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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 112
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Chapter 112

Noah leaned against the car seat in a state of stupor. His head was hurting so badly that

he struggled to open his eyes. He could hear voices but he was not sure if they were real

or if he was just in a dream.

As they drove on, everything around Noah slowly turned hazy until he eventually passed


As Madeline lifted Thomas from Noah's lap into her lap, she realized Noah was not moving.

Worried, she placed her hand on his forehead.

It was a little hot.

Noah was still bleeding from the forehead and the backseat was already soaked with


Seeing the blood stain, she grew concerned and immediately asked Albert to pass her the

medkit that was in the car.

Why didn't she realize it sooner? The hood of the other car was totaled, there was no way

Noah came out of that unscathed!

To think she foolishly thought he just had a minor bump on his head…

Feeling responsible, Madeline moved Thomas from her lap to the seat beside her and

started treating Noah's wounds.

Thankfully, there was some medication and bandages in the car, so Madeline was able to

administer some light first aid to Noah. She then instructed Thomas to drive them to

Golden Dome International District as fast as possible.

She was worried that Noah was suffering from a concussion. A head concussion was no



At the top of the mountain, Angie was still tied to a rope hanging over a ledge. Her throat

was parched, her lips were peeling and her face was sunburned. She was yelling so much

that her voice had turned hoarse and she was so tired.

Hanging that, Angie felt a bottomless despair overwhelming her.

At that point, she did not even care if Noah came to her to exact revenge. She just wished

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he would come and finish her faster!

Just as she was about to give up all hope, she heard the voices of people speaking.

Tony Channing and Asher's other henchmen finally returned and freed him from the bonds

that bound him.

After confirming that one of the voices indeed belonged to Asher, Angie immediately

raised her voice and yelled, "Pull me up, Asher! Quickly!"

There was a tinge of excitement in her voice as she suddenly saw a glimmer of hope.

"Pull me up and I'll grant you whatever you ask of me!"

"Oh, I want to help you, Angie. I really do, but you are Mr. Quincy's number one enemy

right now, I dare not go against him. Besides, you were the reason that I'm stuck in this rut

myself. What makes you think I'll help you?"

Asher sat at the edge of the cliff looking down at Angie. He was enjoying himself seeing

Angie in such a pitiful state.

"Don't you need money right now? I'll give you the money. I'll give you however much

money you need, just help me up!" yelled Angie. She could not see the expression on

Asher's face as she dangled over the cliff with her back facing toward the mountaintop. All

she could do was to try and buy him over with money.

A middle-aged man who lost his job and his arm would need money at this point, right?

Who would say no to money?

"Okay, let's see how much money you have in your bank account then. What's the

password?" said Asher while picking up Angie's phone on the ground. He needed the

password to unlock the phone screen.

"Pull me up first and I'll tell you the password."

"That won't do, what if your bank account is empty? I don't want to waste my energy."


"Hey, it's up to you if you want to keep hanging there. It's too hot here, so I have no

interest in wasting any more time with you," said Asher while feigning impatience. He

loudly instructed Tony to help him up so they could leave.

Hearing Asher standing to his feet, Angie panicked. She relented and gave Asher both the

passwords to her phone and her bank account.

Asher was enjoying the sight of Angie begging him for mercy. It reminded him of the good

old days when he was still the director of the Charity Association. He had a long line of

beautiful women waiting to jump into bed with him.

It all came to an end… Thanks to that bitch, Angie!

He had to live from hand to mouth and oftentimes he had to go without food. The days of

women swarming him were long gone.

The more Asher thought about it, the more he grew to hate Angie. Composing himself,

Asher quickly keyed in the passwords in Angie's phone to check the balance she had in

her bank account.

Only 100 thousand dollars?

It seemed like the Grant Family had come down on hard times! He found it hard to believe

that the daughter of the Grant Family had even less money than him!

"Aren't you a sweet dreamer, Angie? You sure have the nerves to ask for help when you

only have so little in your bank account?" scoffed Asher angrily.

After standing up with the help of Tony, Asher was prepared to walk away. He did not want

to risk being seen with her.

"State your price, I'll give it to you, one way or another. You can have all the money in my

bank account first and I'll give you the rest later, okay? Yeah?" pleaded a desperate Angie.

She never imagined herself having to beg a bastard like Asher for mercy!

Angie swore to herself that if she survived, she would send her men to chop off the fool's

other arm.

"Sure, so you're giving me all of this money in your bank account, correct?" replied Asher.

Even if it was just a small amount, money was still money and Asher was not about to say

no to it, not after hearing Angie's meek voice pleading to him. He could not "bear" to leave

such a helpless woman alone.

"That's right! Help me up and I will give you all of that money!" said Angie as she played

along with him.

"Okay, I've recorded that. Next..." muttered Asher as he looked at Angie who was still

hanging over the cliff. A thought suddenly came to him.

"Next, pull me up! Quickly! I'm dying here… Ahh!" urged Angie before she felt something

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warm trickling on her. The pungent smell of urine quickly followed.

Asher had unhooked his pants and started peeing all over Angie.

"Hahahaha! Look at her, boss! How pathetic! I got everything on the video. You show her,

boss!" screamed Tony excitedly. He recorded the scene of Asher peeing on Angie and

immediately uploaded it online.

Asher was so pleased with himself that he failed to notice what his henchman did.

"You piece of shit, Asher! I'll make you pay even if I have to do it beyond the grave!"

screamed Angie. She did not expect to be played for a fool by that bastard.

"Alright, then to the grave with you!" replied Asher.

After relieving himself, Asher transferred all the money from Angie's bank account to his

account and swiftly cut the rope that held her.

Realizing what happened, Angie could only close her eyes in despair as she fell into the

body of water below and disappeared.

Asher's mood lifted after seeing Angie's figure disappear down below.

That bitch deserved it after she destroyed his life! She still had the nerve to expect him to

rescue her! Ridiculous!

Asher stood at the edge of the cliff staring down into the abyss for a while before turning

around triumphantly.

Tony was staring at Asher with his mouth wide open. Dumbstruck, he asked, "Bo…boss,

did you just kill someone?"

Tony was a thug, but he only ever intimidated others or got into fights. He had never seen

anyone be killed in front of his eyes ever in his life!

"What are you afraid of? It wasn't us who hung this bitch here in the first place. The rope

just broke. She will die anyway, no one will know I just helped hasten the process."

"But, boss!"

"Stop babbling. Let's leave. The last thing we need is for Mr. Quincy to find us here!"

replied Asher. He threw Angie's phone down the cliff and beckoned his other henchmen to


Tony kept his mouth shut as he ran after Asher. He was planning to quietly delete the

video he uploaded online before Asher noticed anything amiss.

However, when he checked his phone, it was already too late. The video of Asher giving

the beautiful Angie a "shower" by urinating on her had already been watched by netizens

over a million times in just a few minutes.