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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 267
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"Get the hell out of here!" Sage snapped.

lan couldn't tear his gaze away from her flushed face and the tantalizingly pale skin beneath the towel. Her

words didn’t anger him. Instead, it made

him think about what happened last night.

lan was consumed by desire when she wrapped her arms around him bashfully last night, her tender bosom

swaying before his eyes. He relentlessly

tormented her until she begged for mercy...

Sage noticed his breathing getting heavier as he stared at her legs. Furious, she kicked him and yelled, "I told

you to get out!"

Her attempt to kick lan fell short as he swiftly caught her leg. Her thighs were completely exposed as she was

only wrapped in a towel, and her foot

was being held by lan. She was in an incredibly compromising position. Her face turned crimson as she yelled,

"Let go of me!"

He didn't want to let go, but there were more pressing matters to attend to that day, and Sage's body couldn't

take any more "rough handling". Hence.

he suppressed his desires.

"Know your limits." lan took a deep breath before he let go of her leg. He then turned around and left the


Sage immediately locked the door and splashed scold water on her flushed face. She must've been out of

her mind. She was well aware that

she was no match for lan, but she still tried to kick him and ended up in that embarrassing situation.

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Sage wanted to slap herself when she thought about the way he had looked at her as he held onto her foot. As

the heat on her face subsided, she

raised her head and met her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Although there were no visible marks on her face, her neck, collarbone, and shoulders were covered in hickeys!

Sage untied her bath towel and noticed that the marks on her body were darker, with teeth marks in certain


"lan Holcomb, you animal!" she couldn't help but yell at the door.

lan, who was gazing at the dark red stain on the bedsheet inside the hotel room, heard her curses. His eyes

darkened as his lust for her grew

stronger. He would've kept going if Sage hadn't resisted.

As Sage stepped out of the shower, she heard lan's voice from the other side of the door. "Your clothes are here."

She put on a bathrobe and opened the door a crack. Then, she hastily took the clothes and locked the door


lan was furious. He snorted. "Why are you hiding from me? I've seen every inch of your body, Sage."

"Shut up, you jerk!" Sage hurled her bathrobe at the door.

lan had also changed when she

emerged reine bathroom. It

seemed like his clothes had just

arrived. {4 was dressed in a clear;

pressed shirt and suit, which ndade

himdook like his usual cold and aloof

sefFagain Content belongs to


Sage couldn't help but give him the death stare as she thought about how he had left all sorts of marks all over

her body.

"Why are you acting all prissy now when you were all nonchalant just a moment ago?" lan sneered.

"That's because | didn't know you

were such pg she cursed

inwardly. -{owever, she couldn't ~~


bring heféelf to say that. Instead,"

she uit "I just regret it nowl)™’

cantjust let this slide. You have to

pa10 million dollars témorrow

When we get a divorce!" Content

belongs to Find.net

His expression hardened. "Are you

sure you want to talk abpuCcivolte


right naWZOTNe content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Why couldit they talk about divorce

right now? But when she saw the”

look onyhis face, she had a feeling

she wouldn't get anywhere by?

Kickitg a fuss then. "Fine. Let's talk

abeut this tomorrow!" Content

bélongs to Find©

Sage paused before ets

goto the police stetioh) The ontent

IEONEMNGTeo com! Read the latest

chapter there!

"Hold on." lan stopped her and motioned for her to sit down.

"What are you up to now?" Sage looked at him warily.

He remained silent as he picked up a

tube of ointment frgm(he sie dnd

Tel )

gently Applied ito her wrist. The [x

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!