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A CEO's Revenge Marriage Accidentally in Love

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44
I can hardly believe this is happening. When I asked Jake if he were okay sharing, I expected him to say no. Instead, he picked
me up and carried me back to the bedroom.
Now I’m having trouble lying still. The scene before me could be taken straight from a movie. I’m lying on the bed, watching Jake
and Mark strip down to nothing.
Fuck, they are gorgeous.
It feels like I’m living someone else’s life because sexy things don’t happen in mine, but now two incredibly sexy men are
suddenly waiting to get in bed with me!
The room is warm, and it’s getting harder to find oxygen the longer I stare at Mark and Jake’s toned bodies. They are tall and
muscular, with lust written over their
features. I almost don’t want them coming
closer and putting their hands on me because I don’t know what will happen.
What if I can’t control myself?
“You like?” Mark’s hands are on his abs.
“Ehh...” I smile, too mindblown to utter another sentence.
Mark smirks. “How fun... you must be really into us if we have already rendered you speechless.”
Jake’s eyes meet mine. He isn’t as cocky as his brother, but my heart still kicks into overdrive at the sight of him, which is not
I need to stay in control. My pride is important. Though, with the twins around, I find my IQ dropping lower by the second. I’m
unsure how to keep my dignity when all I want is to sink to my knees and bite their bubble butts or fill my mouth with cock.

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My gaze stays glued to a huge dick before I
lift my eyes to Mark. He is nearing the bed, pushing one knee onto the mattress. Every
little move he makes is filled with
confidence, as if he knows exactly what he is doing and how good he looks. It’s such a turn
I keep watching Mark even as he slides up by my side and grips my chin with gentle yet determined fingers. “I’m going to kiss
Oh my god.
Instead of asking for permission, Mark said he would do it! My face burns molten hot at that, and I blabber. “I haven’t... I mean...”
I let out a nervous breath, sinking my teeth into my lower lip. “Shit! I’m just... I’m... I haven’t kissed anyone before!”
His amused face is making me squirm even more in my skin. “Maybe you shouldn’t kiss me on the lips first?”
“Aww...” Mark teases. “Is Winnie shy?”
I glare at him, and a smirk grows over
Mark’s lips. He knows damn well he is more sexually experienced, which is mortifying. It suddenly feels like the twins have the
A pout forms on my lips. “It’s mortifying that there is something that you two are
better at than me...”
Mark’s face actually softens at that, and he murmurs. “Don’t worry, princess. I will take good care of you.”
“Again with the nickname...”.

Mark chuckles. “Ain’t nothing you can do
about it. Accept it.”
He leans closer, and I hold my breath as his lush mouth starts at my collarbone while his expert hands work my clothes away. I’m
kissed again and again until I’ve melted into a puddle in the bed.
Mark doesn’t give me a second to breathe before he kisses a new area. He is talented
too. I’m burning so hot and bright that I
don’t even notice that I’m naked before he
drops a line of kisses down my chest. It feels.
wonderful. Addictive.
I’m tingling all over.
“You have such smooth skin, and you smell
like peaches...” Mark murmurs in a husky
I don’t reply. I can’t. If I opened my mouth, I might moan. So I keep quiet and enjoy every
Mark’s mouth circles endlessly over my collarbones, but he never goes where I want him the most-on my nipples. It’s frustrating,
and when I grow more aroused, it hits me: Mark is denying me what I want since I refused to let him kiss my lips!
I’m about to call Mark a jerk, but then I feel a pair of new hands tugging down my pants -Jake.
I peer down at him, and the view is
mindblowing. Jake is suited between my
legs, down on his stomach, and he briefly lifts his attention to my eyes, smiling

