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A Film Queen

Chapter 309
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Chapter 309 Mr Tate, I'm Going to Pursue You

+5 Pearls

At that instant, Milly broke into a sudden smile, yet her eyes grew increasingly reddened, brimming with


George stayed mute, lying calmly on the bed, watching her intently, as though anticipating her next words.

She paused to inhale deeply before continuing. “I’m feeling somewhat perplexed about your feelings towards

me. You once expressed liking me, then later claimed you didn’t.

“Remember when you left last time? | mentioned that, we should talk about the bracelet and where we stand

when we next meet. But now, with your memory loss, you don’t recall any of it. I'm considering whether it’s right

to give you back your freedom at this point, since forgetting seems to be your answer already. It feels wrong to

exploit your vulnerability.

“So, George, what are your thoughts?”

Milly tilted her head and smiled at George, who sat at the edge of the bed, waiting for his reply.

George also looked at her, his eyes remaining icy and indifferent, like ice, cold and merciless, causing a chill and


Granting freedom...

Those words expressed her intentions clearly. Once intertwined in the crowd, now parted, returning to the wide

world, no longer consumed with thoughts of each other day and night. | made a vow for you and now | grant you

freedom-to roam with the wind, the waves, and the sky, but not with me.

George stared at her, trying to penetrate her soul. His eyes were now deeper and more enigmatic than ever,

emanating an incomprehensible darkness that caused a chill down her spine.

Just as he prepared to speak, he noticed Milly standing before he rose and looking down at him in the hospital

bed. “Since Mr. Tate seems reluctant to respond, may | speak on your behalf?”

Mr. Tate...

George's lips tightened slightly. She calledMr. Tate? It was indeed a distant address, and it made him feel


| haven't responded to what you just said yet. You don’t need to rush to distance yourself from me. Calling me

Mr. Tate is a bit premature. You can...

Before he could finish his bittersweet words, his lips suddenly grew warm, carrying a faint fragrance that pierced

his heart, causing it to tremble uncontrollably. George, usually composed even under the threat of a gun to his

head, now widened his eyes, his face filled with disbelief.

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He struggled to find his next words, simply lying on the bed, staring at her.

Milly was amused by his response, her eyes gleaming as she gazed at him, her manner exuding charm and

playfulness. “Mr. Tate, I'm going to pursue you now.”

Just moments ago, she criticised others for being domineering and assertive, but now she herself appeared as

arrogant as a peacock.




+5 Pearls

amusement, his eyes now filled with humour rather than the earlier indifference. “Kiss and run? Are you a rogue


Milly blushed at his comment, replying boldly, “Didn't | say | was pursuing you? That was just a notice, not a

question, so | don’t need your response.”

George arched an eyebrow, bemused by her logic.

“Can you explain why then?”

Milly reflected briefly before responding candidly, “In The Little Prince, it is written that the Little Prince cannot

endure solitude and longs for the rose on Earth. He'd rather face physical destruction than leave his rose alone.

He frets over the well-being of the rose in his absence. He requires a sheep, but it must be equipped with a

muzzle. Only then can the rose be secure.”

“So what does that mean?” George asked.

“So... | believe you are my rose.”

Actually, she had been thinking for a long tabout her feelings for George. Was he just a friend, or something


But after pondering, she realised they could never be just ordinary friends.

After all, thoughts can mislead, expressions can misguide, and words can deceive, but the body’s physical

responses do not lie. When she found out that George was gravely injured and unconscious, it felt as if her entire

world had shattered in that instant-a sensation she had never experienced before.

Milly was never one to be melotic or hesitant. Once she recognised her emotions, she was ready to act.

Life is too brief to waste ton indecision.

George seemed to lighten up upon hearing her words, a spark of happiness gleaming in his eyes, and a slow

smile forming on his lips. “You... cough, cough, cough.”

He tried to speak to her, but forgetting his severe injury, he doubled over in pain, holding his chest and coughing

until his complexion becashen.

Milly was concerned and softly tapped his back, asking, “Are you alright? Do you require water? I'll fetch some

for you

At that moment, the door forcefully swung open, and Scarface’s authoritative voice echoed, “What's going on?

Leave immediately! | suspected your malicious intent all along, daring to schright in front of me. You're

really seeking for death!

Behind Scarface stood Danny, wh

hadn’t managed to make his exit

Scarface drew Milly away, inadvertently grazing her previously injured hand, causing her to flinch in pain but

stay quiet.

After a brief pause to ensure George was alright, she remarked, “I'll go now. Ill return later to see how you're


Before George could reply, she had already dashed away.

Danny, ever observant, turned to George and inquired, “Mr. Tate, would you liketo accompany Ms.



Chapter 309 Mr Tate, I'm Going to Pursue You



+5 Pearls

After collecting himself, George

motioned towards the now VaGamt

doorway thsoygh WHidksha had.

dephtted, waving dismissively and

. am »

remarking. “It's unnecessary.” The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!


Despite her apparent courage, she was rather shy. Perhaps she preferred to be alone at that particular moment.

Encouraging her to open up had been a challenge, and it

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wouldn't do to let her retreat back


Danny nodded in affirmation, “Got it, Mr. Tate.”

George pressed a button on the bedside panel, and the smart automated bed gradually shifted to the proper


Casting a quick glance at Scarface next to him, his tone as commanding as always, he asked, “What's the

situation outside right now?”

Upon hearing the inquiry, Scarface

promptly briefed on the present

. . «

circumstances without delay, “The

Ghost Sect holds a.y, pdetta against

NE einprifar orces remain in

aldonia. Currently, only two minor

sects are active in Halturia. Despite

their small numbers, they are

cunning. Furthermore, our entry into

the hospital earlier was not discreet,

so they probably have already been

informed. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

« . oq

A few of our men noticed suspicious

individuals lurking outside upon their

return. As soon as, Ve kookaction,

thede Th bese vigilant and

quickly fled. They are probably

oR q ”

affiliated with the Ghost Sect.” The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!