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A Lifetime With You

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60
She quickly waved her hands in denial, “No, he’s just a friend, that’s all.” “I doubt it. That fella is still staring at you. It’s obvious
that he’s yearning for you, but off you go like a frightened jackrabbit!” She spotted Selden in the rearview mirror, and he was still
standing motionless on the road. Whereas Daryl was long gone and out of sight. She was dismayed and heaved a long sigh. It
was difficult to tell when Selden was being serious or joking. Maybe he was feeling extra playful today and decided to pull her leg
again, she guessed. 8) As she arrived home, she suddenly realized that in her hurry to leave, she had left her belongings in
Selden’s car!
Most of the items were just a tangle of office equipment that she had salvaged after her dismissal, but she had also forgotten
about her folder containing important documents.
She gritted her teeth and made a call to Selden.
“Do you think you could arrange for a runner to return my items to me?” Ava was shaking as she held the phone. Only 30
minutes had passed since she had so vehemently rejected him, yet here she was asking him for a favor now. It was very
awkward. The moments of silence from the other end were broken by Selden’s usual cheerful and mischievous laugh, “Alright,
but first, you’ll have to buy me a cup of coffee, then I’ll give you back your stuff.” “Selden, ...” “Fine, fine...I know you’re already
wringing your brains to find an excuse to turn me down. I may be shameless but I still want to keep my dignity. Don’t worry about
it, I’ll send your stuff over once I’m done visiting Kelly.” “You went to see Miss Hensley?” “Well, what else can I do?” Selden
feigned ridiculously, “Now, I’m not thrilled to run into more trouble with my ex-girlfriend, but it sure beats spending time with a little
scaredy-cat like you! At least she’s not going to run away from me over a little joke!” Ava breathed a little easier upon hearing
this. So he was indeed joking earlier on. That was good. “Would it kill you not to play tricks on me, Selden!” Ava chastised him as

she regained her bravado.
It was night, and Ava was alone at home, since Damien had gone abroad to hunt down Beth. Though it was common for him to
be absent from home, he had been sleeping at home somewhat more frequently of late.
Ava felt a little forlorn now since she was alone at the dinner table.
“Did he mention when he would be back in the mainland?” she asked the housekeeper. The housekeeper shook his head, “Sir
has not called to inform me yet.” There was no update at all. This was how Damien worked. Ava had started eating her dinner
slowly, when she heard footsteps at the doorway.
Then, a servant hurried in to announce, “Miss, Madam is here.”
Before he could finish, Karen had already strode into the restaurant in her high-heels. She spotted Ava eating alone and sneered
at her, “Well...well... looks like you’re having a good time when living it up in the Radbury mansion even in Damien’s absence.”
Ava quickly stood up.
Karen emanated a hostile aura.

Over the last two years, she had gotten used to such snide remarks from her mother-in-law. This wasn’t the worst she’d heard
yet, and she had experienced far worse insults.
“Are you here to see Damien? Unfortunately, he’s not going to be back anytime soon,” Ava responded politely. Karen cocked her
head arrogantly and continued ridiculing Ava, “You’re quite the over-achiever, aren’t you? As soon as your husband goes out of
town, you busy yourself by flirting with other men. How industrious of you!” “What do you mean?” “Ava, do I really have to make
a list of all your misdemeanors before you know the meaning of shame?”
Karen looked furious. Ava was stunned, but she immediately recalled that Daryl had seen her and Selden this afternoon. He
must have mentioned the incident to Karen. Ava had nothing to hide about the incident, yet she was almost certain that Karen
was going to blow things out of proportion. Sure enough, Karen raised her hand and almost slapped Ava, who subconsciously
took a step back and managed to dodge it. Karen became even more irritated and cursed, “Ava Nagel, how dare you consort

with other men in broad daylight, and taint the name of the Radbury family! If you had any shame at all, you would get lost this
instance!” “I have never done such a thing.” Previously, when Ava first found out about her pregnancy, Karen treated her better
as she was partial to the child that Ava carried. But now that the child was gone, Karen naturally revealed her true colors once
more. It looked like the day had come and Karen wanted Ava out. “Hah, save it. My husband saw it with his own eyes! You’re
quite something, you know that? As soon as Damien falters, you head right over to seduce a member of the Oakley family! Ava
Nagel, you’re not fit to be part of the Radbury family!” “I did no such thing.” All of her justifications fell on deaf ears.
Karen was hell-bent on forcing her out of the house, and there was nothing Ava could say to change her mind. Ava took a deep
breath and said, “If you want me out of the house, I’ve already drafted the divorce papers, so it’s up to Damien to sign them now,
yet he is refusing to do so. Instead of attacking me, why don’t you ask your precious son what he’s planning to do? “You...you
insolent brat! How dare you talk back to me!” Karen was getting angrier by the second. She raised her palm as though to slap
Ava again. Ava had foreseen this and deftly stepped aside. She said, “It’s not healthy to be angry all the time. If you haven’t had
dinner yet, I’ll inform the kitchen staff to prepare something for you.”
Seeing Ava in a calm state drove Karen further up the wall.
“I have no need for your filial daughter-in-law act, you pretentious b*tch! There are plenty of highly qualified candidates waiting to
marry into the Radbury family. We don’t need you! You’re not worthy of the title!
Not worthy...
Ava smiled bleakly as all she was to the Radbury family was “unworthy”. Nothing more than that. Even if her mother had
exhausted all means to send her back to live with the Nagel family as a young lady, she would always be an illegitimate child.
And even if she was legally married to Damien, people around them would never take them seriously.
“Are you still feeling happy? Well, here’s some news for you, the Radbury and the Newton family are preparing for an
engagement ceremony soon. Once Selina moves in, you’re going to step aside for her. Sooner or later, what difference does it
make?” Karen stood triumphantly with both her hands on her waist. Ava’s heart was broken again. Indeed, what difference did it

make? It was only a matter of time. It turned out that they had found her replacement, and they were making preparations for the
engagement already. On paper, she was still a lady of the Radbury family; in reality, she no longer had any influence. “If that is
the case, then please accept my heartiest congratulations to yourself and Damien. Your dreams have come true after all.” Ava
said without breaking her composure..