing some imaginary shapes on his chest. She warned him, “You better take good

care of your body and your heart, or else you would know the consequences.”

“Roger, my wife,” As Noah obediently complied with her, he wanted to touch her again.

Madeline only needed to frown to cause him to halt what he was about to do.

“Have you taught Thomas a lesson for drugging you last night? He’s getting out of hand lately, if he

doesn’t learn his lesson soon, who knows what kind of trouble he will create later on in life.”

“You’re right, I will teach him a lesson later.”

“Let’s talk about Mia. Why did I have a feeling that she was not merely acting this morning? No matter

how I look at it,” Madeline had a lingering worry as they had already discussed this last night. They

concluded that it was pointless for Mia and Elise to hang around. They even thought that it was risky to

do so.

That was why they decided to put on a show this morning. Mia pretended to be ill, which gave her an

excuse to be sent to the hospital. In fact, it was just an excuse for her to leave the Harvey residence

without anyone batting an eyelid.

However, when Lucas was carrying her this morning, there was a pool of blood right beneath her. It

was a grueling sight.

“Don’t worry. With Lucas helping her, she would be fine.”

“Mr. Parker looked at ease the last I saw him, but could it be that he was actually letting them leave on

purpose? So that he could defeat them all in one shot, and kidnap them as hostages to threaten us?”

“That should be his plan, but I’ve put some safety measures in place. They could leave the Harvey

residence without a scratch on them.”

Madeline had complete trust when it came to Noah. Since he was assuring her that nothing would

happen, she chose to believe him.

The two of them continued to banter romantically in bed, and sometimes they would guffaw or crack a

laugh. It seemed that they had forgotten about the people out there in the corridor.

Lone Wolf did not know where they had gone, and when he was trying to find out from the other

Harveys, he had to do it stealthily. He had to be extra careful around Wilda, as Wilda who had now

changed her clothes was eagerly looking for Noah. She was so desperate that everyone could clearly

see that she had feelings for Noah.

Lone Wolf was leaning on the door to his room, and he said to her playfully, “Mr. Quincy is in my room

right now. Do you want to take a look there?”

Wilda tried to crane her neck to catch a glimpse of his room, but Lone Wolf had blocked her sight. She

could not see anything at all.

“Mr. Quincy, please come out now. I need to talk to you.”

Of course, no reply came from inside the room.