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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 117
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Chapter 117

Madeline and Noah spoke simultaneously, and Dylan covered his mouth to conceal shock

and sprinted into the elevator at the speed of light.

Hehe! Even their tempers were becoming increasingly similar—the way they admonished

him was the same.

He should not have lingered there for too long, though. He'd better go tell Colt the good


Only Noah and Madeline remained in the living room downstairs after Dylan had left.

For a brief moment, the atmosphere devolved into awkwardness.

"It's not at all funny, Noah, to make such a joke. Never, ever make such jokes again."

"One day, you'll know whether I'm kidding or not."

"You..." Madeline was about to retort when her stomach growled, betraying her.

"You must be hungry. I'll make another omelet for you." With a loving smile on his face,

Noah gave her a pat on the head before entering the elevator.

Madeline's heart was in shambles.

Meanwhile, Suzette returned from James' place early in the morning at the villa on the


Bruno hurled a glass at her as she stepped over the threshold, dangerously close to hitting

the doorway.

"What's the matter, Bruno?" Suzette evaded the attack with the glass. She walked toward

Bruno, carefully stepping over the pieces of broken glass on the floor.

However, she unthinkingly maintained a certain distance from him due to her innate need

for defense.

"Still remember to return? Where have you been the entire night?"

"Where else can I go if not to settle our daughter's affairs? Why are you losing your

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temper at such an early hour?" Suzette's tone was somewhat coquettish.

"How dare you bring up that bitch! She went on a date with Jerry yesterday and cut off all

communications as soon as she left. She hadn't answered the phone and hadn't

responded to text messages, and had been missing all night. Where the hell is she? You'd

better hurry up and give her a call. I need her to explain what's going on!"

"The investment funds she promised yesterday have yet to arrive! Not even a penny!"

Bruno was about to die of rage. He had given so much of his time and heart to raising her,

but she turned out to be such an asshole. What a tragedy!

He had been up all night last night from excitement, believing that he would receive his

investment fund immediately.

"Don't worry, Bruno. I'm going to call Angie right away." Suzette understood where Bruno

was coming from. He was only worried because the investment funds hadn't arrived yet.

Angie is incredibly reckless. Even though she is having a blast with Jerry, she still needs to

take calls from home.

Suzette immediately looked up Angie's phone number and dialed it as soon as she had

that thought.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is not in service..."

Suzette's heart began to race as she listened to the recorded message on the phone.

She was well aware that Angie's phone would never be turned off. What was going on?

"Did you get the phone call through her? What's with the dithering?" Bruno inquired


Despite his flustered expression, he hoped Suzette could get the call through so she could

help him ask when Jerry's money would arrive!

The Grant Corporation's current financial crisis was worsening. He couldn't wait any


"Her phone has been switched off... Angie never turns off her phone, Bruno. Do you think

something happened?" Suzette muttered worriedly while holding the phone.

"What? It's been turned off? How could she have turned it off?! What does she mean by

that? She doesn't want to obtain the funds for me, does she?" When Bruno realized Angie

had turned off the phone, he charged forward, snatching the phone from Suzette's grasp.

He was about to hurl the phone after hearing the clear intercept message, but luckily,

Suzette was quick on her feet. She managed to stop him and get her phone back in one


James had purchased the phone for her. She couldn't afford to let Bruno ruin it like that

now that money was tight.

Otherwise, James would be upset if he found out!

"Don't worry, Bruno. Perhaps Angie had been out late with Jerry the night before and had

run out of battery. Oh, yes. I got Jerry's phone number from Angie the other day. Do you

want me to call him instead?"

Suzette looked up at the flustered Bruno. She applied quick thinking. She quickly devised

a new plan to appease his rage.

"You think you're the only one with Jerry's phone number? I've already called, and the

phone is also turned off!" That cretin. Was he considering stealing his daughter from him


With his teeth clenched in anger, Bruno thought furiously.

"Hey? It connected! Jerry has turned on the phone, Bruno!"

"Who is this? It's still early in the morning. I'm still sleeping." When Suzette called for the

third time, Jerry finally answered the phone irritably.

"Jerry, it's me. I'm Angie's mother. Did I disrupt your sleep? I sincerely apologize..." Suzette

made every effort to smile while on the phone.

Bruno trotted up to her as soon as he heard the call had been answered. He motioned with

his hands and eyes to Suzette to inquire about the investment fund.

"Angie's mother? Oh, Auntie Suzette, what's the matter?" Jerry became so inebriated last

night that he passed out on the street. He spent the night sleeping on the street before

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being picked up by his family. He'd only just awoken and was still dazed.

He sat up straight on his bed in a gesture of respect for Angie's mother once he realized it

was her.

"It's like this, Jerry. Angie didn't come home last night, and we couldn't reach her on the

phone. I'm wondering if she's with you." Suzette inquired cautiously, her tone as gentle as

she could be.

"Angie? No, my butler told me yesterday that when they found me, I was the only one on

the side of the road! Aunt Suzette, you need to speak with Angie about this. In any case,

I'm her man. How could she abandon me on the side of the road in the middle of the night

and go off by herself? Can she afford to make up for me if I turn into a popsicle?"

Jerry complained to Suzette with a hint of resentment as he scratched his head and

remembered the event from last night.

"Huh? You mean Angie isn't with you? So, where has she gone? Angie is very fond of you.

She wouldn't have left you alone on the side of the road in the middle of the night. Is there

a misunderstanding here, Jerry? Perhaps something had happened to my Angie?"

Suzette immediately voiced her concerns because she had bad intuition.

"Don't be worried, Auntie Suzette. I'll go find her right away!" Right now, Jerry was fully

alert. Yes, Angie did love him very much. She couldn't possibly abandon him.

Something had to have happened!

With that in mind, he got up immediately, grabbed a shirt at random, and was ready to go.

He soon discovered, however, that he was trapped inside the room. "Hey!" he exclaimed,

"Who locked the door? Quickly unlock and open the door for me!"

Suzette sensed something was wrong on the other end of the phone when Jerry slammed

the door violently.

Her heart grew cold in an instant.

Jerry appeared to have been locked up once more, so Angie…

When the villa's door was abruptly opened from the outside, Suzette was deeply

preoccupied with her worries.

A stylish, elegant woman entered the room with several bodyguards surrounding her in a

grandiose style.