So hot.
Watching Jake nudge my thighs apart with his muscular arms before crawling closer is so sexy. But it gets worse when he closes

his eyes and starts licking me between my legs.
A little moan erupts from my lips, and both guys pause. A look of eureka crosses their handsome faces: Mark is smirking, while
Jake’s smile is slower and more subtle.
“So that’s how to make you moan?” Mark leans closer to my ear, and I shudder when his hot breath hits my skin. “You like having
your pussy eaten out?”
A shudder wrecks me.
I like hearing Mark’s voice in my ear, and I give a little nod, hoping he won’t stop
talking dirty to me. If Jake eats me out, and Mark continues to talk and play with my breasts, I will be screaming within seconds.
But that isn’t what I want, not yet! I want cock, and I want it soon! This is supposed to be a threesome. It means Mark’s fat cock
should be in my mouth while Jake forces his into my virgin cunt! I want that so badly that I’m shaking on the bed while Jake licks
“She likes that a lot...” Mark chuckles. “Keep doing it.”
Wait, what?!

I don’t wanna-
Jake adds more pressure, and I howl. My toes curl, and then another moan rips from my throat.
“Oh my... Oh...” I’m trying so hard not to
come, but it’s useless. Fireworks go off in
my core, and I cry out in bliss. “Oh my god!”
Jake’s pleased chuckle is a damn victory call,
and that’s when I realize I’ve lost this battle.
There won’t be a bone of decency left within
me after this, and I moan even louder when Mark joins the fun. He latches on my nipple, sucking it hard into his mouth.
I scream and writhe, so wet that I think I’m
gushing. It’s embarrassing how aroused I
am, and Mark smiles against my skin.’ You’re such a good girl, aren’t you, Winnie? So willing in bed. So horny for us both.”
I turn my head, needing to see him, and Mark smirks. “How was the orgasm,
“Good, but I can have another.”
Surprise hits Mark’s face. “You think so?”
“Yes!” I damn near shout. “I just... I just
need cock!”
Neither Mark nor Jake says a word, and I

press my pussy harder against Jake’s mouth to prove a point.
I’m still horny; why won’t they fuck me?!
Frustration runs loose in my veins. I arch my back and feel my swollen pussy pulsate with more need. Jake’s fingers and mouth
are good, but I need something larger, bigger
-I need cock!
“Please, please, please...” I whisper and whimper when Jake seals his lips around my clit. The pleasure rolls in slowly when his
tongue circles around it, flick it, and toys with me as if he is trying to make me moan.
It works.
“Oh-oh-oh!” I groan under my breath. ” Fuck!
Mark chuckles. The way his eyes study me tells me he never expected me to make such
sounds. Beautiful man.
His little smile is so sexy, and while panting,
I tell him exactly what I need, “Mark... I want to suck your cock while Jake fucks me.”
I’m not lying. I want to experience everything, and I’m dying to see what the twins look like when they lose control. What do they
sound like when they come? Do they
“Really?” Mark’s expression hangs with surprise. “You want to suck my cock?”
Even Jake is staring at me like my filthy statement caught him off guard, and I realize it’s now or never. I need to capitalize
on this!
I turn around and grab Mark’s cock. It’s big, with so much girth, my fingers can’t fully
wrap around it.

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“Fuck... you’re huge...”
When I curse at Mark, an enormous grin plays over his lips. His chest is puffed up with pride, and he breathes a laugh. “I hope
you like it. That big cock is all for you,
Part of me wants to wipe off the smirk from his lips, but the other part is long gone,
attracted by the biggest cock I’ve ever seen. I keep staring at it and then realize that Jake is probably the same size-my pussy
will be ruined for other men after tonight!
Oh, Jesus.
Lust shoots through me, and then I clench my fingers around Mark’s length. He immediately understands what I’m trying to do
and smirks before straddling my face.

He does it in the reverse style to leave some place for Jake. It’s so hot. I take Mark into my mouth and almost choke. So big, yet
that doesn’t stop me from trying to fit him!
I grab the shaft and gather more saliva before getting to work. My tongue teases the head, licks, and makes it wet while Jake
slides his fingers in and out of my pussy.
It feels so good! Jake is talented, but I can’t see him. I’m busy staring up at Mark’s
bubble butt and his thick thighs that keep
up while he slowly fucks my mouth. He is so sexy. So muscular. So huge.
I grip Mark’s ass, then his thighs, and hold on to better suck him. I take him in deeper- only to moan loudly when something huge
enters my pussy. It must be the head of
Jake’s cock!

