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A Lifetime With You

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69
Selden took a step towards at glared at Selina. “Mind yourself, Miss Newton. I will the first one to come after you if you dare to
hurt Ava” warned Selden.
Goosebumps broke out all over Selina. Selden looked different from his usual carefree self, and her plan seemed to fail
She was in trouble now.
“Mr. Newton, I understood your point of view. But how long can you restrain yourself? Since you are unwilling, then I will do it by
At the secretarial department of Radbury Group. Damien left for a meeting with Miss Bradley in the afternoon. After less than
twenty minutes, an intern from the finance department, Miss Lilly Walker rushed into the office. “Miss Nagel, where is Mr.
Radbury?” The sweaty Lilly panted heavily with a folder in her hand. “Oh, he just left. Do come back again after four in the
afternoon,” Ava replied. Lilly went into panic, “This is bad! There are errors on the report submitted to him earlier, and here is the
corrected version of the document!”
“What!” Ava was stunned at the remarks.
Approximately thirty minutes had passed since both of them left, and it was impossible to catch them up by now. She tried calling
both Damien and Miss Bradley again and again, but to no avail. Perhaps the meeting had started and both of their phones were

silenced. “What should we do now! The finance department will be sacked if the project goes wrong due to inaccurate data!” Lilly
shrieked. Lilly was feeling helpless and broke down in tears. Ava glanced at the new documents brought by Lilly. Indeed, the
company would have to suffer a massive loss due to the incorrect figures provided. Although the amended copy could be
submitted again in the future, the reputation of Radbury Group would be tarnished by then. “We are doomed...” Lilly had given
up and plopped down on the floor. Ava knew that such mistakes were impossible for a fresh graduate like Lilly. She was most
probably a scapegoat for the incident. She grabbed Lilly and comforted her, “Don’t worry. The meeting has just started and we
can still make it in time if we leave now.” “... Really?” Lilly saw a glimmer of hope upon hearing Ava’s words.
But she soon shuddered in fear again, “No way! I’m just a mere intern and it is impossible to barge into the meeting like that!
How can I switch the report on time?” Lilly started sobbing again. Ava couldn’t bear to see her crying and gritted her teeth before
saying, “Alright, I will personally deliver the report then.”
“Really, Miss Nagel?” “Yes, but I can’t promise to make it on time.”
Ava grabbed her phone and the report before dashing out immediately without her coat on.
The success of the recent acquisitions as well the career of the whole finance department was at stake now. She could only pray
to arrive on time while urging the driver to drive faster. Fortunately, the meeting location was not far away and she arrived within
fifteen minutes. Ava rushed inside the tower but was clueless about the exact location. She was left with no choice but to search

Ava kept dialing the number but Miss Bradley was not answering her calls. By the time she reached the fifteenth floor, Ava was
deeply exhausted and panted heavily. She nearly tripped as she pressed on the elevator door. A group of people exited the

elevator and Ava bumped into one of them accidentally due to instability
She felt a firm body and a man groaned in pain.
“Oh! I’m sorry...” Ava was startled and apologized immediately. He was a middle-aged man dressed smartly in a suit and leather
shoes. Ava bumped into his nose bridge and the latter was grimacing in pain now. “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” The male
assistant supported his boss immediately and reprimanded Ava.
Ava was stupefied and her anxiety escalated. “I’m terribly sorry! I wasn’t paying attention...” Ava was bowing and apologizing
profusely. Just then, the back of her collar was grabbed by an arm and she was forced to straighten her back. She looked up and
it was Damien! “Damien, I was looking for you!” Ava was overjoyed upon the meeting.
As the middle-aged man was about to scold Ava for injuring his nose bridge, he was surprised to see their interaction, “You know
her, Mr. Radbury?” “Yes, I do.”
Ava introduced herself immediately, “Hello, I am Mr. Radbury’s...administrative secretary. Nice to meet you!” Seemed like this
man was Mr. Sachel, the one meeting Damien today then. This is the worst! Ava peeped at Damien nervously and worried about
his reaction towards her sudden presence. Much to her surprise, Damien caressed her head gently instead and asked, “Does it
Compared to Mr. Sachel, Ava was in better condition. She replied, “Don’t worry, I am fine.” Damien turned to Mr. Sachel and
apologized, “I’m sorry that my wife ran into you by accident. Demsey, please accompany Mr. Sachel to the hospital for a quick
check. The medical bills are on me.” Mr. Sachel was stunned by the exclamation, “W... wife? So you’re Mrs. Radbury then?” He
was left speechless now. It was an open secret that both Radburys and Newtons were preparing for a union. Hence, the rumor of
him being married for two years was dismissed by Mr. Sachel. While wiping his nosebleed, Mr. Sachel’s annoyance was
replaced by a smile, “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Radbury. Please excuse me for the hasty behavior.” Suddenly, Ava felt
embarrassed. Being Damien’s wife was a privilege and she knew it. While Ava was prohibited to reveal her true identity in the
past, it was Damien being frank about their relationship now.