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A Love Reawakened The Alpha’s Regret by Alphabetical B

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81 Apologies for the late update guys. I wish I can share what happened with you guys b but I wouldn't want to bore you out. Thank you for the support.

Darius' POV By the tI returned back to the hotel, it was almost midnight. I dismissed my men and asked them all to get a good night's rest including the ones left behind at the hotel for Angela's safety.

Although I'd thought Angela would be asleep by the tI returned, the scenaI met was different. I opened the door to see her sitting on the bed, holding the stone the late woman gave her. She looked up atas soon as she heard the door open and I saw her eyes filled with tears.

My hands were a bit b I o d y so I quickly hid them behind my back.

"I think I'm a bad person, Darius," "Why would you say something like that?" I asked her. She was being too hard on herself.

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"She rememberedeven when she was dying and I totally forgot about her," e like we think. Even if we lose memories of them, our soul always remembers "You didn't forget about her. We don't really forget about other people! them," *She wanted to pay for my therapy after what happened but I said no.5 "Why?" I hated therapy but I still wouldn't undermine its effectiveness. She didn't have to. She insisted and I lied to her that I already did," I sat at a distance from her because I didn't want her to notice the blood stain on my hand and my shi "I didn't want to go to therapy," "Therapy is helpful sometimes," "Have you ever gone to one?" She asked.

I smirked as a bad memory y cto my head. "As a child, my father thought I was a disturbed pup. He tookfor woll therapy but nothing changed. It even got worse. I pranked the therapist and he ended up falling down his office stairs and that was the end of therapy for me. From that moment onwards, my father decided that I had no hope," "I didn't go to therapy because it was a human world and they wouldn't just be able to relate to werewolves and also, I was scared I would be blamed," "Like the police did," "Yes. It was un..." she paused. I clicked my tongue and almost cursed out because I realized my mistake. "How did you know?" "What?" "You just said the police blamed me, right?" Ishrugged, trying to cover it up. "It was an assumption, don't take it too seriously," I closed my eyes as I heard her marching towards me. All of a sudden, I was worried about what her reaction would be. Maybe I should we talked to her 15:55 Wed, 19 Jün Chapter 81 first before taking that step.

She gasped and I was forced to look at her. She was staring at my hand. It wasn't even that b Id y, I'd managed to wipe it off a handkerchief I could get but blood is one nasty liquid.

"What happened? Whose blood is that?" She asked worriedly. I could see thec dead.

creases on her forehead and the way she looked atas if it'd just dropped "It's not my blood," I answered.

"Whose blood is it then? It's on your skin. It should be your blood," she argued.

"I'm telling the truth. It's not my blood. It's somebody else's blood. You'll believeafter I take a shower and you see that it's really not mine," She glared atbefore I could even stand up from the bed.

"What did you do, Darius? Did you kill someone?" I smirked. "No, I wouldn't commit a murder in a human world. If I was really interested in killing that ba s tard, I would've dragged him to the nearest werewolf pack and get rid of him," Her mouth dropped open. "What ba a r d are you talking about?" If I lie or ignore it, she still wouldn't drop the matter so it would be better to just tell now. "The ba s t ad who hurt you," I muttered.

She ran her hands through her hair and mumbled sincoherent words under her breath, "You're not being serious right now," "He hurt you. Am I just supposed to sit back and let him get away with what he did? He had the audacity to babble about it in front of me,” I clenched my fist as I remembered how the bat ard was saying trash.

"What did he say?" "Nothing that mattered. He got taught a lesson and that's all that mattered," "Violence is never always the answer, I held her face and kissed her forehead. "Yes, baby, I know. But it's the only language I understand especially for people like that a s hole," "You could've gotten hurt," She was worried about me.

"My Angel. As you can see, I'm perfectly fine. You don't have to worry about a thing." "Before you do such a stupid thing next time, letknow or else I'll kill you," "Dying by your hands doesn't sound like a bad idea," She laughed a bit, "You're a terrible person, Darius,"

"And you're my Angel. Now, letgo take that shower. I keek of his scent and hate that," Chapter 81 She nodded and moved away froma little. I smirked and walked into the bathroom.

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While I was there, I tried to make up my mind about the book I found in the cave of the Resistance group. It was funny how I looked for them for e sp many months and the answer was just a few miles away from me. I was more concerned about what to do with them. A part ofwanted them dead and another part ofwanted to resolve this in a way that Angela had suggested. Whatever it was, I should better cup with a solution before we return to the pack by morning.

I walked back into the room to see Angela pacing the space.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She looked up atand smiled.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking I'm ready to return to my art," "You want to draw again," She nodded excitedly. "I just suddenly felt this surge of confidence. Like I can do it again," I c c ked an eyebrow. "And you said violence isn't always the answer,"

Maybe it wasn't but the new confidence must have something to do with the fact that i'd attacked that man. She knew she was safe from him. That monster wouldn't be able to get her anymore.

"It isn't," "I promise to throw you an exhibition event,” "I'm not that good," "You're so humble," I eyed her. "And hot as well," х