He slowly presses inside my wetness, and the hurting yet pleasurable stretch of his cock makes my mouth almost choke on
Mark’s cock. It’s shocking how good he feels inside me and how sexy it is to take his brother while he pushes in.
My toes are curling, eyes fluttering close. But Mark won’t let me rest, he pushes deeper into my mouth, and my eyes flash open,
hearing the dark chuckle above me.
“Is this what you wanted?” Mark asks.
Since my cock is filled with cock, all I can do is nod. And it’s what I do because there is no
other answer.
I love this.
Mark can’t see me, but he can feel me as I nod. He groans in response, hornier now that he knows I like this. It’s so sexy hearing
the sounds he makes!
The big guy is finally losing control, and I take Mark as deeply as I can with the help of my hand.
Mark moans. “Your mouth feels so good...”
The compliment fires me up, and I grow more determined. I work my jaw harder, sucking Mark while thrusting against Jake
as he fucks me. I can’t believe I’m filled in
two holes.
It’s amazing, and I’m so fucking turned on...
Once Mark’s cock can’t go any deeper inside my mouth, I take him out, only to help him. down again. Time suspends until I hear
an even louder moan from Mark, and my chest fills with pride.
“Oh fuck... Winnie...”
Is he close?
I continue working Mark’s fat cock,

moaning and almost choking on it. It gets even worse when Jake picks up speed. He is now fully fucking my pussy, no longer
“Fuck, you’re tight,” Jake mutters as if annoyed. “I can’t take you all the way...
My eyes flash wide open, and Mark must have spider senses because he says, “I think she wants you filling her to the hilt.”
“Really?” Jake sounds shocked.
I nod my head, and Mark, who feels it, groans. “Fuck, Winnie... you really want that, huh?” He moans again. “She seems to be
begging for it. I can feel her nodding with my cock in her mouth... fuck... do you even know how sexy you are, Winnie? Filled in
two holes...”
Jake hisses and groans and my internal muscles clench in response, gripping his
cock inside me. It makes him hiss louder and push deeper into me until I see stars.
Holy fuck. My vision blurs from the
pleasure. Jake is so deep inside me, and his cock is so damn hard, and my view of Mark’s butt? I won’t last for very long! I’m
already climbing that ladder, shaking.
It feels so good.
I spread my fingers to grip Mark’s ass, caressing and enjoying the muscles in his powerful butt and thighs. He tenses in
response, groaning as I take him out of my
mouth faster.
Oh, Mark likes this. He likes this a lot!
“Winnie... ugh... fuck... you’re going to make
me cum!”
That’s what I want!

I hear Mark’s breath go uneven as I pump him in and out of my mouth at a steady pace.
It takes no time for a chain reaction to be
reached. Mark comes inside my mouth with a hiss, and it’s so sexy that I’m pushed
further over the edge.
I swallow eagerly and almost choke. It’s the best day of my life.
“Fuck... she is swallowing it...” Mark says.
Jake seems to like the sound of that. He
fucks me harder, pumping inside of me. Hot damn. I’m so damn close, and then I hear
Jake groaning, pushing against my core with
reckless force.
Here it comes!
A muscle low in my belly clench in response, and I chase it, squeezing around Jake’s cock to give myself pleasure. Only that
somehow makes Jake gain pleasure too!
He isn’t as vocal as his brother, but I can feel Jake’s hot cum empty inside me. It sharpens the pleasure, and I spit out Mark’s
cock as I moan. The world fades out around me, and I come so hard I fear I might pass out.
Holy fuck!
I can barely breathe. The connection between us is suddenly so powerful it’s
terrifying. It’s just the three of us at that moment. No other people. I’m panting and
Is sex always this intense?