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A Beauty With Multiple Masks

Chapter 1829
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That afternoon, Susanne was accompanied by Vinson and Arielle to do an MRI scan.

Two hours later, the report was out and confirmed that the older woman’s tumor was a benign one. It was such a

relief for the three of them.

“Mom, Vinson had already arranged for you to be admitted. If nothing goes wrong, I’ll operate on you and remove

that tumor tomorrow,” Arielle informed in a gentle voice as she held Susanne’s arm.

“I know. I trust you.” With a smile, Susanne patted Arielle’s hand.

During the examination, the doctor said that if the tumor weren’t discovered in time, it would’ve turned into a

malignant one in the future. When that happened, even an operation wouldn’t be able to save Susanne. At most,

she would only be able to live a couple more months.

That was why she was very grateful for what Arielle did. If the younger woman hadn’t insisted that she went for a

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checkup, she wouldn’t have found out about the tumor.

As the women spoke, Vinson returned and brought his mother into the VIP ward upstairs. After Susanne changed

into a patient’s garb, Arielle brought dinner for her. It was the same dish she had asked Maureen’s Kitchen to

prepare for Susanne in the past.

After Susanne finished her dinner, she chased the couple away.

“You two should head back quickly. I may be in the hospital right now, but nothing’s happeningto me. You two can

stay and accompany me after my operation is over.”

After all, the hospital had plenty of doctors and nurses taking care of her. Thus, she didn’t need the couple to stick


Since Arielle had something to talk to Vinson about, she decided to listen to Susanne and returned home with


Before they left, she told her mother-in-law a bunch of things and reminded her to call for a nurse if she felt any


Susanne complained about their nagging and sent them away. As the couple hadn’t eaten dinner yet, Arielle went

straight into the kitchen after they returned to Nightshire Manor.

She put some bread in the oven before preparing other dishes. Since she didn’t feel like eating meat, she prepared

two vegetarian dishes. One was a dish with eggs and green peppers, while the other was a spicy vegetable stew.

Half an hour later, the dishes were completed. She served the food on the dining table before going to the study

and telling Vinson that dinner was ready.

After they finished their meals, he took the initiative to do the dishes, which made Arielle happy.

She smiled and went upstairs for a bath. Once she was done, she noticed he hadn’t returned to the bedroom.

Hence, she quickly dried her hair and went to the study. As expected, he was inside.

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Seeing how she came visiting him while her hair was still wet, Vinson frowned and led her back to the bedroom.

Then he made her sit in front ofthe dressingtable and dried her hair with a hair dryer, and that made her feel loved.

Once Arielle’s hair was no longer wet, he put the hair dryer down. Then she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the


They sat down before she stared at him with a serious look.

“What’s the matter?” he couldn’t help but ask upon seeing how serious she looked.

“We need to talk, Vinson.”

“About what?” Vinson stared at her, amused.

“About children.”

“If it’s about that, then there’s no need for us to talk anymore.” His eyes narrowed at her as he held her hand.

Hearing that instantly put Arielle in a bad mood.

Why shouldn’t we talk about that?

“Whether we want kids or not is not something you decide alone. Can‘t you also respect my decision? I want a child

of our own…” She pulled her hand away from his and turned her back against him.