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After divorce I am a billionaire

Chapter 1126
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Chapter 1126 He's Taking the Bl "No need, it's too late. Grandma is probably asleep by now and | don't want to bother her. Alistair has tutoring tomorrow, so just let Kane takeback to Green Grove Apartment," she said.

She didn't get out of the car and was about to roll up the window when Anthony freed up a hand and pressed against the crack in the window.

"Wait a bit longer before you leave. | have something to tell you," he said.

She nodded and watched as Anthony carried their sleeping son into Callahan Residence's garden, disappearing into the night.

Ten minutes later, Anthony cback.

Kane, who had been sitting in the front seat acting as driver, was kicked out of the car.

The back door opened and Anthony got in. Mavis had been waiting for what felt like forever and caught a whiff of strong tobacco smell. "You smoked during that short time?" "Yeah," he replied casually. "Don't worry though. | only did it after settling Alistair." Mavis didn't say anything else but opened the window slightly while deliberately sitting further away from him.

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This action seemed to irritate Anthony greatly.

He furrowed his brow tightly with an icy expression on his face. "Am | really that repulsive? Is Moore worth your attention?" Mavis listened with confusion written all over her face, "What are you talking about?" The car was small enough for both of them to make eye contact easily. Under streetlights shining through outside the windows, it cast sharp shadows on Anthony's handsfeatures with deep blue eyes suppressing skind of emotion inside him.

"Tellhonestly if you like Moore or not." Mavis laughed at this question, "What are you getting at? Haven't | told you before that we're just good friends?" "Would good friends hug each other? Would they go htogether or worry about each other's safety when apart?" He gritted his teeth while speaking lowly through them.

Mavis felt cold inside but also found it amusing, "Because he's like an older brother figure for me! Isn't hugging your brother normal?" "Is that normal?" "You hugged Jaqueline before too because she's like your little sister! You've gotten close with her too! Why can't | be close with Moore then? If you don't believe my relationship with him is purely platonic, then do | have reason to suspect there might be something more between Jaqueline and your?" Anthony's expression froze immediately, "That's different." "How is it different?" Mavis glared at him angrily while speaking louder than before, "Both of us know exactly who Jaqueline looks like! Do dare tellthat there hasn't been any moment where you liked Jaqueline or thought about being together!" Anthony's face turned pale and his eyes darkened slightly. "So, you think this way because you like Moore and want to be with him after the divorce?" What did this have to do with anything? She was clearly talking about Jaqueline's situation. Why did he bring up Moore again? "I really don't understand your thought process. Think whatever you want." She gave up arguing.

At that moment, her phone in her pocket rang.

It was an international call from Moore's sister.

"I'm going out to take a call." She got off the car and walked alone to the wall to answer the phone.

Kane had no choice but to walk back disappointedly since he didn't want to disturb Mavis while she was on the phone. He sat in the driver's seat and saw Anthony leaning against his seat with his eyes closed as if resting, but he frowned tightly with a bad expression on his face.

"Mr. Callahan, did you just fight with Mrs. Callahan?" Kane asked when he turned around.

Anthony covered his forehead without saying anything.

The two of them were too loud just now; even Kane outside could hear skey words. He sighed, "Although Miss Jaqueline has passed away, in Mrs. Callahan's eyes she is still almost responsible for causing her difficult childbirth at that time. It is a thorn in her heart! You know that very well! Why did you mention Miss Jaqueline again?" Anthony was speechless, "She brought it up first." Kane said, "Then you should follow along more gently with Mrs. Callahan instead of fighting back like this! Don't forget that now you are at a disadvantage. She has signed and stamped your divorce agreement which is still in her hands! Half of your pursuit period has already passed over these past two weeks. Finally things have been improving between you two lately... If there's another argument like tonight, then I'm afraid we will be right back where we started!" Anthony furrowed his brows tighter together.

He hadn't felt so frustrated for such a long time.

"It's my problem," Anthony admitted defeat.

Moore had already returned Bostrain; he wouldn't be wandering around under Mavis' nose every day anymore even if Mavis really worried about him. It would only last for a while anyway- he shouldn't have mentioned it tonight.

Instead, he ended up bringing up Jaqueline's old story which made sense turn into nonsense...

Kane said, "That's right then... When Mrs. Callahan comes back later, please try not argue anymore." "Hmm..." In less than two minutes Mavis cback.

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Her expression becserious as she looked at Anthony coldly. There was also an indescribable hint of inquiry within those icy glances...

Anthony quickly noticed something wrong about her expression, "Why are you looking atlike that?" "Moore's sister went to his place, but he wasn't there. When she checked his flight from two days ago, she found out that he left midway through the boarding process and never got on the plane," Mavis explained.

Anthony furrowed his brow. "lt seems like he didn't want to leave Crana." "No, his phone is off. | suspect that he's still in Crana and has been kidnapped," Mavis said.

Anthony scoffed. "He doesn't know many people in Crana, and he has legs of his own. If he wanted to leave the airport, who could stop him?" As soon as Anthony finished speaking, he turned around and saw Mavis staring at him with a probing gaze.

Her eyes were cold and unfamiliar.

He understood immediately what she was thinking. "Do you think | kidnapped Moore?" Mavis asked back, "Isn't it possible?" Anthony felt wrongfully accused for the first tin a long time. "Don't you believeat all?" "How can | believe you? You've kidnapped him before! The last tMoore got off a plane, you gave him such a warm welcso quickly! Have you forgotten?" Mavis continued accusingly.

Anthony was speechless. It was true that he had done something similar to Moore before this incident occurred. Even if it wasn't actually him responsible for this particular kidnapping case, it was difficult for him to clear himself of suspicion now.

Mavis looked disappointed as she continued her tirade, "You're always like this. Only thinking about yourself without any regard for those close to me." "Anthony," she said sternly while looking directly into his eyes, "If | were in power right now instead of you, how would you react if | used your tactics against Jaqueline?" This conversation had gone completely off track. Why did Jaqueline have anything to do with this? Without saying anything more or trying to explain himself further (which would have only made things worse), Anthony turned away from her gaze towards the car window outside instead.

Mavis sighed heavily then asked one final question, "Where did you take Moore?" "lI don't know," replied Anthony simply. After all, since someone else had taken care of kidnapping Moore this taround (and not himself), how could anyone expect him know where they took him? Mavis felt a chill in her heart. "Fine, if you insist on not telling me, | can't force it out of you. I'll call NIB myself and ask for their help." She glared at Anthony fiercely before getting off the car and running to make the call.

Anthony rubbed his forehead with one hand, feeling frustrated and agitated. His emotions were all over the place, making his nerves ache.

In front of him, Kane turned his face carefully and asked quietly," Mr. Callahan, did you really kidnap Moore? Why didn't you tellanything about this?" Anthony lifted his cold gaze," Do you think it was me?" Kane's back was instantly covered in cold sweat," Isn't it?"