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A Lifetime With You

Chapter 100
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Chapter 100
Selden forced a smile and said, “What could possibly happen in the past two years? First of all, you married me. And now we’re
spending our lives together.” “But...” “Alright... As a doctor, I need you to stop overthinking because it’s bad for the baby, okay?”
Selden interrupted her, so she stopped asking him questions. According to what he told her, they were spending a holiday at the
beach resort and she fell into the sea by accident. Then she lost her memories. However, she was often woken up by nightmares
these days. In her nightmares, she was on a huge jetty surrounded by containers. She kept running for her life as if something
terrible was chasing after her... Was it really just a nightmare?
Back in the country.
Damien was sitting in the conference room, listening carefully to the staff of the marketing department as they spoke. In the past
six months, the Newton Group had been competing fiercely with the Radbury Group. Damien didn’t take it easy on them which
resulted in a huge loss for the Newton Group. However, they showed no sign of backing down. It seemed like this was going to
be a long competition. “Sir, that is all about the current situation.” The sales department reported. He nodded and made a few
concluding remarks. After the meeting, everyone left quietly in order. He remained in his seat alone in the room and stared at the
space emptily. His thoughts once again wandered far away. “Sir, there is a lunch meeting later,” The assistant came back and
reminded him softly. He was still a little absent-minded and did not hear the assistant’s reminder. Dempsey quietly gave his
assistant a look at the door to remind her not to disturb him. Damien didn’t move for a long time. He just stared at a spot in the
distant. “Dempsey, what’s wrong with the CEO today? He was very absent-minded in the meeting too,” The new assistant asked
softly. “Today is the wedding anniversary of our boss and his wife.” “Ah, the one who unfortunately passed away half a year

ago...” Dempsey quickly covered the assistant’s mouth to prevent her from saying another word. The name ‘Ava Nagel’ had
already become a taboo of the company. No one dared to mention her ever since her incident.
Her seat in the office remained the same. Everything was there as it was, and nothing had been touched.
Every morning, Damien would wipe her table clean before all the employees came to work, as if she would come back to work
anytime. However, the owner of this seat never returned.
When Damien returned home at night, the butler ordered the chef to prepare a sumptuous dinner. Even though Damien would be
the only one enjoying it. He filled his own glass with red wine. He wanted to pour a glass of wine for the empty seat beside him,
but he didn’t after he thought about it. “You’re pregnant. You can’t drink.” He chuckled. If she was still alive, it would be the
expected date for their child’s birth, wouldn’t it?
That was their second child. This time, he still couldn’t protect them. “It’s a good thing that you bring the children along with you.
At least it’s better than me being here alone and talking to myself like an idiot.” He chuckled. In the past six months, he had
started to eat lighter and became more tolerant of the people around him. He even started to smile more and controlled his own
temper better.

However, he began to fear hearing anything related to her. He didn’t even dare to go to her empty grave to give her flowers.
Compared to his impulsiveness when he was suicidal, nothing else could stir up the same emotions in him anymore. “Ava,
people think I have forgotten about you because I don’t talk about you.” “But it’s been half a year. And all this time, I have never
stopped thinking about you. Not even for a second.”
He picked up the glass and finished the wine in one sip. Two months ago, the final sentence was finally given to Selina. She was
indeed diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but she wasn’t allowed to be bailed out for treatment. Damien used some means to
make sure she was locked in a single cell alone. Only doctors and the jail staff could visit her.

If she ever wanted to be dramatic, she wouldn’t even have an audience. She would live out her life alone in a dark cell for the
rest of her life The Newton’s rushed into his office when they heard about this, but were immediately dragged out by the security
guards. Selina’s father wanted to compete with him in the business world, but Damien made sure he suffered a devastating
defeat. “I actually did a lot of things after you left. But no matter, I still couldn’t do what I really want to do.” Damien continued
muttering to himself. “Ava, your stupidity seems to have an effect on me.” He drank until past midnight, but he didn’t get drunk. In
fact, he became soberer.
Just then, he suddenly received a call from Dempsey. “Sir, there’s an emergency.” “What’s wrong?” “Four days ago, the Newton
Group signed a contract with a foreign supplier. Because it’s news from abroad, we got the information late.” “Which supplier?”
Damien asked with a stern expression. At this time, everyone knew that the Newtons and Radburys were fighting in business, so
no one dared to get involved in this mess. The Newtons couldn’t get any goods locally so they decided to get it from overseas. It
seemed that the Radbury Group wasn’t ruthless enough. “Since they are foreign goods, think of a way to stop them from
entering the border,” he ordered. “I couldn’t stop it. That batch of goods is under the name of our company.” “What?”
Damien hurried back to the study and turned on the computer. Dempsey sent the information to his mailbox. The goods bought
by the Newton family were indeed produced by Radbury Group’s international factory. Since it was from their own factory, they
didn’t notice that those goods were bought under the Radbury Group’s name. And the one who signed this contract was Enrico
Radbury.. “Son of a b*itch!” Damien was so angry that he almost smashed the computer.
Although Enrico was not working for the company, he was still one of the shareholders. He had a lot of shares in his hand and
was indeed qualified to sign the transactions for this pile of goods. This brat was really smart in taking this opportunity to benefit
himself. Damien immediately called him. On the other end of the line was Enrico’s lazy voice, “What’s up, brother? Isn’t it the
middle of the night there?”
“Cut the crap. What stock did you sell to the Newton family? Do you know what the hell are you doing?” “What’s wrong?” Enrico
chuckled and played dumb. Damien was so angry that he clenched his fists. After he explained the matter, Enrico said, “Ah, I
see. But that batch of goods is already sent to the country. I’m afraid that they are already in the Newton family’s hands. It would
be impossible to take it back from them.”