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A Man Like None Other

Chapter 126
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Chapter 126 Taking Your Life

“Jared, forget it.” Hilda pulled Jared’s arm back.

When he saw the look on Maria’s face, he finally put his hand down.

If their relationship was strained, Franklin would definitely tell his parents about it, causing them to worry.

When he saw Jared put down his hand, Zayne regained collected himself but didn’t dare say another


At that moment, a Bentley drove swiftly in their direction and screeched to a halt in front of them, causing

everyone to be stupefied.

Jared too was taken by surprise. He had not expected Tommy to be waiting for him all this while.

As for Hilda, she screamed in delight when she saw it. “It’s this car! This is the same one Jared came in


The next moment, the Bentley’s door opened, and a young man in a suit alighted. Walking up to Jared,

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he invited respectfully, “Mr. Chance, at your service.”

Jared grinned slightly, as he hadn’t expected Tommy to send someone else to pick him up

instead. Looks like he is cognizant that I don’t want to be seen with him given his notorious reputation.

“Hilda, let’s get in and find a place for supper,” Jared plainly suggested.

With her eyes glistening in surprise, Hilda nodded in delight. After all, she had never ridden in a Bentley


Once they got in, Jared wound the window on purpose. With a sarcastic smile, he bid them farewell.


Soon, the Bentley left Zayne and the others in the dust while they were still in shock.

“Wow, he really came in a Bentley. That’s unbelievable.”

“Can that Bentley be his friend’s?”

Everyone was amazed.

“Sheesh, what’s the big deal? All he did was rent one.”

Zayne spat on the ground before getting into his car to leave.

With that, everyone else went their separate ways.

Meanwhile, back at Vintage Restaurant, Xavier was fuming when he met Felix in his office.

“Mr. Lawson, I have always heard about how effective the Crimson Dragon Gang is that they have never

failed in their missions. But why is Jared still alive? Moreover, he doesn’t seem to even have a scratch on

him,” Xavier demanded.

Faced with Xavier’s questions, Felix gradually stood up. After walking up to him, he slapped Xavier

forcefully on the face, sending him falling onto the ground.

The moment he landed, the four burly men pressed a dagger against his throat, striking terror into him.

“Da*n it, you almost sent me to my death. And yet, you dare question me? If not for the one million you

paid, I would have fed you to the crocodiles,” Felix thundered.

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In response, Xavier was utterly confused. He didn’t understand what was going on and why Felix was so

furious at him.

“Mr. Lawson, p-please don’t hurt me. Since you couldn’t complete the job, shouldn’t you return the

money to me? You can’t…”

Before Xavier could finish, one of the burly men gently adjusted his dagger, causing blood to flow from

Xavier’s neck.

“How dare you speak to Mr. Lawson like that? Don’t you know what the rules are? Whatever you have

paid will never be returned,” one of the burly men bellowed.

Utterly terrified and threatened by the cold steel pressing against his throat, Xavier didn’t dare say

another word, let alone want his money back.

“Get lost now! If you dare to talk about what happened today, I will end your life,” Felix threatened.

Even though what they were doing was illegal, they still had a reputation to uphold. If word about what

happened got out, no one would hire them anymore.